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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. Darth Sion. The guy is living in constant pain, both physical and mental. Seriously, think about that. The willpower it must take to get along with that body of his. Makes me wonder if it's possible to cut off his limbs, considering all that he's gone through and what he's capable of. That demonic scottish accent is something, I tell ya 'hwut I heard a rumor that, at one point of the game's development, the mask of Darth Nihilus was supposed to be Revan's Skull. If that were true, that would automatically make him my favorite. He's still third place though. Kreia's my second favorite. Malak was just a butcher. He didn't really have anything interesting going on about him in the game itself. He has an interesting backstory, but none of that is actually revealed in the game (specific involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, love interest, etc). Revan... I'm pretty certain that TOR ruined my perception of Revan. TSL left open so many badass interpretations for Revan that could have been left for fans to ponder. Whatever answers we got from TOR left me dissatisfied. I'm not ever sure as to why. I'm sure plenty of people disagree with me here. Malgus looks cool. That's about all I can say about him. he LOOKS cool. Darth Bandon exists just to die and give me 3000 credits
  2. Still never going to buy this. I'm not going to pay $110 for any game to be complete, whether it be Battlefield or Battlefront, and I'm not going to buy half of a game that's pretty much only online.
  3. Additional textures are not needed, trust me. Most of the guns just re-use the same textures from Kotor and the ones with TSL-unique textures, of which none come to mind, can just share some other textures instead. That won't be a problem. Motivation-wise, I understand fully. I've been playing more Kotor than TSL. I'm indifferent to the situation because I already set up my TSL to have all blasters replaced with custom models (ToastyFresh & some other models here) but I'm just asking because I know for sure that some would be interested. By the way, my favorite designs are the Blaster Cannon and the Genoharaden blaster.
  4. This is a fantastic model pack! It feels like they came right from The Old Republic. If it wouldn't be too much to ask though, do you think you could port this pack over to TSL? Trust me, I know how much of a pain in the ass it would be to do that with the additional weapon types and file changes. I had to make my own modifications using ToastyFresh's Weapon Overhaul TSL beta and I had to convert and edit a good number of models. I'm asking because TSL especially feels really devoid of high quality blaster models.
  5. Atton Rand; I don't think any character was more hilarious and manipulable than that guy. I could just kill some random guy we talk to and he'll be like, "Next time, warn me about that" and I'll still get +influence with him. I can keep killing as many innocent people as I want with him there and still convince him to be a Jedi. XD It sucks doing that with Kreia, though. I keep losing influence from her because of that.
  6. This is probably one of the coolest and weirdest mods ever made. 0.0
  7. If need be, you could just delete or edit the line where Bastila mentions the planets. It doesn't really matter. What I'm wondering is how you'll make Sleheyron's star map not break the game.
  8. Could one make an arguement that TSL without the restored content mod could still be considered a complete game by itself? Obviously it technically isn't, but could one interpret the story without the mod in a way that makes it seem complete?

    1. milestails


      The mere thought of playing TSL without TSLRCM is a very frightening prospect indeed.

    2. zbyl2


      Sure, it's easy. You can start it and you can see the ending. Therefore, the game is complete.

    3. Mephiles550


      The more I think about possibilites, the more times I remember that HK-47 says you can get to the HK-50 factory when you really can't and that Malachor is a giant mess of a plothole.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  9. It had to happen eventually. ): We have complete backups of JK2/JK3 files via MrWonko. I hope we can create similar backups for Kotor/TSL.
  10. I thought the best way to make money in Kotor was to play Pazaak with Suvam Tam. Isn't his max 750 credits per game?
  11. The plot of this movie is that the Rebels are trying to steal the Death Star plans, right? I hope that they include maybe a few reference to the first Dark Forces level. Ya know, the level where the Death Star plans were stolen by... Kyle... Katarn? I miss him already. ):
  12. Lol, Happy Birthday Darth Nihilus!

