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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. Honestly, it's a pretty good point


    1. DarthParametric


      It's pretty clear from their pajammas getup that they aren't Dark Jedi, they're space ninja. That should explain everything.

  2. I love that in Kotor 2, even though it was rushed, Obsidion still couldn't be arsed to fix Revan's cardboard cape. 

  3. I remember seeing a Kotor 1 mod that gave you several force points for your very first level up as a Jedi on Dantooine, but kept point progression regular after that. It wasn't that it just gave you a bunch of points to use for each level up, just the one time.
    Was such a mod ever made or am I losing my mind

    1. ShayOrdo


      Not sure. I mean, there is a 3 feats, 3 Force points mod. 

  4. I thought all Kotor 1 player models were already included in Kotor 2, even if not used? Is that not the case?

    1. DarthParametric
    2. Mephiles550


      That's interesting, thanks for clarifying.

      The question popped up after seeing the latest topic about porting Juhani to TSL, I always thought those player models were already there. 

    3. DarthParametric


      A bunch of heads got remodelled/re-uv'd, others just got outright replaced, so it's a bit of a mixed bag as to what remains. The most well known example is mullet man being turned into one of the Hispanic male heads.

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  5. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future of AI generated voices can do for Kotor


  6. I've heard something about a 4GB memory patch for TSL, what benefits does this provide and will Steam users be able to use this or is only compatible with the 4CD EXE?

    1. Malkior


      Darth Parametric answered it in this thread, I believe. 

      The gist is, yes it may boost some performance but it would be minimal since modern systems can handle any overhead already.

    2. Thor110


      It's probably possible to use the Aspyr version .exe that is available on the GoG forums, though because of it's nature it would sever it's connection to Steam, I wonder if this has any noticeable effect on the time it takes for the dialog skipping bug to occur.

  7. If you use the brotherhood of Shadow mod, what happens if the keep Sera Degana with you all the way to meeting Bastilla on Lehon and add her to your party via the dark ending? Bastila and Sera use the same character select slot.

    1. LordMerek


      Shouldn't she use Juhani's character slot? Or does this assume you've killed Bastila? Because in a Dark Side playthrough the chances of killing Bastila are lower than killing Juhani. Usually. Depending on what you are doing.

    2. DarthParametric


      To answer the question in regard to party slots, you cannot add an NPC to a slot that is already filled. The script will simply fail. If it was supposed to perform additional functions after trying to add the NPC, then those will probably break. One would hope that some failsafes were built into the script to avoid that, but you'd have to look at the source.

  8. It's been a while since I did a full light side playthrough on Kotor 2, but I was wondering how feasible it would be to make a mod where the cutscene showing Traya being thrown into the Trayus pit would play at the end of the light side ending? IIRC it's only shown on the dark ending

    I always thought it was fitting for both endings.

    1. DarthParametric


      Should be a simple script edit, though you may also need some DLG editing to have it make sense. Although from memory even in the DS ending the tossing her into the pit thing kind of comes out of nowhere.

  9. Question about Kotor 2 for Switch and TSLRCM:
    I believe that the Jedi Padawan (Kaevee) you find in the Dantooine sublevel controlling the laegreks has her lines recorded by a fan and was not content technically restored.

    If this is going to be included in the Kotor 2 "DLC", how will crediting work? Is the voice actress aware of this situation? 

    And if this is not a problem, would it be too far fetched to then say that M478 could have been added to the Switch game despite the quantity of fan recorded dialogue? 

    1. zbyl2


      m478 will never be added to switch 

  10. Revan: "Carth, a sith patrol is harrassing those people outside of our apartment, we gotta help them!"

    Carth: "You're right, don't worry, I'll just throw a grenade between all of them!"

    Duros with 1 HP, 3rd degree burns and entrails falling out of abdomen: "Thankfully you were able to step in and help us, human"

    You know you questioned this whole scenario once lol 

    1. Mellowtron11


      I  always thought that Duros caught a round from the crossfire between the 2 parties.

  11. They're remaking Kotor and it's a PS5 exclusive?

    That's wonderful news. Ain't getting it.

    It's a pain in the ass just trying to find a PS5 to buy anyway.

    Hopefully it'll be brought to PC quickly after launch. 

