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Everything posted by Malkior

  1. I agree but vote that we come up with fictional names for shops.
  2. I'm so sad I've never heard of this before! This is exactly what the character creation needed, as it's hard to break from one's character patterns which often leads to bland or otherwise similar characters to what that user is used to making. I know I will use this mod as much as possible when I start my next playthrough.
  3. I disabled automatic update altogether when it started using 99% of my ram when idle.
  4. Okay, so here is my first attempt at a recoloring/redesign of the bright red Scoundrel or Soldier outfit. I know after looking at the screenshot that I subconsciously used the color scheme on Boba Fett... This is also in flat colors, as I'm working on color schemes first. This is what I'm using as a basis for this currently.
  5. Wow.. just wow.. These add so much character to the otherwise identical Dark Jedi in different colored clothing.. I also like how you managed to create another version of the Sith Soldier style. I really hope you can somehow customize these to show up on specific NPCs, like the Sith governor.
  6. Since each side is currently willing to negotiate, this entire issue should see some sort of amicable solution. I cannot legitimately determine who is technically covered legally, but people's rights over their work (be it time or personal projects) is a very difficult issue. Take, for instance that some people spend countless days, months, or even years creating something of high enough quality with some even willing to help users after it has been produced. These people are doing this all for free, and want at the very least to be able to control what happens to their hard work.
  7. They are DAN_BkC1.tpc and DAN_BkC2.tpc It looks like 2 is an overlay of 1 for some reason. EDIT_ A quick cursory search reveals that there are no results for "Jedi Archive Textures" Maybe Xarwarz made his own version, but I cannot find any images of it. (Aside: Personally I hate the glowing squares as it just looks so lazy to represent holographic books. What I would envision if you wanted to reinvent the look, would be the holoprojectors themselves with a tiny sliver of blue to infer where the actual sensors are... I know I have a strange obsession with tiny visual effects.. )
  8. If you installed with the TSLPatcher (which I think NPC Overhaul does), your .mod files should be in a folder called "Backup" in the same folder that you installed the mod from. (Should be next to the .exe, iirc) Copy the .mod files into your "modules" folder to uninstall. If you delete the .mod files from the modules without replacing them, you are deleting your game, effectively.
  9. Yeah. BTW, Darth Parametric, I've been working on finding a good design for each clothing piece, but I'm no great fashion designer, so progress has been unbelievably slow... Do you know of any good designs you'd like to see on the Rodians that isn't the default Bossk's flightsuit or the scout uniform?
  10. Sounds like some sort of easter egg left by Obsidian, or a fun plot thread that everyone on the team forgot. I guess someone's going to have to amend the TSL cut content article on Wikipedia.
  11. Absolutely. That is some fantastic weathering you have there! I especially like the carbon texture near the top where it looks like the metal actually bubbled a bit. I have a small question, though (and I hope this isn't a huge criticism) but the escape pod in game is sideways in the ground, while your detail clearly shows the damage toward the top; would it be possible for you to either move the weathering layers 90 degrees or perhaps just rotate the model in Taris with a more vertical angle? Either way, it's looking great so far!!
  12. My thoughts: I hope beyond reality that this project actually finishes!!! The unfortunate reality, though, is that it is very unlikely that it will. Battlefront-Dice took a "different" direction that effectively ignored the years of Battlefront history, and to have something on the market (for free, no less) that undermines that lofty and pretentious goal could ruffle many a Disney feather. If this is some strategy by Valve to garner good fan will, maybe, just maybe this wonderous thing can finally exist. The other um.. trepidious thought that occurs is that we've seen no proof whatsoever aside from the old Battlefront 3 footage that this team actually has something close to our incredibly high expectations. They are still looking for team members, so maybe that could again mean this project has some level of validity. As to why they're announcing a project this controversial before it's even in Alpha; they could be hoping that the community will back them up if things get crazy (which many including myself most assuredly would) If this project actually succeeds, it could set a precedent for other game series horribly mangled by their publishers, as well as development houses getting support from the indie community for fan projects. (Another reason why I really hope this works)
  13. Wow, thank you very much for pointing that out. I have no idea how it slipped past my notice for so long, and though I don't know if I can edit the actual download page, I can definitely see about renaming the download file.
  14. Yeah, I use emboss for a lot more than I likely should, but I've got its tweaking down almost to a science. I have less experience with Bevel, but I would assume it works essentially for the same purpose. I was actually referring to when metal is burnt so far that the original unpainted steel shows through where the outer layer burnt away. It's kind of excessive for a simple burn job, but any detail can add character to whatever texture you're working on.
  15. Personally, I've found the sponge brushes to be great for adding a very realistic char and carbon burn if set to a Burn or Overlay layer. You can even use a brush with a lot of small dots across the surface to indicate a sharp upward burn you commonly see on objects re-entering the atmosphere. For added flair, I will also create solid beams underneath or masked in and run an emboss (in Overlay, generally) to "peak out" from underneath the burn damage. Lastly, running a few light undercoatings of a burn set to a low hardness along the frame gaps with whichever brush looks best can be used to indicate where heat collected on the underside of metallic pieces.
  16. Did you want any advice on how to add the friction damage? I have Photoshop knowledge primarily, but I can help out if you have Gimp as well (just not as detailed)
  17. Awesome! I have been looking for a way to fix that escape pod's appearance for quite a while now. Especially considering it is one of the first things new players see, which due to its current state could give people a very negative impression of the game's visuals.
  18. As in shuttle, do you mean the GWing? plc_gwing Alternatively, were you meaning the shuttles that take off and land randomly? they're just called "Freight" or "freighter" in Kotortool. However, if you were looking for the "Official" Legendary names, I can look those up as well.
  19. Glad it went over so well. I have kept my Filefront and DeadlyStream accounts separate (I only made one mod officially on Filefront, but they deleted it a few years ago, so I kind of abandoned the account..), but I suppose it's time I join them along with my Fallout things too. (maybe upload some of my retexes, once I can find the time to crack open the BSA files, so my edits are actually on Vanilla assets ) EDIT: Sigh.. Looks like Filefront already deleted my mod before they closed down.. :/
  20. That looks fantastic! It looks just the right level of complex without interfering with the visual scheme in the level, and, man it fits in perfectly in that scene.
  21. Ah... My apologies for the oversimplification.:/ Well, I am interested in how you manage to get this working. Gimp was impossible for me to texture with for essentially this one reason..
  22. Ah, I sometimes forget that I am used to Photoshop automatically setting up the alpha data properly.. So, there's actually a setting behind the scenes that controls the pixels assigned to envmap data? /musing/ Do you think this could also (theoretically, mind you) create some way to have transparency and metallic textures on the same texture? (metal texture for the skin and transparency for the hair on Atton as a possible example) EDIT What I did in Gimp when the Alpha failed was to delete the old Alpha layer and create a new one. It generally worked.