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Everything posted by Leilukin

  1. Leilukin


    This was because of a conflict between PartySwap and Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene, since both mods modify k_003ebo_enter, the script that is used for the Ebon Hawk cutscenes. PartySwap modifies the script to add gender check to the rivalry/pseudo-romance scenes for Atton/Disciple and Handmaiden/Visas, while Kreis's Fall In-Game Cutscene modifies the script to allows for smooth transition to the Ebon Hawk when the Kreia cutscene ends. The mod build installs Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene after PartySwap, thus overriding the changes made by PartySwap. Therefore, I have updated PartySwap to 1.4.1 to add a compatibility patch for Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene.
  2. To repeat my questions to you on Nexus Mods: Did you install this mod before or after Handmaiden got angry? Did you get any errors when you installed my mod? What exactly are the other mods you are using?
  3. Alright, I see what you mean now. I wrote my original post to actually mean I figured out the solution was to use K-GFF Editor to add a "false" value of using GIT editors to remove UTC. I did not mean to say I had forgone using TSLPatcher at all, since if you visit the mod page, the page and file still show that my mod is still using TSLPatcher. The original post was also only meant to be a vent post and not a tutorial post, so I did not put that much effort in explaining it in a way people who are not familiar with creating KotOR mods would clearly understand.
  4. Yes, the simplicity of this technique of adding a "false" value to disable something from appearing in the game helps to improve compatibility with other mods.
  5. I just received a lifetime Premium membership on Nexus Mods for free as a reward of my mods hosted on Nexus Mods reaching 30,000 unique downloads: https://leilukin.neocities.org/blog/posts/2024-03-06-I-Received-a-Lifetime-Premium-Membership-on-Nexus-Mods-for-Free

    1. LoneWanderer


      Congratulations! A well-deserved reward!

    2. Makashi


      Congratulations. I also received this reward lately. Never though you can get anything form Nexus for a free. I like it but I'm wondering what happened that made Nexus staff go this way.

  6. Leilukin


    The KOTOR Community Portal's modding guide is not new at all. It has existed for years. Previously it was hosted on the KotOR subreddit since as early as 2013. Unlike that modding guide on Steam, KOTOR Community Portal's modding guide involves active collaboration with modders, me included, so I can confidently vouch for the quality of KOTOR Community Portal's mod builds, and I cannot say the same about that modding guide on Steam at all. The thing about installing a lot of KotOR mods is that you often cannot fix a problem with one particular mod by just removing the files of that mod. In fact, doing so likely just cause more problems to your game. Therefore, if you use a lot of mods, and you are encountering an issue that you do not know the source of the problem, the best solution is a complete reinstallation.
  7. Leilukin


    I really do not recommend this modding guide at all. I have no idea how thorough this mod guide tested all the listed mods, and I do not use all the mods listed in the guide. Most importantly, installation order matters a lot when it comes to installing KotOR mods, especially if you are going to use a lot of mods, but the modding guide only groups mods by category, so the lack of emphasis on installation order may cause problems that would be difficult to identify the source, like the problem you are having right now. If you are looking for a mod guide for the KotOR games, I would recommend the one from the KOTOR Community Portal instead, which also includes PartySwap: https://kotor.neocities.org/modding/ Therefore, my only suggestion for you is a complete reinstall of your game, and refer to KOTOR Community Portal's modding guide instead of that one on Steam.
  8. Leilukin


    Are you using any other mods? List all of them and the order you installed the mods.
  9. Did you install my mod after SLM? Are you using M4-78 Enhancement Project? I would suggest you keep track of all the mods you installed and the order you installed the mods. It is recommended to list all the mods you installed when you are reporting issues with a mod, because you can never know if a certain mod you thought might not be the cause of mod conflicts turns out to be the case. Sometimes mod conflict could happen due to incorrect installation order. I recently updated both PartySwap and Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mods, so I would also recommend you reinstall your KotOR 2 game, and install the latest version of my mods to see if you still have problems with installing my mods.
    A great alternative to TSLPatcher as an installer for KotOR mods. HoloPatcher is a lifesaver in particular for installing mods that involve a lot of patching of GFF files (especially DLG files).
  10. I have updated PartySwap to use HoloPatcher instead of TSLPatcher as the mod's installer, to make installing and uninstalling the mod faster and easier. HoloPatcher is a lifesaver for installing mods that involve a lot of patching of GFF files (especially DLG files) like PartySwap.

