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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Yes; I've got designs for almost every racer in the Kotor game. And I'm pondering on where to put these bikes. You never really walk around the starting grid of any swoop track, but I think it would be fun if you could have a peek at the other bikes the competition uses. I'm also curious if I can't replace the swoop bike model that is used in the game. Something to do dig into. Anyhow, if anybody has suggestions where these bikes might fit best on any planet; let me know I've also spend some time to finish Jolee. He's been a bit on the back burner for to long. I still need to work on his underwear. And so I've put some time into that for a few days. Just need to tweak a few things before releasing. Nipples are oddly out of place Might make the highlight on his back and belly a little stronger. Since it looks softer ingame then Photoshop. I've finished his regular clothing, just his belt needed to be touched up.
  2. I shall give it a spin soon :-) Was just started with a playthrough, will be a blast to "get" the portraits as the party grows. As I only did the characters, I'm curious to see how it looks with the background and in game. Very nice work SH! Just shows you nicely how much awesome stuff the community has created for TSL.
  3. Everyday I'm rendering!

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      And bless you for that!

    2. bead-v


      doo too too too too doo too :P

  4. Just hitting tab and going to another character in the party. Then running around and switching back often solves it for me.
  5. Hahaha! An update on this lawnmover Going through all the parts of this model and UVmap them. I've got some textures picked out to use as a base for the "greedy-speedy-lawnmower" So here's another peek at how things look so far.
  6. You might want to contact Bead-V. He has been hard at work to make a new import script that also imports the lightmap info from the game. As now, whenever you use MDlops, you loose everything about the lightmaps. And you would need add it back in manually. You could do this in the ASCII file, but, since any area is made out of hundreds of meshes, it's a lot of tedious work. Also writing it out here, would create a large wall of text If you want more info on how to create lightmaps: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4748-lightmapping-an-area-model/
  7. No worries, I've collected a few extra bits and pieces to complete Jolees underwear skin. He'll get a proper release just like all the others So, tonight I got some modelling done. I've worked on Jaxs Swoop Bike. I've based it off, naked bikes and café racers, I felt that this was a nice match for the Gammorean. Just got the body from the bike about done. Perhaps some odd bits to flesh it out a bit more. The little back wings, will get some extra struts for support. Might add more minor details on the panneling. Though I think most will be done texturewise. The idea is that this model will be added to the game. First as a placeable though. I might sink my teeth into replacing the swoop bike model; no promises though. I've got no idea how the game will respond to that. Not even sure if the swoop bike model works as a regular game character or not. But since we can add extra bits to head model or regular bodies, I thought it would be fun if your swoop bike could look a bit more personal? I'm planning on adding a more "chopper" like steer. I can't see the Gamorrean leaning over Minor preview of the thing. Mind just place holder materials!
  8. Yes, that's the idea; I want every racer to have his own look The collar needs a little tweaking to blend better with the skin; it's bit harshly cut right now. Another peek at Casandra, I noticed the "chroom" effect is a just a bit to visible in game. I'll need to soften that up. Otherwise I think it works rather good. Simple, but good
  9. Uh, I might? I don't think the model will allow that though... I already have a good idea what I want with her, look below Ok, so a new head model, on top of the scoundrel clothing? That would get close, to it, no? Ahum, here's what I got on Cassandra, it's red jumpsuit affair, with some white racing stripes. Just the basic layout so far. I've got different setups for the "shiny" latex effect. It'll depend how that turns out in the game though. Plan is to add racing stripes down her sleeves. Add more "panels", stitches to the outfit. Boots and gloves. IIRC, the Twi'lek head does have a mask hook? Else I might make some goggles for her to wear.
  10. Well, this outfit is made for Hukta Jax, the Gamorrean swoop racer on Manaan. But I could adopt it so the other Gamorreans follow a similar styling. No, besides creating a few weapons, I haven't done much modelling recently. I still need to get back to a lot of things. But so far, I've really enjoyed my time spend in Photoshop. So here is the finished Hukta Jax; I've taken the skin to run around Manaan and Tatooine. Really pleased how the alpha channel and CM_SpecMap turned out. It is a really soft alpha channel. It's less visible in the screenshots, but the texture leather effect on his suit looks very nice, even for a Gamorrean Next on the list Casandra Mateil, the Twi'lek racer on Manaan and the Ithorian needs a redo as well. Although for him, I don't have any ideas so far what would work on him.
  11. Part 3 for my tutorial is out!

    1. jc2


      Cool! I will be watching all three parts soon.

