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Everything posted by Boilpoint

  1. Click the Downloads tab. Numbers 2 and 3 on the right under Top Downloads.
  2. This all seems a little silly, I would have just ignored SH. Yeah, it's not TSLRCM, but so what, K1 wasn't a broken game like TSL. In order to add some left out content, you're gonna need to do some extrapolation. If you don't like it, don't install the mod. On a side note: isn't making the acronym K1RIP bad juju?
  3. Boilpoint


    What size monitor do you have? I have 1680x1050 and using the 1600x1200 setting and CCC's image scaling it doesn't look too bad.
  4. You said 'everything in the tweak guide' so maybe you've already tried, but did you do the lag fix in the ini file?
  5. Yeah, I don't use cheats alot, so have never used the instruments before. This mod looks fun and lighthearted, can't wait to see more of it.
  6. I think it's amusing to see how the TSLRCM team voted. Perhaps some insight into why HH created the thread? I actually like the idea of fixing as much as possible, and having it all in one mod. That way it's easy for me to install just that and not worry about any potential compatibility bugs when I finally play. The negative side of that is TSLRCM is already a huge mod that touches so much that it becomes more and more difficult for previously made mods to be compatible, and seems to be a minefield for new mods to navigate for compatibility. Is this concern of keeping TSLRCM as compact as possible ever discussed by the modding team?
  7. Look at the collars. It's kinda like one of those "what's different?" games. I think they look much better (but maybe only because I notice them now).
  8. I'm probably the last person to be giving help on TSL, but is the version you have international? The 1.0b patch is different for U.S. versions and others. I think the international ones had to do a 1.0a patch first.
  9. Lol, saw that the other day too. My favorite part about articles on yahoo is the comments section. Alot of great one-liners (like yours) in there.
  10. Edit: May have misread, nm.
  11. Wow, huge difference with how the .ini file is working once I installed TSL to the desktop instead of either Program Files folder. I'm kinda a neat freak who likes to keep everything in it's place, but it really seems to clear up all the weird issues I was having, so I'll just leave it there. Thanks again Extreme!
  12. Thanks for the reply Extreme. I actually do have the game running (launches much easier with the Mss32.dll), I just can't seem to make changes to the swkotor2.ini file that stick. I have tried changing things in the settings after launching the game, and those changes will stick, but they still won't be reflected in the swkotor2.ini file. I am running 64-bit Vista, and the install directory is Program Files(x86), and checked to make sure there was no duplicate in the regular Program Files. I have tried changing the permissions on the entire LucasArts folder, but didn't seem to help much. That is a good idea about installing it to the desktop though, I'll give that a try and see if it helps.
  13. Older Stephen King - Tommyknockers - It - The Stand - The Dark Tower series - All the short stories (love a horror story that ends in a bad way) The Wheel of Time (re-reading it all now in anticipation of the last book)
  14. Hey Guys, I need some help understanding how TSL saves it's config information. I just installed my new copy of TSL, and was running into some odd things while trying to get the game setup the way I want it. It doesn't seem like the swkotor2.ini file really controls some of the configuration information. When I use the swconfig.exe it will change things like the resolution, but not adjust the .ini file in any way (and visa versa). Where does the swconfig.exe save it's adjusted config information? Another confusing, but possibly related thing, is my key mapping. I originally mapped the number pad instead of the wasd keys since I use a left handed mouse. When I uninstalled the game, to try and start over from scratch on some mod adjustments I made, I made sure to remove all save and config files, and even blow away the LucasArts parent folder. However, when I re-install, it still remembers my key mapping. How is this possible? Is there some other location that a config file is being saved? Some of my experiences seem to contradict what I've read about in forums. I did buy it new, but there's no way it's different than old copies right? Am I just missing some information? I figure some of you modders would have a better idea about how TSL works. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance P.S. - I am running Vista and using the adjusted Mss32.dll (if that matters).
  15. Doesn't VP's High Poly Cans mod have an optional fix to this already?
  16. I think the mods you listed look interesting. The only one I'd seen before and thought about using was the WotOR saber color. I honestly never had an issue with the vanilla version of Bastilla, but I can understand wanting to add some new flavor to the game.
  17. Very cool stuff! Really excited for this mod.
  18. Very cool! Doesn't Taris' upper city already have a little bit of a cycle, or am I remembering wrong? And I got confused on the poll question. It asks how long you think the transitions should take, but then you state in your message that the transitions will be instantaneous. Should the poll be for how long each day/night cycle should last, or were you asking if the transitions weren't instantaneous how long you think they should last? ( Yeah, I get confused easily )
  19. Looks very interesting. Can't really help you with the lightmaps, but had a question. In the LF thread you mention it's only for TSL, but the title for this thread is K1. Is that a mistype or are you also doing it for K1 now?
  20. Wow Exile, awesome stuff! Wish I could help you beta, but my situation isn't one where I can play TSL for a bit. Am very excited for this mod though, congrats on getting it to this point! Quick question, and maybe you don't have an answer since you haven't beta tested yet. But any ideas on compatibility with some of the other big mods (out or in development)?
  21. Awesome, this is good to know. It's too bad KotOR 1 doesn't work the same way.
  22. I haven't done anything with TSL (yet), so I'm a little confused. Can you keep subfolders inside the override directory in TSL and the game still uses the files in the subfolders?
  23. What (if any) tools do people commonly use to manage their mods? I noticed KMM seemed to be common at one point, but it can't merge files, and so is only good for keeping track of simple mods. It seems like after the TSLPatcher came out, that it's the common way that people install their mods, but it doesn't have the same simplicity that KMM had for activating and deactivating. I haven't done any modding, so perhaps I'm off-base, but it seems if TSLPatcher knows how to combine certain files for compatibility, you could theoretically have a mod manager which keeps track and can un-combine when you wanted to deactivate more complex mods. At the very least you could keep track of mod installation order and force deactivation dependencies while using the backup folders. So, what do the majority of you use to keep track of how much you have spread throughout your Kotor/TSL install directory? Do you just try to mentally keep track of what mods you have currently installed, or is there some other mod managing tool I haven't found in my forum searches?