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Everything posted by milestails

  1. Glad to see this back!
  2. Kyle Katarn can transit between planets in K1 without being attacked by Sith fighters.
  3. Another quality release from Jorak Uln! Keep up the excellent work!
  4. We had a discussion about this four years ago: Here is the mod that allows Atris to be a party member though it is unfinished:
  5. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
  6. I still have the 4 CD version so this mod is key to Widescreen for me.
  7. milestails


    Here is one:
  8. Helping people find lost mods!

  9. Ah I remember your 12 pack mod a few years ago. Looking forward to see where this goes!
  10. Most impressive! Keep at it! BTW: Your screenshots are the best screenshots I've seen in some time.
  11. milestails


    I might have both of these. I can send to you this weekend. PM me your email address. EDIT: Here is the second one.
  12. I've always wanted a mod that does this. Thanks! There was a mod on KotOR Files that did this exact same thing; however, it had a glitch with the Serroco thugs and one of the Asian male heads.;89711 Hopefully your version does better in this regard.
  13. Well done! This is a download for sure!
  14. Hoping for the best, but I think Thrawn may be long gone...
  15. The author is Sharen Thrawn, and I don't think it is free for anyone to use.
  16. Never thought about those! Good stuff here!
  17. Ah yeah I forgot about that model. Really impressive if it could be incorporated into a mod somehow.
  18. Well, this brings up a separate but related issue I've always had with the Coruscant mod itself.... The skybox could use some improvement so that it actually looks like the planet we know from the films and other media. Once that is done, then movies can take shape based on the new and improved skybox. Because right now, it seems like it's just a daytime version of the uninspiring vanilla Nar Shadaa skybox. EDIT: Let's use the TOR Cinematic Trailer "Deceived" as a reference for Coruscant's look in the Old Republic era in which KotOR 2 takes place: EDIT 2: Also, let's look at HK-42's Jedi Temple Expansion as a reference, specifically the loadscreens:;97510
  19. Lol Shows how long it's been since I've done a playthrough.
  20. Having him drain Mandalore and Visas completely so that you face him alone would be a start. Oh and just to present the other side of the debate for completeness sakes:
  21. milestails


    I'm still on the lookout for a Satele Shan head.