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UnusualCharacters last won the day on June 15 2018

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105 Jedi Grand Master

About UnusualCharacters

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 02/11/1992

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    Denton, TX

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  1. I don't know too much about this stuff, but Fortnite has a John Wick skin that's pretty spot on. It looks similar in art style to TOR (which models don't clash too hard with KotOR) so if it's possible to grab that model, might be worth looking into.
  2. Revan in Galaxy of Heroes looks amazing! Too bad that that "game" is just a thinly-veiled cash grab, they have some talented designers on board who obviously love KotOR!

    1. jc2


      LS Jedi Revan robe with the mask and hood... do we have a mod that does that? I like the look. 

    2. Basil Bonehead

      Basil Bonehead

      wait for him to be released, expect someone to rip him out of the games files

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that, eb. Can't say much about what you're going through other than it really sucks to lose the people you're closest to. I think you're making the right move to take the necessary time to detach and heal, away from screens. You're such a positive source of light here; to think that you're going through such a dark time is deeply saddening and I hope it's as brief as it can be. Good luck, brotha. Hope to have you back when you're able.
  4. Judging by that video, what they've created so far looks absolutely beautiful. I don't have much confidence in them making an actual game out of it before getting DMCA'd, but I do hope that at some point the assets they've created are released as a "walking simulator" game so that I can just kind of look around at the worlds they've built.
  5. Just messing around with HK's dialogue today. This isn't final, as you can tell by the lack of editing (mostly the heavy breathing), but I wanted to get something going at least. Hkromancefilterednoedit.wav
  6. I would vote for using the original Kotor 1 Selkath voice. Wouldn't get on your nerves as much if he's the only one in the game.
  7. Made a little video of Revan's holocron from the first Darth Bane novel.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You probably would've loved my project that I had in mind that for that holocron.

  8. Can't help you with an in-game appearance, but I took your latest attempt and made some minute touch ups up my own to fix some unnatural horizontal lines near the bags under his eyes and beard corners, as well as getting rid of a bubble near his brow ridge that was betraying the fact that it was a mirrored texture. Revan_Head_d_v3.tga
  9. Still can't believe that Bastila named her son Vaner. Mind-boggling.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VarsityPuppet


      Helena -> Bastila -> Vaner -> ??? -> Tasiele -> Satele -> Theron


    3. narshaddaarocks



      "There has to be a mathematical explanation for how bad DrewK's book is."

      : p 

    4. ebmar



      Helena -> Bastila -> Vaner -> ??? -> Tasiele -> Satele -> Theron

      And the question is; Egg first, or Tasiele Shan first? 🤣

  10. Yeah, Zayne's outfit was in a Cartel Pack for TOR, so that's a resource someone could draw on. It's been awhile since I read the comics, but Zayne's story ends as he's kind of drafted into the Republic war effort, so Republic embassies would be my best idea of where to place him. It's also very likely that he decided to step back from all the wars after seeing what his friend Malak becomes. Either way, any dialogue featuring should definitely draw on that prior friendship. I would also like to see Jarael in the game (whose outfit is also in TOR), possibly by using Nadia Grell's TOR face model with different long hair attached. For KotOR 2, I really don't know if Zayne fits. He would have to be in hiding and very secretive about his force sensitivity, lest he draw Nihilus to him. Or maybe he goes to Telos to hang out with his ol' bud Carth Onasi. Oh, and if you have Carth in your party in KotOR 1, it would be very strange if they don't interact with each other... This of course would all be a huge undertaking.
  11. I hereby grant anyone the permission to use any voice files I create for this to use in a K1 version of their own construction. After all, HK only refers to the PC as Master, not "Exile"