Emperor Devon

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About Emperor Devon

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. View File Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION The cheesiest three lines in KotOR for me are: "I want to be a Jedi Guardian!" "I want to be a Jedi Sentinel!" "I want to be a Jedi Consular!" They read like something an 11-year-old would yell. I can't take them seriously. So, this mod replaces those three lines with nine different lines, which vary depending upon your PC's alignment. Light Side • "I would defend those who cannot defend themselves, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would uphold truth and justice, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "I would serve the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." Neutral • "I would take battle to the Sith, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would expose treachery wherever it may be found, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "I would heed the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." Dark Side • "I would destroy the Order's enemies, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would root out traitors wherever they hide, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "The galaxy's lesser troubles are nothing before the Force, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." 2. COMPATIBILITY There is another mod (whose name I forget) that replaces the "I want to be a Jedi <class>!" lines with "I wish to be a Jedi <class>." You'll have to pick between that mod and mine, as they modify the same dialogue file. Otherwise, this mod is compatible with all other mods. That includes the several dialogue.tlk mods which modify your PC's dialogue options. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the file to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the file from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Emperor Devon Submitted 02/23/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION The cheesiest three lines in KotOR for me are: "I want to be a Jedi Guardian!" "I want to be a Jedi Sentinel!" "I want to be a Jedi Consular!" They read like something an 11-year-old would yell. I can't take them seriously. So, this mod replaces those three lines with nine different lines, which vary depending upon your PC's alignment. Light Side • "I would defend those who cannot defend themselves, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would uphold truth and justice, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "I would serve the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." Neutral • "I would take battle to the Sith, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would expose treachery wherever it may be found, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "I would heed the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." Dark Side • "I would destroy the Order's enemies, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me." • "I would root out traitors wherever they hide, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me." • "The galaxy's lesser troubles are nothing before the Force, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me." 2. COMPATIBILITY There is another mod (whose name I forget) that replaces the "I want to be a Jedi <class>!" lines with "I wish to be a Jedi <class>." You'll have to pick between that mod and mine, as they modify the same dialogue file. Otherwise, this mod is compatible with all other mods. That includes the several dialogue.tlk mods which modify your PC's dialogue options. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the file to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the file from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. View File Silent Sion Restoration Silent Sion Restoration Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Silent Sion Restoration.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod removes the added TSLRCM dialogue lines where Sion tells the Exile, "I have come to warn you, Jedi. You know not the path you walk," (if female) or "I have come for the Jedi," (if male) during their first meeting on the Harbinger. I think the scene is stronger without those lines for several reasons. #1: Sion is scarier when he doesn't speak. All you've seen him do, previously, is murder and terrify. He's basically a horror movie monster. He doesn't need to speak. #2: The male line is redundant. We already know he's here for the Exile. He even says so over the Harbinger holologs. He doesn't need to say so again. #3: The female line undermines Sion's character. His stated intention of "warning" the Exile casts him as an ambiguous figure who potentially means the Exile well. This further reduces his sense of menace. #4: The female line doesn't fit the Sion (quasi-)romance. Sion warning the Exile implies he already has feelings for her. But this is their first meeting. They haven't even spoken. Sion showing no concern for the Exile when they meet, in contrast, implies that his feelings develop over the course of their interactions (primarily on Korriban), which I find more believable. #5: The female line makes no sense. Sion is on Peragus to kill the Exile, not warn the Exile. He has no reason to lie about this. Not all of KotOR II's cut content was cut because of time constraints. Some was cut because the developers thought the game was better without it. IMO, this is one of those instances. So, I've removed the two lines. Sion won't speak a word when he encounters a male or female PC. He will just advance down the hall in menacing silence. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod requires the TSLRCM. It is compatible with all other mods. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the file to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the file from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • The TSLRCM team for restoring so much of the game's cut content • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Emperor Devon Submitted 02/18/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. View File Czerka Docks Dialogue Enhancement Czerka Docks Dialogue Enhancement Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Czerka Docks Dialogue Enhancement.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod alters the conversations with the Czerka guard and docking bay master on Citadel Station. The Docking Bay Master Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him cooperate over the false Batu. It bugged me that Kreia could do this but a PC with Affect/Dominate Mind could not. Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him share his information for free. Again, classic use of the Force upon the weak-minded. Your PC may now use [Persuade] to haggle down his price from 25 credits to 10 credits. The difficulty is slighter higher than the initial [Persuade] check to make him admit he can help. Changed his response to Kreia's "You will help us find..." from "But I see no harm..." to "I will you help find..." Mind tricked people are supposed to parrot back the Jedi's words. Changed a couple PC lines to better reflect the docking bay master's prior responses. For example, if you threaten him and he doesn't budge, your PC will say a surlier "Fine, I'm going," instead of "I'll be going." Added several PC responses to other lines of his. Mostly cosmetic things (e.g., "Very good" after he says your shuttle is prepped for departure) to make the conversation feel more real. Fixed a developer misspelling. "Discrete" should have been "discreet". Fixed a developer grammatical error. "I must protest to your language!" is now "I must protest your language!" The Twi'Lek Guard Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him open up about the wanted criminals. Previously, the only option was to threaten him for dark side points. Your PC may now use [Persuade] to offer him a 20 credit bribe towards the same end. Changed the PC's "I'll be doing" line to a more fitting "All right, I'm going" after the guard asks him/her to leave. Added two PC minor responses to the information he gives: "That's all I needed" and "That's not much." As with the duros, these are intended to make the conversation feel more real. Minor alterations, but it bothered me that haggling and Jedi mind tricks weren't options in those conversations when they are in most others. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod should be compatible with all other mods. I know of none that alter the dialogue files for these NPCs. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the files to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the files from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with these files. If you use them in another mod, or upload them to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding tk102 for his dialogue editor Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu Wizard for continuing to work on the Holocron Toolset BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Emperor Devon Submitted 02/17/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. View File Ravager Rapid Transit Ravager Rapid Transit Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Ravager Rapid Transit.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod lets your PC immediately leave the Ravager after killing Nihilus and placing the last proton core. There is no longer any long walk back to your shuttle. The cutscene of the Ravager exploding simply loads once your PC says it's time to leave. If you kill Nihilus after placing the last proton core, you will leave the Ravager following the conversation between Visas and Mandalore (if you spare Visas) or Visas' final words (if you sacrifice her). If you place the last proton core after killing Nihilus, you will leave the Ravager after doing so. Why make this mod? Because running through the gigantic empty ship back to the docking area was tedious. Plus, TSL's endgame has you run through more than enough empty or combat-filled areas with minimal dialogue. The less of that, the better. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod is designed for use alongside the TSLRCM. If you don't have the TSLRCM, installing this mod won't break your game, but you will only instantly leave the Ravager if you place the last proton core after killing Nihilus. (Since the dialogue files which trigger that script come from the TSLRCM.) This mod is compatible with all other mods. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the files to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the files from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with these files. If you use them in another mod, or upload them to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home to KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • The TSLRCM team for restoring so much of the game's cut content • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Emperor Devon Submitted 02/18/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Silent Sion Restoration Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Silent Sion Restoration.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod removes the added TSLRCM dialogue lines where Sion tells the Exile, "I have come to warn you, Jedi. You know not the path you walk," (if female) or "I have come for the Jedi," (if male) during their first meeting on the Harbinger. I think the scene is stronger without those lines for several reasons. #1: Sion is scarier when he doesn't speak. All you've seen him do, previously, is murder and terrify. He's basically a horror movie monster. He doesn't need to speak. #2: The male line is redundant. We already know he's here for the Exile. He even says so over the Harbinger holologs. He doesn't need to say so again. #3: The female line undermines Sion's character. His stated intention of "warning" the Exile casts him as an ambiguous figure who potentially means the Exile well. This further reduces his sense of menace. #4: The female line doesn't fit the Sion (quasi-)romance. Sion warning the Exile implies he already has feelings for her. But this is their first meeting. They haven't even spoken. Sion showing no concern for the Exile when they meet, in contrast, implies that his feelings develop over the course of their interactions (primarily on Korriban), which I find more believable. #5: The female line makes no sense. Sion is on Peragus to kill the Exile, not warn the Exile. He has no reason to lie about this. Not all of KotOR II's cut content was cut because of time constraints. Some was cut because the developers thought the game was better without it. IMO, this is one of those instances. So, I've removed the two lines. Sion won't speak a word when he encounters a male or female PC. He will just advance down the hall in menacing silence. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod requires the TSLRCM. It is compatible with all other mods. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the file to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the file from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • The TSLRCM team for restoring so much of the game's cut content • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Ravager Rapid Transit Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Ravager Rapid Transit.