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Everything posted by Boilpoint

  1. Should the name of the "USM Compatibility Patch for TSLRCM 1.6+" download be updated to reflect this? Or does 1.8 work correctly with USM when this patch is used?
  2. Just got TSL in the mail. My favorite part of the front cover: The gold emblem with large letters saying "GAME of the YEAR", preceded by the much smaller letters saying "The Sequel to the 2003".

  3. Look about 5 posts above ya. I think if we haven't heard anything on 1.8, then there's nothing new here. If feel ya man, it's an exciting mod, but just gotta be patient.
  4. How could you tell what it extracted? It used an odd .exe installer. Did you just know what was in your Override folder before you ran it? Is that the only place the .exe is putting files?
  5. I was looking through the WotOR thread ( and noticed that the mod is broken up into a few different parts: the main download off FileFront, two patches, the need to remove two .utc files, and then the lightsaber 7 pack. I noticed that later in the thread T7 says: I'll be honest, I have just starting playing with mods for KOTOR, and so haven't done a play through even with the above adjustments. But it seems like T7 wasn't quite done with this mod, or atleast it wasn't all one clean mod install in 2007. Does anyone know if he finished it somewhere else, or if someone else cleaned it up? If not, it seems like (with the correct permissions) that this would be a mod people would want. Thoughts?
  6. Not sure what I think of the weapons, but the environments look amazing. Can't wait to see more of them finished. I think Xarwarz's 2012 texture mods look striking, but they definitely take some creative license. These feel a bit more traditional so far (which I like).
  7. Thanks for the replies! I've got a few games in my queue, so I think I'll probably just wait on TSLRCM 1.8 and have that be my first experience. Ideally it would be fun to have TSLRCM, M478EP, MVI, and GenoHaradan all with my first playthrough. But they all seem in various points of completion, so probably just 1.8 is the most realistic. P.S. - Don't mean to sound greedy. It does sound like TSLRCM 1.8 is a huge upgrade from vanilla!
  8. Hey all, Quick background: A little late to the party, I never played KOTOR when it first came out, but finally picked it up about a year ago and loved it. I had heard mixed reviews about the second, then decided recently to give it a look. Heard about the TSLRCM, and that eventually led me here. Very impressed with the dedication to this title that all of you have, it's amazing! Anyway, on to my question: I'm sure this has been asked before (and I've seen other variations on the question), but since I've never played TSL, should I start off by adding the TSLRCM (1.7 patched or 1.8, depending on timing) or just do a run through with the vanilla version first? I've skimmed through these forums while trying not to read too in depth about story content. I kind of want to enjoy the completed game, but I also want to have an appreciation of what TSLRCM added. Anyone have any thoughts on which order will allow me to enjoy it more? Thanks in advance