  11. I have no idea why this is happening to your game. Are you using any other mods? You are supposed to find all the 4 Jedi Masters before going back to Dantooine and enter the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave. Kreia's dialogue about suggesting you to return to Dantooine is supposed to be triggered after you found all 4 Jedi Masters, when the value of global flag 000_Jedi_Found is 4. Can you use KotOR SaveGame Editor to check your current save, looking at Globals > Numerics and see what is the value of 000_Jedi_Found of your current save? I would suggest you go to Nar Shaddaa and complete the questline, because entering the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave without meeting all 4 Jedi Masters first, especially if you choose to spare the Jedi masters, could cause possibly game-breaking problems for the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence.
  12. No, these warnings are not normal. Did you make sure you have installed TSLRCM first before installing my mod? Are you using any other mods? Did you make sure you point the installer to your game's main folder, and not the override folder? Which platform do you play KotOR 2 on?
  13. Leilukin


    Yes, you are out of luck for having Handmaiden in your party and getting her story for this playthrough. This mod only works if you install it before you leave the Telos Academy, where Handmaiden joins you. The PartySwap item only works if Handmaiden has already joined your party. So your only option is either reload a save before Handmaiden joins you, or start a new playthrough.
  14. Thanks for pointing out. I messed up when I was updating the page. It has been corrected now, so the correct installation order is indeed 1. Alternate Revan Romances Redux 2.Atton Rand and male Exile Romance.
  15. @WillJMC Did you make sure you actually pointed the mod's installer to your main KotOR 2 folder, where swkotor2.exe is located? Do not point the installer to the Override folder. Is your lips folder Read-only? Right-click your lips folder, go to Properties and see if the "Read-only" box is checked. If yes, make sure that your KotOR 2game directory and all subfolders are not set as read-only by unchecking the "Read-only" box of these folders. If my above suggestions still does not work or apply to you, you may need to try to verify integrity of game files of your KotOR 2 game on Steam to check if your game has been installed properly.
  16. Yeah, @JasonRyder, there is no need to @ me in the page of someone else's mod, unless there is something about that mod that actually needs my attention. Using the same modder's resource is not enough reason for it. I would second making unique human heads for the Mateles instead of making them Chiss like K1EP does.
  17. What is your operating system: WIndows, maxOS or Linux? If you are playing on Linux, you need to point the mod's installer to the "steamassests" folder.
  18. Do you have a folder named "lips" in your KotOR 2 game folder? Do you play KotOR 2 on Steam, GOG or the CD version?
  19. Are you using PartySwap? Are you using any other mods? Did you choose the Default installation or PartySwap compatible insallation option?
  20. It was because my mod neglected to include my custom body texture for Karal Kaar, not because of any conflict with the other mods you mentioned. My mod has been updated to fix the issue, but if you have already installed the previous version (1.1.1) of my mod, you can just put this file in your Override folder: llk_KaralB01.tpc
  21. To quote my reply to you on Nexus Mods: "It is the game-breaking sort of incompatibility, since Schematic Lightsaber Mod uses its own module files for the Sith Academy on Korriban, which will overwrite all the changes made by my mod to the Sith Academy, causing you unable to progress the Korriban's quest line in the way intended by my mod. Not to mention, SLM is an outdated mod that was built on an old version of TSLRCM, so I would not recommend using SLM at all even if you don't use my mod. "
  22. Leilukin

    Heart of Beskar

    Both K1CP and LDR's Cashed Republic Cruiser mod are included in the KotOR subreddit's mod build, meaning the mods have been tested together to prove they are compatible.
  23. @Wolfsiege I just tested my mod again on the GOG version of the game. I never had issues with getting in-game notifications about gaining influence with Handmaiden, including after sparring with her or selecting the dialogue options that will gain Influence with her. So I'm afraid I have zero clue about why you cannot get these notifications.
  24. You are correct that making player heads is not what I had in mind when I released this modder's resource. I made this modder's resource to make it easier to create mods that make these characters NPCs in KotOR 2. Unfortunately, modelling is beyond my modding capabilities and I do not have experience in making player head mods either, so I suggest you ask for help by making a thread on the forums.