    1. bendarby24


      Its also coming to PC.

  12. This is going to sound like a really dumb question, but does Kotor work the same on modern AMD GPUs compared to Nvidia ones? The games are really picky about which hardware they like, but I mostly remember that for older hardware giving me a hassle with AMD and Kotor when compared to Nvidia. Lots of visual bugs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Apologies for the late reply, but I took your advice and decided to wait a little bit longer. I'm getting a RTX 3060 TI for a roughly 20% discount which is... msrp lol but the normal price for these things is 500 and I'm paying 400 bucks 

      I went back and forth between thinking Kotor's incompatibilities would be worth the cheaper price with AMD, but then I remembered that the stealth effect is tied to Frame Buffer Effects and disabling that make stealth look beyond immersion breaking. I don't even use the Stealth skill and I hate it. One garbage texture issue all but sealed the deal.

      Well that and Nvidia's drivers just seem much better in the long run and I think it'll be a better long term investment. Thanks for your advice! I was also considering the A770, but that video and some additional research made me realize that Intel needs some more catching up to do that I don't want to be a part of. 

    3. DarthParametric


      Just note that nVidia are deliberately holding off on releasing lower tier 4000 series cards in order to clear the backlog of 3000 inventory, so that 3060 will drop further in the coming months. I would definitely suggest holding off on any card purchase right now unless you absolutely require one.

    4. Mephiles550


      My free time is basically going to get cut in half in a few months if not weeks from now for work and school related reasons anyway so I'm trying to squeeze out what enjoyment I can get. Months from now, knowing I could've saved an extra $50 or even $100 bucks will sting slightly but it won't be a big deal. I just want time to use the thing.

      $400 was also the cheapest I could find this card anyway, so it's alright. The average price I'm seeing this right now is $500 and that price was already dropping a decent amount over the past few months. 


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  13. What I'm curious about is how faithful they'll stay to the original game and how many liabilities they'll take with their own reimagining of things.

    Also if this is some episodic type deal like FFVII I'm probably not gonna bother.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I've heard that they're reimagining it for a new generation... soo, I'm not getting good vibes from this

    2. Nevrius


      There is some chatter going on the comms that they supposedly hired an SJW with serious hatred for the OG, but I'm taking these news with a grain of salt, since I find these channels tend to blow things out of proportion more often than not. 

      I'll likely gonna adopt my usual stance for games I'm excited about, but want to see how they actually look (meaning watching playthroughs on YT).

      Honestly, the thing I'm most bummed about is that from what I understand, it's a PS5 thing only, and I'm a PC guy (though someone said it would be for PC too? Can anyone clarify?), and not willing to spend money on consoles which are gonna be obsolete in a few years anyway. 

  14. When you kill Nihilus and Visas looks at Nihilus' face, what do you do differently to have Visas say he looks like "a man, nothing more" instead of "a graveyard world"? Is it random?

    1. TK-664


      Huh? I didn't know about that, I always got the first line.

    2. LDR


      There's two dialogue options:

      1) Tell me what you saw. (I saw a graveyard world...)

      2) What did you see when you looked at him? (A man, nothing more.)

      If I'm interpreting this correctly, there's Visas seeing/looking with her eyes, and then there's Visas "seeing" with the Force. I took a look through Kotor Tool (ERFs > Modules > 852NIH_dlg.erf > 852end.dlg), and emphasis is placed on the wording the player uses. Feel free to look at it yourself and give it your own interpretation.

  15. Would you want a Kotor remake? Rumors of one are surfacing again.

    I'm personally leaning towards no. I'm too paranoid they'll just make a trash product loosely based on the original game that plays and feels completely different.

    And if they do remake the first one, I really, REALLY do not want them to remake the 2nd one. It will almost definitely not implement the cut content, whether that just be the minor story consistencies or M478. 

    I kinda just want a Kotor 3 that eliminates a lot of the story in TOR and revises it it to make Revan's journey and the threat in the unknown regions less underwhelming... but that's probably asking for too much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vriff


      Yes, I would want them to remake KOTOR 1 and 2 both and bring them into canon status.


      I know people are doubtful, but Jason Schreier has a well known record for being having insider industry knowledge so if he's teasing a KOTOR game is in development I 100% believe it.