  12. At this moment I'm just working on some minor characters; the swoop racers you meet on Manaan, Tatooine and Taris. I had fun with the Gamorreans, so I did the racing pig on Manaan as first. I'm now just working on the basic layout of his racing suit. Other details will be added, though the UVmap for this model has really bad parts. Which causes stretching and deforming some of the skin. Another idea to flesh this project out a bit is to add in new placeable, the personal swoop bikes for each of these racers. Though I'm not sure where I would place these in the game. Plus I need to sketch out some designs that fits each racer. Quick preview on a very early WIP.
  13. Not much, I've got a few ideas in my head, but nothing to really show off. Besides, I've spend some time to record new tutorials, which I plan to release very soon. But that's something for another section on the forums
  14. Hello, fellow modders! I've started this thread to release my new tutorials. The main focus will be on creating new models for both Kotor games. Doing my best to create instructive videos, to show what is what, where to click and so on. Each time I'll create a few videos parts and also a written version. As sometimes it's easier to have text and pictures to guide you, while at other times a video might work better. I'm open to feedback to improve my tutorials, as I don't plan things out to much up front. You'll notice I start mumbling a bit as I think and figure things out on the spot. And, yeah, english isn't my main language, so there's an accent, pronunciation butchering... Grammar Nazis be prepared! ;-) I don't have any pro-skills or software for editing my recordings, so it's all very basic. Though I hope with doing more of these to at least get better results. So on wards to my first tutorial for this thread. Creating a sword model: Part I Part II Part III
  15. Hello, fellow modders! I've started this thread to release my new tutorials. The main focus will be on creating new models for both Kotor games. Doing my best to create instructive videos, to show what is what, where to click and so on. Each time I'll create a few videos parts and also a written version. As sometimes it's easier to have text and pictures to guide you, while at other times a video might work better. I'm open to feedback to improve my tutorials, as I don't plan things out to much up front. You'll notice I start mumbling a bit as I think and figure things out on the spot. And, yeah, english isn't my main language, so there's an accent, pronunciation butchering... Grammar Nazis be prepared! ;-) I don't have any pro-skills or software for editing my recordings, so it's all very basic. Though I hope with doing more of these to at least get better results. So on wards to my first tutorial for this thread. Creating a sword model: Part I Part II Part III Next release.
  16. The grain effect wasn't in the settings file anymore, couldn't find it; but it was still there I've no idea how that could work... I just tried out to many different versions, I would guess, and things got mixed up.
  17. I kicked it all out today Just couldn't find a good look that I like. I tried out other versions, but there are like too many FX/ Reshade version floating on the intrawebz. I keep on having too much of the grainy effect. And I can't find it back in the settings... anymore... cause I've been switching out different versions and setups.
  18. I have installed a newer version, but... Now, when I run Kotor, my graphic cards makes this high pitched sound No idea if this due to some of the options switched on by SweetFx. But it's really annoying, plus I don't think that it is very healthy for my PC. Anyone had this before?
  19. Doing practice video recordings for tutorials.

  20. Mmm; looks like I have a very old version... V1.6? I did manage to start tweaking it a bit. But the effects are still waaaaay to strong. Nothing like what you guys have been showing the thread. But I guess, I better hunt down the latest FX and Reshade first
  21. So I had to try this out! But I don't get really nice results, on my first try, I have this really strong "noise" effect and the contrast is to hard to my taste. I then tried one of the downloads from this thread; Constars reshade settings. But then my whole screen got blurred out I'm an absolute noob, so how can I alter the looks, I've tried to get my bearings in the sweetfx and reshad files, but I don't really have an idea, what I can change for the best. How would I reduce the noise effect and have less harsh contrast?
  22. Yes, you can: look into the tslpatchdata folder. Allthough, if you have other mods that altered the looks of certain characters or armors, you'll need to edit the 2DA files found in your own Override folder yourself. If you don't have any such much mods, and say, just basic reskins; you can copy the 2DA files from this mod as well. But DO make a back-up just in case. What you need to copy, make sure you see file extensions in your folder, to get just the items: - i_mask_226.Mdl and Mdx - i_mask_227.Mdl and Mdx - i_mask_233.Mdl... etc Then all the skins/ textures: - J7_mask.tga - ii_mask_227.tga... etc All the .tga and .txi files. Next all the .uti files: - q_mask226.uti - q_darthdark.uti - q_praethelm.uti... etc I didn't list all the files, but you get the idea That should be all, you can then just use the chea code: giveitem q_darthdark or use KSE to get them into your inventory.
  23. All items start with a "q_" q_darthdark => Red/black armor q_darthmass=>Dragon knight armor q_darthlght=> Red/ white armor The helmets: q_mask226 => Alpha romeo assasin thingy q_mask227 => TSL lookalike assasin q_praethelm => Praetorian helm: one with the big crest on top q_spikehelm => one with the row of spikes and the "cross" visor q_masshelm => Dragon Age/ mass effect lookalike q_darkhelm => Red/ black knight helm; triangle looking one If you used the TSLpatcher all files should be at the right spot. KSE should show them in the inventory list. Scroll down to the bottom ;-)
  24. @SH I'll update the readme asap. Though not sure why this an issue really?