Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Try emailing the mod's author as listed in the mod's read me - as shown in your provided link.
  2. Might I suggest making a tutorial for it and placing it in our Tutorial section - with those pictures?
  3. Which of the audio are you replacing: music, effects, alien speech, human speech. Some of those or all of them?
  4. Have you tried an earlier save after applying the fix above?
  5. I'm not sure my performance was quite up to snuff but everyone else did a nice job.
  6. Check the mod's credits, Malkior.
  7. Region designed for: Is it the UK or US version?
  8. This thread is 4 years old! Necroposting such a old thread isn't the way to go. Please read our site rules (especially Section 8, Part 2) for more clarification.
  9. Will your mod affect the discussion where Atton asks you what color your old lightsaber was? Also, will it affect what color Atris' lightsaber is when she displays it to you?
  10. Jango, I don't have have the link to Scorchy's walk through on my phone but could you provide it for Salk? It will help him oh so much.
  11. Correction: Fixed in 1.8.5. BTW, why are you reporting errors in the 1.8.5 when you're using 1.8.4? In your case, consult the 1.8.5 release thread first and if you can't confirm it there, only then should you PM the modders to see if your issue is still applicable.
  12. I figured it would be something like that. That's why I pointed out that the glow wasn't necessary. However, it might be interesting to see what these folks come up with - now that a few more people are in the conversation.
  13. STATUS UPDATE AS OF 18AUG2016 My previous updates stand with the following exceptions: Transportation: My car arrived on the island yesterday. I am able to pick it up today! Woot! Current Verdict: I'm not back yet. PS: Just because you see me posting, it doesn't quite mean I'm back. I'm doing so on my smart-phone (which has limited reception) or occasionally on my wife's laptop (which I loathe).
  14. DP: If I recall correctly, you mentioned that MDLOPS would need to be updated to accomplish certain adjustments in model replacement. Would this eye glow topic fall under the same topic? Malkior: following DP's advice, I wouldn't go crazy trying to add an eye glow. Try the brightness suggestion and see where that takes you.
  15. Might anyone be able to assist Malkior with how he can get the droid's eyes to glow?
  16. That's the "Hurrikaine" crystal, if I recall correctly.
  17. If I may hazard a guess, the maintenance droid in question is probably the one in the Central Zone. I recall that the droids were looking for a device that may have been in the cleaning units (in the Industrial Zone.)
  18. Paying for mods would set a bad precedent for these forums. I suggest making your request in our Modding Request section and see if folks are willing to assist without financial recompense. This thread is closed. (Sorry if I am ruining the comic potential here, folks.)
  19. STATUS UPDATE AS OF 12AUG2016 Internet: Activated! That's actually earlier than originally announced or expected. (About a few days ago) Arrival of computer (and other household goods): Approximately September 3rd What This Means For You: I'm checking in occasionally on my cell phone on an island that historically has always had bad cell phone service. I don't have my all of my links on my smartphone and can't really do easy copy and pastes on it either. (Oh I'm certain that there's a way to do the copy and pasting on my phone, mind you - but with everything else going on IRL here, it's extremely low on my priority list.) Current Verdict: I'm not back yet.
  20. I am in Alaska but I am not officially back. Updates will be posted on my last blog as they happen.
  21. Why not just ask Crixler if you could use his blade colors?