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Everything posted by Boilpoint

  1. Interesting about the Fall trigger. I think I remember that, but don't remember when it was. I had awareness and not intelligence. Would I have gotten the option to get it? It seems like I would have taken it if I did. Again, I didn't see the Fall video at first, so parts of the game led me to believe it was the council. Like when you ask Kriea why Atris didn't recognize her, she says something about them not noticing people they assume gone (or something like that). When Kriea first comes before the regathered masters, they act confused and say things like 'how could you have come back?' If they don't know about Sion and Nihilus, I doubt they know about the events in Kriea's fall. And multiple times in the game the masters and others talked about how you could cut someone off from the force, but it was only reserved for those very special occasions. Obviously this was mostly referring to the exile, and some a foreshadow for Dantooine. But I felt like some of it was a hinted reference to someone who was already cut off from the force by the council. Also, stripped of my power could mean a couple things, not just stripped of the force
  2. So, gonna be that guy. Oh well I just finally got the time and finished up my first ever play through of KOTOR 2. Did it with 1.8.1 (I think I was partway through and decided 1.8.2 wasn't a big enough change to risk patching to). I did lightside and at one point had handmaiden mad at me. So following from that, I had some questions at the end. I went to go look around online, and saw on Wookieepedia they were talking about Nihilus being one of Kreia's students, and how him and Sion teamed up to cut her off from the force. I was a little shocked until I dug through and found the 'Kreia's Fall' video. So my question is, why did I miss this in my playthrough? Should I always get it, or does it have to be triggered? If always, at what point is it? I have a few save files, I might go back and try to see if the game just glitched and I missed it (if I know about where). Also, wasn't the council the ones that cut Kreia off from the force when she was judged and exiled? I'm not sure it was directly said, but I remember a few times it was very strongly hinted at. My second question was about Visas. Her and the handmaiden got in the fight on Malachor V (well, the argument that I assumed was followed by a fight), but then that was the last I saw of her. She wasn't in the prisons, and Kriea didn't talk about her at the end. Did I miss something, or is it always like that? It seemed a little inconclusive with them talking like they were going to fight, but then I didn't know who won or what happened to the victor. Definitely planning on a DS playthrough, but am just in that curiosity mode. And it's tough to dig for solid information when it's unclear what's vanilla, restored, or just kinda left unresolved. Thanks in advance.
  3. May the 4th be with you

    1. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      Be with you it shall (Yoda Voice)

  4. At a native of 1680x1050, this is closer in aspect ratio (no more squished fat people), but doesn't look as crisp as the 1600x1200 setting. Hmmm, choices...
  5. Wow, am I reading the VO credits right? Did you actually get Adam Brennecke from Obsidian to do a part? Or were the audio files just already in the game?
  6. God, those are brutal on my system. Always have to save before them since it's about 50/50 if TSL crashes.
  7. Nah, you just need to make sure it never updates. Download the game, then I think your right click on it (or click an options pull-down) to turn off the auto-update feature for that game. You don't need it for K1 or K2 anyhow, they're not gonna be pushing new patches to you.
  8. (Someone needs to make the search box flash or something) Have the Steam version of K1 and never had issues with any mods aslong as you make sure Steam isn't auto-updating.
  9. Love the idea (although I don't have much to contribute myself). Perhaps I'm getting old, but color choices and page setup seem to make it tough to read though.
  10. TSLRCM 1.8 wasn't out at the time and he wasn't sure he wanted to make a version compatible with 1.7 and then again once 1.8 came out. You can check the first page of the other thread for the details if interested.
  11. They're doing one of their 'Flash Sales' with KOTOR2 for $2.50 (US) for the next 8 hours. I had been waiting for a sale to add it to my Steam library, and the time is NOW!
  12. You might be missing something. Plenty of idiots on both sides slinging crap. Perhaps the bigger problem are the people on the right or left that don't think their side has extremists in it. Edit: See above "Democrats try to be grownups". Exactly the kinda hyperbole that's digging this country deeper.
  13. Um, could actually care less about vacation days... But how many terms are you counting? I also see other articles that back up what Stoney is saying on Bush's number (no clue which is right): Edit: Seems like each of these articles manipulate the time frames which are compared. Bleh, stupid argument anyhow, especially when you consider they just count all time not in the White House as 'vacation'.
  14. Damnit Stoney, don't start bringing people's records into this. It's all about hope and promise for the future. I personally think he should win another peace prize based on what he might still do in the next 4 years.
  15. I always thought The Fonz was a cool guy. Perhaps we should elect him in 2016.
  16. Did you see the monkey-swinging part? It's easy to just label internet forum posts as haters, but I think there's something behind this one. 'Kiddie' stuff or not, I think Disney is starting to treat their products with less care and more corporate attitude. The first Pirates was good, but it's steadily gone down hill, with them continuing to milk the franchise. I honestly think they're doing the same thing with Pixar movies recently (oh, they've got guns in Cars 2 now huh?). Episode VII probably depends on who they hand it to. Here's for hoping it turns out good though.
  17. Nah, I saw it. They broke 4 million, but not 4 million ON Kickstarter. The record for highest video game funded through Kickstarter won't include Paypal numbers. Just like when people talk about how much DFA raised, they only talk about the 3.3M through KS, not their Paypal numbers. I know it doesn't matter, since they got the last stretch goal with the addition of Paypal. Like I said, it's a silly thing, but part of me still would like to see it over 4 million when I go to the Kickstarter page. P.S. - It is kinda creepily poetic that the 3986 matches up between backers and total pledged.
  18. Awesome stuff. For some stupid reason I keep looking at that 3.986M and wishing it woulda broken 4M on kickstarter (perhaps I'm just OCD ). But happy they got all the money to make a great game, now the for the 1.5 (or so) year wait.... Ugh..
  19. MCA just gave you guys the big thumbs up again on the USTREAM. I guess at this point it's no secret how he feels about TSLRCM.
  20. It's an isometric RPG. So 3rd person, set camera, 3d character models, 2d backdrops. If you're familiar with PS:T, BG, or Fallout 1/2, it's like those. I'll probably get corrected on this, but a modern reference is it looks similar to the Diablo games.
  21. Haha, I saw HH in there and was just coming to post it (I guess zbyl2 beat me to it).
  22. I think those refer to Lord of Hunger's GenoHaradan mod. Unfortunately, that mod is no longer being worked on. Fortunately, Exile007 is finishing up his own mod to add back in the GenoHaradan:
  23. Not sure if you've all seen this already or not: Kickstarter - Project Eternity The more I see, the more excited I get about it. I think Obsidian will do a great job with it when given time and resources to do it their way. I contributed some already, but will probably bump it up soon. I'd really like to see them do well with funding and build an awesome game.
  24. Chances are high. I'm pretty sure it was 5 bucks during the summer sale a few months back.