  13. I loved this episode. Maul's introduction and absolute domination over nearly everyone, the new Inquisitor, Ezra's introduction to the dark side and especially the emotional fight between Ahsoka and Vader created a perfect finale for this season. I love this show and I can't wait to see more in the future. That said, I couldn't help but notice how some people here have responded to how Malachor looks like. We went from the classic crumpled up mess of a planet that more resembled a compact meteor field into a more generic looking planet. Ya, it's quite obvious that one of these things looks nothing like the other. Even the older & whole version of Malachor shown in TOR didn't look like this. Oddly enough, I thought that Oosalon's surface looked a lot more like what I would have expected from Malachor, what with the dark sky, cracked rock floor, stalagmites, lightning and all. I thought this was a bad change at first, but considering how the planet is referred to throughout the whole episode as Malachor and not Malachor V, I'm assuming that this is just another planet in the Malachor System that was controlled by the Sith while not undergoing the damage that It's TSL counterpart endured during the Mandalorian Wars. There's another problem with this theory though, All of the stone bodies we see of what I'm assuming are all former Jedi and Sith that were fighting in some War, likely the Mandalorian Wars again. If the Mass Shadow Generator didn't turn all of those people into stone, what did? Or was that even a side effect of using the Mass Shadow Generator. Maybe the Sith pyramid that Maul said was also a battle station had something to do with that. We still don't know what it's capable of. Design wise, I'm really liking how Malachor's new surface looks. It's a beautiful and surreal flat landscape with Sith Pillars that somewhat resembles Stonehenge to me. It has a very dream-like atmosphere. Some of my critiques are small and relate mainly to how lightsabers were incorporated into the episode. Were you especially interested to see how the Green Crossgaurd lightsaber would be implemented into the whole thing? You got a 2 second clip of Ezra holding the thing and that's it. Maul's lightsaber was wierd. It looked like a broken 1/3 of an Inquisitor saber with a boring design on the opposite end. What happened to the Black Saber? They should have made Maul's lightsaber a double blade with one end being the Black lightsaber and another being a red saber. What a waste. The worst part about all of this was the stupid saber-copters. I've seen people predict this as a joke earlier on in the show and I can't believe that they actually put it into the show. Seriously, when the Eighth Brother tried to escape using his lightsaber and it broke on him, I must have laughed myself into a coma seeing him fall. This has to be the dumbest idea the whole show has pulled so far. -1 for inquisitor respect, +2 for comedic value. Regardless of his laughable exit, I think that the Eighth Brother lived. We've seem how long falls pretty much kill no force-wielders. It would be a waste just to kill him now anyway. As for the Holocron, My bets are that it'll show Darth Revan. Kreia/Traya would have made more sense, but Revan's Popularity is something that will be easy to exploit.
  14. Probably the best Korriban textures I've ever seen. That skybox is breathtaking. I'm getting a Majora's Mask feeling just from looking at it, especially with that circular/spiral texture you used for the walls. Your evil Bao-Dur also puts Darth Maul to shame.
  15. Isn't this the same issue that the cyan lightsaber had? I know we've had mods that fix that. Maybe you should compare the original cyan lightsaber model to to the mods that fix the problem to try to find a fix.
  16. I suppose it is a bit unethical, yes. Legal, IDK. So no one could make a fan game using the Star Wars name? What if someone made a fan game for Mario or Sonic the Hegehog(which there are plenty of)? Would that all fall fall under infringement?
  17. Using the Star Wars name alone shouldn't be a problem if the thing in question isn't making a profit off it it, right?
  18. That Nihilus shirt is beautiful. Price is worth it.
  19. Funny. I actually downloaded this a couple of hours ago today back on gamefront. Thanks for the reupload.
  20. Yesterday was a great learning experience. Before yesterday, I knew next to nothing about 2DA files outside of how to merge them. Now after having made extensive edits to three different 2DA files, I feel like I can add a lot more variety to Kotor. :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Good to hear! What do you have in mind?

    2. Mephiles550


      I've already, for the most part, fixed my issues with wearing Darth Bandon's armor by modifying 2 different 2da files. I've also made some edits to lightsabers and their crystals via the upcrystals.2da file and I've made some old mods that use an appearance file manually compatible by only taking some parts of what I want from them.

  21. Thank you all for your help and suggestions. For now, I'm just going to make my current PC's head as the one in use for the mod's entry in the appearance.2da. If I start a new game with a different male head, I'll just change the number. Until I find a better, more permanent fix that doesn't involve having to edit files each time or needing additional items besides the armor itself equipped to get it to work, this will do for now. I'm using this mod as a template now. It's much easier to work with than other Bandon-style armor mods. No transparency issues as well.
  22. I've always wanted to be able to wear Darth Bandon's robes in Kotor, especially since the armor on his corpse was just a lame combat suit reskin. There are actually several mods out there that make it possible to wear his armor. Problem is, not a single one of them works. At least, not for Kotor, and not without replacing anything or being buggy in general. TSL hasn't been to problematic in the past. I don't have this problem for TSL because there is an armor variant, which is the armored flight suit model I never use, that I replace with the Bandon armor model and I don't recall having transparency issues. I don't really know for sure though, as that was a couple years ago since I last tried to mod the armor into TSL. As for Kotor, I've never managed to get the armor to work the way I've wanted to, so I decided to give it a try now. The mod I used was the most well known Bandon armor mod, This was the best I've gotten towards making the model actually work without replacing an already existing model. Actually, the best results I've had were having both my PC's head showing on the armor, but the head would vanish once I entered a new module. I didn't take any screens of that though, and I'm not sure how to replicate it again. This doesn't even take into account transparency issues. TXI files never seem to work all of the time, as some modules will make the armor transparent while some don't. In fact, the transparency issue is probably the second biggest problem I've got. Say I replace some standard robe model with the Bandon armor model, which I've done before; after having to copy and rename missing essential model files that were already missing from the mod in the first place, the armor textures always come off as transparent. I'm not going to turn off any alpha shaders. That just makes the armor look butt-ugly, but the TXI files don't seem to be doing anything. I'm pretty sure that the only way to get the results I want is through some tinkering with the appearance ands heads 2da files. The modifications I've done to said files are what you see above you. I don't have the edited files anymore. I deleted them along with the Bandon mod files and went back to my backup 2da files instead. I used the "test" row, the second row, as my base for the mod's appearance. I'd prefer the armor to be stand alone and not replace anything, but if need be, I can replace the Star Forge robes model or maybe even the Iridonian yellow space suit model from Manaan if the head won't present an issue. If someone could guide me as to how I could add this armor properly in the game without transparency, and preferably without replacing anything...
  23. 2DA files... so messy. Ugh