    3. TamerBill


      If we do get a KotOR 3 it'll be like Baldur's Gate 3, an unrelated game re-using the KotOR name for marketing reasons.

    4. Spectrometer


      A good remake of KOTOR 2 (just graphics, cut content and maybe minor gameplay tweaks) would be amazing for my personal replayability of the game.

      I love KOTOR 2, but I've played it so many times that I cannot enjoy it without any novelty.

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  16. You guys think that Disney's pumping out just too much Star Wars stuff at this point?

    They're making a new show based on Andor from Rogue One and I just don't care anymore since they've got like 6-7 other series coming out and more movies about to come out. I've lost so much interest in modern Star Wars, not because it's necessarily bad but because there's so much of it. It's OK to take breaks now and again.

    1. DarthParametric


      They need to be constantly pumping out filler material for Disney+ in order to keep people subscribed. Hence the string of Star Wars and Marvel TV shows. Quality is well down the list of their priorities. The only way they'll stop is if the financials stop making sense, as happened with their Star Wars theatrical plans.

    2. djh269


      Whilst I am a nerd who can never get enough content, I'm missing independent movies sometimes. And TV series that have original concepts. Whilst I'm not bored at this point in time I can completely understand why some/alot of people are getting bored of it all.

      Disney acquiring both Marvel and Star Wars is a gift and a curse. We'll get a lot of exposition, but disneyifing everything will get very boring soon.

    3. VarsityPuppet


      You know what they say about quality vs. quantity...

  17. 2DA files... so messy. Ugh

  18. A bunch of star wars games are being made backwards compatible on the Xbox One today! Kotor II is included!

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Mephiles550


      The Xbox ports are surprisingly really good. Their all visually enhanced and have more anti-aliasing than I thought would have been applied to them.

  19. Aaaaaand another Kotor remake/reboot rumor to add to the pile.

    1. DarthParametric


      Probably just another Knights of the Retconned Emperor expansion for TOR, with the "leaker" too clueless to tell the difference.

    2. VarsityPuppet
    3. VarsityPuppet


      Well well well.. turns out the rumors were false

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  20. After a full year of multiple sequels, the only game I enjoy in the Five Nights at Freddy's series is the first one. That one is actually scary, somewhat. The rest just try to hard. FNaF does have a good story though, I'll give it that.

  21. Anyone ever mod Halo CE on PC before? How hard is it compared to Kotor and TSL to mod?

    1. L0ki194


      Rather simple, actually. Step 1 is to always grab Halo Custom Edition for it, which was made by Gearbox, the people who ported Halo CE to PC. Custom Maps you literally just download the file, then drag it to the "maps" folder, and it should be able to play. Currently, I've been hyped about a Single Player mod called "CMT SPV3", which is still in development.

    2. Mephiles550


      You misunderstand me, I know how to install mods but I don't know how to edit mod files.

    3. L0ki194


      Ah... damn, sorry about that. I have no experience in that front unfortunately. I would assume there's at least some tutorials on the Halo Maps forum.

  22. Anyone know the model names of the butt-ugly war droids in the Dark Side ending of Kotor so that I can replace them? You know, the ones that look like they came from an early ps1 game and are supposed to look like this:

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The texture is C_DrdWar01.tga if that helps.

    2. Mephiles550


      Found it, it's "stuntdroids"


      thank you anyway, Holocron. I'm now deciding which model to change it with. I really hate how Obsidion decided to include so many low poly models in the game. Now I have to replace them all. Ugh

  23. Anyone remember OldFlash's Final Touch mod? That was pretty much THE mod to have for TSL back in the days before TSLRCM. Well, that and USM, but they were probably incompatible. :X

    1. milestails


      Yeah. I never dug the screenshots for that mod. Oldflash's vision for the game aesthetically didn't jive with mine. Never used it.

    2. Mephiles550


      I mainly used it for the saber hilts, the new remote model and some other robe skins. The mod kicked ass, even if I didn't really care for some parts of it. The Mandalorian model kicked ass.

  24. anytime I see DP post I expect him to reveal his magnum opus... well for that month anyway.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      His magnus opus is his moddin' knowledge!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Magnum. Damn you, autocorrect!