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Everything posted by Boilpoint

  1. I actually just saw the Batman v. Superman trailer again as a preview on the big screen. And I noticed something that I hadn't before, that had me hugely disappointed. It was right after the scene with Wonder Woman, and it shows Batman holding a gun. Really guys???! Maybe it's explained in the movie, but that seems like they didn't even care about the character.
  2. Oddly enough I was just rewatching these on Netflix. And the Justice Lords killed Doomsday in a JL episode, not JLU I agree with a few others in here. Slightly more interested in Civil War. But one thing I think both are lacking are good supervillains. Not sure about Eisenberg's Luthor yet, he looks more annoying than devious. And zombie Zod as Doomsday seems boring (probably a mute special effects extravaganza at the end of the film). Just by the name Civil War seems to be lacking villains. It's fun to see the heroes fight each other sometimes, but it gets strained when it's a whole of movie of good guys fighting because they can't talk something out. Maybe they'll do a good job with it though.
  3. I really was a little skeptical when you started this thread. But I also liked what you did with that video.
  4. So, just to totally understand. The new native widescreen has both widescreen and the swoop track races fix right?
  5. I'd almost like to see a comparison video, showing the one in the mod vs this one. It looks good overall, I just don't remember the original as well.
  6. Wow, and now with steam workshop support! This is all very impressive guys!
  7. I know you showed some of the video footage before, but got all excited watching in the video review again. It really does look great. And I also really like the idea of not trying to expand the content too much with filler, but just polish it very nicely. A small area that still feel like the quality of the rest of the game is much better than a large area with a lot of running but just feels like filler. Atleast, I'm assuming from what I saw of the map that's what you're going for?
  8. It's a sensitive subject I think. I remember talking about your first idea a little, and was told that people associate VO with polish, and that it would cheapen the mod to do it without VO. That might be true, but I still would like to try a game with it patched this way just to see. The other thing about that is the VOs are such a mixed bag. Some of them really are good, so it seems like a shame to lose those.
  9. ^ I like the idea. The mod is a small bit of polish, but small bits add up.
  10. Boilpoint

    TSLRCM Install

    I'm pretty sure that's not the standard install location for GOG games. It seems like you're answering your own question since you didn't select the correct location, right?
  11. It's pretty awesome to see the moddb popularity tracker for TSLRCM in SH's sig jump up with this release.
  12. Something like RoR?
  13. Yay!
  14. Saw this while I was browsing around the web. Thought it seemed kinda interesting, everyone trying to cash in on the mobile gaming industry: I did a brief look around and didn't see if this was already discussed or was old news. If it was please feel free to delete and/or move this thread.
  15. Seems too early to tell from the trailer how good/bad the movie will be. Saw this online and thought it was funny though:
  16. Looks great! I don't follow LF close enough to have seen Toasty's, but this variation seems like something I would have been more interested in. Probably a dumb question: Is there any way to leverage this mod to get some of these models in TSL?
  17. Pretty sure turtle tapping in the original Super Mario Brothers was not intended by the devs, but that eventually became something of a fun secret or easter egg about the game. Something akin to the Konami code for that game. I can imagine how people would react if you said you were going to 'fix' it for them. Also, lol @ people comparing an infinite spawn bug to using cheats. Sure it's not intended, but he wants to 'earn' his xp, not just hit some keys and have it added. Although I don't share the desire to remove this fix from TSLRCM, I can understand his position.
  18. Have kept trying to get this to work, since I enjoy the graphic changes so much. I reverted the appearance.2da, removed all the files from the Override, got past the Padawan scene, then changed it all back to continue playing. Ran into a similar game crash on Korriban, when you get into the detention room and try to view the datapad security recording that M4-78EP adds. Luckily didn't have to revert to a save file before entering the academy. I just did the uninstall the same as before and past the part. Fingers crossed there aren't too many more issues.
  19. Had a game breaking bug with this mod, sadly. When installed, along with TSLRCM and M4-78EP, if I entered the enclave on Dantooine and tried to trigger the Padawan scene, the game would crash, every time. After uninstalling this mod, if I used a save file before entering the enclave, I could get past the scene without issue. Not sure if there were other specific choices in the game, but had no other mods installed. Just a heads up to anyone else
  20. Ok, thanks for the responses all. Perhaps on my second playthrough some of the things I thought were hinting at Kreia being stripped by the council, will be more obviously different in a new light. Any responses on the on the Visas question?