Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Though I have never been compelled to use this head, I think a fix for this would definitely be an instant download if it were to be done.
  2. Might I suggest someone making a Terragen tutorial (in the appropriate section)?
  3. The offer expired so are there any more nags to deal with anymore?
  4. Sith Holocron

    Kotor Apeiron

    My prediction: As soon as they show those interactions in game in a video, that's when they'll get their C&D.
  5. Still waiting for a Malachor V skybox from one of you!
  6. STATUS UPDATE Position: Arrived Housing: Achieved (Pictures of work area available after computer arrives) Internet: On order (approximate connection date 23AUG16) Arrival of computer (and other household goods): Early September [ I'm not back yet. ]
  7. The bombardment was focused and wouldn't affect the damage being shown in skyboxes, right? That's the point being made here.
  8. Only two places were bombarded on Dantooine: The Jedi Enclave (shown in TSL, after the fact) and the Rakatan Ruins (mentioned In audio files). It wasn't a widespread bombardment like Taris.
  9. You might want to add some lights to the station as well. It's looking good so far!
  10. Just find the sound files' names, then record blank MP3 files with the same name. Place files in override folder. Done.
  11. Your Something Awful link is behind a paywall. Please remove that link.
  12. Female, "Meetra Surik", Female portrait 8, any class that makes it easier to choose the "Sith Assassin" prestige class. (Oh so sick of watching LS playthroughs.)
  13. We STILL don't know all the changes his mod makes and if they are implemented in the game well. We haven't really seen comprehensive reviews of this thing.
  14. In a hotel room bored out of my gourd. Flight to Alaska is on the 28th.
  15. Reminder: Until further notice, I am not doing Administrator duties. (See my last blog for details.) Until my return, contact our other team members. I will miss you all.

  16. Jukebox mod... hmmmm. I'd only do that if: 1) You don't include any music but explain in easy to understand terms how folks can include their own music. 2) You make it a separate mod.
  17. It's 140PM now. Since 11, the movers have been packing stuff up. My computers are now in cardboard boxes. Sad realization: I have so much crap.
  18. And I think the name should stay. Welcome aboard!
  19. Packing up older computer now. (Tomorrow: the current one gets shut down in prepration for the move.)

  20. I wonder how long before it makes it into one person's signature.