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod lets your PC immediately leave the Ravager after killing Nihilus and placing the last proton core. There is no longer any long walk back to your shuttle. The cutscene of the Ravager exploding simply loads once your PC says it's time to leave. If you kill Nihilus after placing the last proton core, you will leave the Ravager following the conversation between Visas and Mandalore (if you spare Visas) or Visas' final words (if you sacrifice her). If you place the last proton core after killing Nihilus, you will leave the Ravager after doing so. Why make this mod? Because running through the gigantic empty ship back to the docking area was tedious. Plus, TSL's endgame has you run through more than enough empty or combat-filled areas with minimal dialogue. The less of that, the better. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod is designed for use alongside the TSLRCM. If you don't have the TSLRCM, installing this mod won't break your game, but you will only instantly leave the Ravager if you place the last proton core after killing Nihilus. (Since the dialogue files which trigger that script come from the TSLRCM.) This mod is compatible with all other mods. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the files to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the files from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with these files. If you use them in another mod, or upload them to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home to KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • The TSLRCM team for restoring so much of the game's cut content • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  8. This old mod restores a cut third level from the Black Vulkar Base.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Czerka Docks Dialogue Enhancement Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Czerka Docks Dialogue Enhancement.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod alters the conversations with the Czerka guard and docking bay master on Citadel Station. The Docking Bay Master Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him cooperate over the false Batu. It bugged me that Kreia could do this but a PC with Affect/Dominate Mind could not. Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him share his information for free. Again, classic use of the Force upon the weak-minded. Your PC may now use [Persuade] to haggle down his price from 25 credits to 10 credits. The difficulty is slighter higher than the initial [Persuade] check to make him admit he can help. Changed his response to Kreia's "You will help us find..." from "But I see no harm..." to "I will you help find..." Mind tricked people are supposed to parrot back the Jedi's words. Changed a couple PC lines to better reflect the docking bay master's prior responses. For example, if you threaten him and he doesn't budge, your PC will say a surlier "Fine, I'm going," instead of "I'll be going." Added several PC responses to other lines of his. Mostly cosmetic things (e.g., "Very good" after he says your shuttle is prepped for departure) to make the conversation feel more real. Fixed a developer misspelling. "Discrete" should have been "discreet". Fixed a developer grammatical error. "I must protest to your language!" is now "I must protest your language!" The Twi'Lek Guard Your PC may now use [Force Persuade] to make him open up about the wanted criminals. Previously, the only option was to threaten him for dark side points. Your PC may now use [Persuade] to offer him a 20 credit bribe towards the same end. Changed the PC's "I'll be doing" line to a more fitting "All right, I'm going" after the guard asks him/her to leave. Added two PC minor responses to the information he gives: "That's all I needed" and "That's not much." As with the duros, these are intended to make the conversation feel more real. Minor alterations, but it bothered me that haggling and Jedi mind tricks weren't options in those conversations when they are in most others. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod should be compatible with all other mods. I know of none that alter the dialogue files for these NPCs. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the files to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the files from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with these files. If you use them in another mod, or upload them to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding tk102 for his dialogue editor Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu Wizard for continuing to work on the Holocron Toolset BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
    This is my texture of choice for Malak now. The higher resolution is already a big selling point. I also appreciate how this texture retains the spirit of Malak's original appearance. He's still wearing a red bodysuit with a black cape. He just wears them better, now. The darker color palette makes him feel more menacing. The "abs" along his chest make him look tougher. The RotS style Sith eyes and the veins along his skin make him feel eviler. There are a bunch of Malak reskins out there. This one is my favorite.
    This is a much-needed mod. Manaan's modules are quite large. Using the turbo code is one way to get around them faster. Using this mod is faster still!
    This is an eminently sensible tweak. The first I played KotOR, I'm pretty sure that I thought the Kandon Ark guarding the accelerator was a different NPC than the green-skinned twi'lek who congratulates you for killing Gadon. (There are plenty of other green male twi'leks in the game!) Confusion eliminated. Putting both Kandons in the same armor makes it clear they are the same character.
    This is a great set of tweaks. The duros on Dantooine now feel like proper Mandalorians. (Isn't their shtick supposed to be that they recruit members of any species?) The duros working for Czerka now look like, well, they work for Czerka. I'd love to see a version for the Czerka duros employees in K2.
    Thank you for producing this. I was determined to use the K1R on my first playthrough of KotOR I in ~15 years. Extra content sounded awesome. Well, I should have done more research before downloading that mod. Ran into tons of bugs. Lesson learned that K1CP is better. Running across this mod was a delight. Rather than picking between K1R and K1CP, it looks like we'll get to have our cake and eat it too. Looking forward to future updates with more K1R content.
    These new crystal icons are gorgeous. Not only are they higher resolution, they look a lot more like actual crystals. The default crystal icons were too smooth. Crystals should be rough and uneven. Solid improvement.