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About EbonHawkStowaway999

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  1. Unfortunately this mod doesn't seem to be compatible with Community Patch... It just shows a black screen with dialogue options at the bottom: https://www.imagebam.com/view/MERQ6E4 Does anyone know what tweaks/edits can make this mod work with K1CP? *** Update *** The issue was caused by unk_m41aa.mod (from "modules" folder) that had been added by Community Patch. The cutscene played normally after I deleted it.
  2. Hello, Doiinko. If possible, could you please make your mod compatible with the Steam Deck resolution (1280x800)?
  3. Please make it compatible with the Steam Deck resolution (1280x800).
  4. https://deadlystream.com/topic/4050-star-forge-travel-black-screen/?tab=comments#comment-83713 - this is a comment that explains it in more detail. In addition, p_bastilla001.utc may cause an "Invisible Bastila bug" during Saul Karath's interrogation cutscene as reported by PoopaPapaPalpatine in his review of this mod.
  5. For some reason, in my game Helena Shan transitioned to a man: https://www.imagebam.com/view/MER8MKV https://www.imagebam.com/view/MER8MKY The only other mod I have that affects Helena's appearance is Helena Shan Improvement, but I never had such a problem with it before.
  6. Could you please make a smaller version, the resolution is so high I can't add new crystals through KSE (Upari, for example), as giant crystal images completely obscure "Add Items" and "Commit Changes" buttons.
  7. There's another spelling mistake in the mod: "[Persuade] I'm affiliated with the republic (Republic), actually. I'll keep your secret" (after discovering wounded Republic soldiers in the backroom of Zelka's shop on Taris).
  8. Do I need to start a new game for this mod to work? Because I tested it on two pre-Kashyyyk savegames (mine and the one from this pack: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2180-light-side-female-saves-with-kotor-1-community-patch-and-all-romances/ ), and the first Kinraths I encountered after leaving the spaceport still had their original appearance.
  9. Does a Viper Kinrath body still get dropped if you kill one of the wraids? It's necessary to complete the quest given by Zaalbar's father.
  10. Thank you for this mod, DarthParametric. It works perfectly on PC, but when I try to use it on iOS, I get the black screen bug (with the sounds of Dodonna's cutscene playing in the background) which another user already told you about in 2021. Even when this mod is the only one I install, the cutscene still won't play. I read that while modding the iOS version of the game, one is supposed to rename mod file names to lowercase. If I do that with the Twisted Rancor Trio or Rakatan Movie-Style Holograms, they are loaded correctly and become fully compatible with the latest iOS version of KOTOR, but Dodonna's Blue Hologram causes the game either to crash (if lowercase names are used) or to display a black screen. Could you tell me, please, if you ever tested this mod on a jailbroken iOS device?
  11. Could any iOS users here please confirm if they ever managed to get the following two mods to run on a jailbroken iPad? 1. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/690-invisible-headgear/ - it crashes the game once you reach to the second set of Lower City apartments (where there's a cutscene of Calo Nord shooting two Rodians). You also cannot descend into the Undercity as the game crashes as soon as you enter the elevator, effectively softlocking you and making further progress impossible. All of the file names were changed to lowercase using Bulk Rename Utility, so the bug is hardly caused by incorrectly named mod files. 2. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1342-movie-style-holograms-for-end-game-cutscenes/ - the game crashes to desktop while loading Dodonna's cutscene if the file names are changed to lowercase; if the original mod names are used, the game hangs up indefinitely during the same loading screen. What is strange is that the other two Movie-Style Hologram mods (for the Twisted Rancor Trio sidequest and the Rakata) work perfectly fine on iOS, the issue is only with that Dodonna's cutscene. I also ran DelDuplicateTGA-TPC.bat https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1384 in KOTOR.app folder, but it didn't make any difference in regards to the aforementioned mods. This isn't a question of mod conflicts/incompatibilities either, as both of the mods can still crash my game even if installed separately from each other.
  12. Could any experienced modders here help me fix 3 mistakes in eXtensive Dialog Overhaul 1.3, please? Its author has been inactive since February, and I cannot even open that file with any of the tlk editors available on this site (including the one in the message above). The tlk editors either run but hang up indefinitely once I try to load the dialog.tlk, or do not run at all. Here's a list of the mistakes in question: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2216-extensive-dialog-overhaul/?do=findComment&comment=11785&tab=comments It'd be much appreciated if you could download eXtensive Dialog Overhaul 1.3 and make the respective changes in it, and then upload your dialog.tlk to a filesharing service so that I could access it there. *** Never mind, I managed to open that tlk file using KOTOR Tool's TLK Editor and fixed those mistakes there. ***
  13. I've always found the cantina a player can visit in Anchorhead a bit dull due to the lack of NPCs doing idle animations there. Yeah, there are several dancers and musicians performing on an elevation next to the bar, but there're also four empty tables without any NPCs whatsoever. Is it possible for skilled Deadlystream modders to add more drinking & talking NPCs of various alien races to that module, please? The necessary animations are already in the game (Taris & Manaan cantinas). Adding more animated NPCs sitting at the tables will make KOTOR 1's Anchorhead cantina more lively and closer to its Episode IV's counterpart.
  14. This may have been reported before, but just in case it hasn't: in the Manaan underwater base, the security droid's (the one next to the room with a "whimpering locker") red energy shield cannot be disabled via the computer terminal at the beginning of the level. The cutscene where the shield shuts down plays, but once you get to the droid, its energy shield is back on.