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About Revanbeta50

  • Rank
    Jedi Padawan
  • Birthday 04/22/2004

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  • Interests
    Swkotor and modding

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  1. Sorry for being rude or unpleasant just a reaction would be fine to let me know if your actually read are messages 🙂 thx
  2. I wanted to comment on that so yeah I get the how your comment about the alien on taris that speak English in the lower city the problem is the female Twi'leks speak like there a male human 🤔
  3. Bro I got to thank u guys so much it might mean nothing to you but my father died recently and you help and kotor help me grieve This site that you guys built from that ground up means so much too me
  4. I just beat the game the mission bug was the only problem
  5. Ok thx man I'll try it out hope it works sorry man theres nothing of the name of that file ill send a screen shot
  6. I thought the Community patch was supposed to fix most bugs
  7. Going to be straight up with you guys I don't understand anything that your telling me I am not a modder I just play the game if u can guide me though this it would be some help