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Everything posted by Boilpoint

  1. Ah, that is good news. I was sadly just assuming this was dead and we'd only get those first few planets. Thanks for bumping the thread, I hadn't checked moddb for a while.
  2. Looks very nice! I'm really excited about this. I see a correction already though (hint: you went 1 for 3)
  3. Not quite true. Don't wanna get into a discussion on cracks, but you can look at ZimmMaster's thread on Lucas Forums.
  4. Some people require absolute continuity in their make believe worlds. *shrug*
  5. Haha, love the McKayla is not impressed addition. You forgot your audience though
  6. Is this confirmation of 1.8.1 by chance?
  7. I'm interested in the answer to this aswell. I guess someone will just have to buy the game on there and try it out. It seems a little convenient that it finally gets released on there now. But perhaps it's just in relation to the bundle pack getting released.
  8. Not sure then bud. I know there's an issue with movies going black with the Widescreen patches because of switching resolutions between game and the movies. But I'm not sure if it's the same for you. Maybe though, maybe a video driver related issue? Sorry, good luck.
  9. Not sure they know yet. But my guess is they'll just do a patch as opposed to re-releasing the whole thing. 1.8 is now already out there, and any patch would be for small bugs, not game breaking. Plus I think that's what they did for 1.7.
  10. I'm not sure if you're making reference to this, or asking for this, but here's the link just incase: TSL Windows Vista Fix Edit: I think this is the one I used, I'll have to confirm when I get home I guess.
  11. Awesome stuff guys! I will now actually play the game and get to enjoy what I've been reading about on here for months. Thanks for all the hard work!
  12. Last I saw, this was in the readme: But perhaps you saw that since you asked about the patch. Did that patch ever fix the Malachor issue in 1.6 and 1.7 though?
  13. You might be getting confused. From moddb:
  14. Was thinking of this the other day, and looking through the threads again couldn't find the answer. I remember playing through and always wondering if I was missing an encounter at the end of the Manaan race track. When you finish, Hukta Jax makes a threat about killing you. Was a potential encounter cut content, or was his threat always meant to be empty? I'm guessing it's the latter since you haven't mentioned it in removed content (unless I just missed the encounter), but thought I'd throw it up and ask.
  15. My monitor's native is actually 1680x1050, and I run it at 1600x1200. Catalyst Control Center actually does the image scaling, and it looks pretty good. I tried the widescreen patch for TSL, and could never get it to work right for the 1680x1050 setting (would work for the next lower, but then lost resolution so looked like junk).
  16. This is what I meant about him getting defensive: Although, when I look at the original NYT article, they make it sound more like he was mad that people questioned his changes to episodes 4, 5, and 6. So maybe I misspoke above.
  17. They will NEVER be made! And it's all because you, yes YOU Fair Strides, had the audacity to question the writing in Episodes I, II, and III! ...Well, you and a couple other fans. Maybe some time away from the industry will help George relax. He seems to get very defensive lately.
  18. Sounds like the same issues kradossk describes would still be issues if you installed the mod with vanilla. So, does that really mean it's incompatible with TSLRCM specifically?
  19. My personal reason for voting no was similar to HH's. But I guess my concern for 'should it be released' was less about spoilers, and more about it taking time from the full release. I guess it's a good way to help work out some early bugs by getting testing and feedback. However, it also seems like a convenient stopping point. Not bad mouthing anyone, just expressing how I myself might feel when working on a large mod for an extended period of time.
  20. Awesome news, would hate to see this mod die.
  21. Also, did you make sure to use the Vista fix? I've heard it helps with Windows7 too (TSL Windows Vista Fix). I originally had some issues changing the ini or installing mods until I got some advice from here to install to the desktop instead of the Program Files directories. Newer versions of Windows try to write protect everything in there.
  22. Well, it's getting silly now, but he doesn't have to through 40 pages to find the answers. Try looking at the first couple posts in some threads, ex: TSLRCM->Mod Compatibility List for TSLRCM 1.7 M478EP->M4-78 Official Progress Report #1 Or use the search function to look for keywords like "Vash". Honesty, I understand there's alot of information on the site, and it takes some time to go through and process it all. But it just seems hypocritical to come on and compliment the modders for their effort, then show none yourself. If he'd said "I looked around for like 20 minutes and couldn't find the answers to these, sorry if they've been asked before" then I get it. But my impression (and maybe I'm wrong) is he didn't spend any time.
  23. Yeah, sorry Larkin, but drunk's kinda right. It IS cool that they're doing all this modding, and answering questions on it, but I'm sure they don't wanna keep answering questions that they've answered a few times before. If you've looked around on the site and still can't find the answer, then ask. But I know some of the questions you asked are VERY easy to find answers for.