Sith Holocron

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About Sith Holocron

  • Rank
    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 12/06/1971

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  1. KJ,

    I must be honest that it's a little disheartening to hear this feedback after the fact when you're not providing me with the textures in advance.  It's more than a little like Monday Morning quarterbacking for a game played on Sunday. Here's one last shot but if you have issues with it, please keep them to yourself.

    [Link removed]

    1. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Looks tons better doesn't it? 

  2. In that case, I would suggest amending your request in the original post.
  3. I wonder if there was anything in both the read-me file and the mod description about that.
  4. I guess no women serve in the Onderon military?
  5. Is that the same guide where you already reported issues and the maker of that guide called you confused? My point is that you might not want to follow a guide from a maker that doubles down when presented with possible issues. Use a better guide instead.
  6. Re: Onderon Uniform Reformation I'm not one for texturing clothing. It's not a strength of mine. However I do like doing detail work and I noticed something on the Onderon Officer's uniform texture which gave me a little inspiration. It's the logo in the red circle which I've attached. That logo? That I think I could work on. So I remade the patch. And then I made two buttons (one in gold for officers and one in silver/pewter for the enlisted) for the leather container that looks like it's on the uniform belt. For the patch or the buttons, I don't require attribution so use them if they may be helpful.
  7. Would anyone be interested in M4-78 EP loading screens that utilize Kexikus' skyboxes? I will likely do this as extra loading screens regardless of the feedback but I am curious if anyone would want such a thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sith Holocron
    3. LordMerek
    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The mod has now been updated. See download page for some new screenshots: 



  8. Some additional information may be helpful to those trying to assist you. A - What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD version, or the KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? B - What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate and complete list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (Even staff members don't actually know them all.) C - Which mods from the KOTOR2 Mod Build did you not use?
  9. If you're willing to be kinder in your commentary on these mods, you'll likely get a better reception. Might be worth considering moving forward.
  10. @Raven3166 Are you using the Steam version of KOTOR2? There's a bug in that version of the game regarding lightsaber hilts.
  11. To be honest, I'm more concerned with the TSL version of the War Droid so the K1CP isn't applicable to me. (I plan to redo some of my loading screens for M4-78 and I'd like to be able to redo the screen that features the War Droid test firing on the R & D range.)
  12. @redrob41: Are your Sith War Droid (C_DrdWar01 et al) model tweaks compatible with Sithspecter's High Quality Blasters mod? I recall there were issues with the guns not being textured correctly (or at all) if certain fixes were not accounted for.