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Everything posted by Sdub

  1. Version 1.3


    Stylized Portraits TSL Created by Tinman888 by Sdub & Tinman888 Version: 1.3 Description: After seeing the release by @DylanRPG and the Portraits done by Tinman888 who is a magnificent artist. I reached out to Tinman888 and discovered that he had finished some TSL Portraits! After gaining permission by Tinmann888 to create a pack made from his TSL portraits I got to work. This pack included all main party members with dark side transitions, generic female portrait, and generic bearded/Non Bearded male portrait One thing to note, the Widescreen UI can be a bit wonky, especially for the Aspyr version on steam. So I highly suggest using a widescreen mod otherwise the Portraits can look stretched. I use a combination of these two. & Easy install, open the folders of the portraits you'd like to use and Just drop them into the override folder. To uninstall remove the implemented files. Big thanks to the KOTOR Discord & Deadlystream Tinman888 for the wonderful art, you can see more of his art here! and on Instagram at and DylanRPG for the original pack which led me to discover the TSL portraits.
  2. Cool Thanks! I figured with the reveal and all haha it makes a lot of sense. Hope to see it soon
  3. I dig it! I would love if there was a version without the Revan mask, with more of a Dark Cloak look? Something like this would be fantastic
  4. View File Upscaled OG Icons Upscaled OG Icons by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: This mod is an upscale of all item/armor/weapon icons to 256x256, along with some force power icons. There could be a few extra extra thrown in for good measure. You really cannot tell on the force icons but I felt, why not toss them in? This mod was made with @ndix UR high resolution menus in mind. At first it was for personal use because I didn't like the pixilation, but decided to release it. I must be honest these are not the greatest and have some of their own issues, like being somewhat smudged. But mostly helps with pixilation. The difference will be hard to tell in the screenshots. Additional note, if you use the KOTOR Save Editor, you may need to run it in full screen due to the new icon size. Installation: Extract files to override Uninstallation: Delete files placed in override Compatibility: This mod is compatible with any mod as long as it doesn't already replace these files. K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: waifu2x Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord Submitter Sdub Submitted 07/16/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. Sdub

    Upscaled OG Icons

    Version 1.0.0


    Upscaled OG Icons by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: This mod is an upscale of all item/armor/weapon icons to 256x256, along with some force power icons. There could be a few extra extra thrown in for good measure. You really cannot tell on the force icons but I felt, why not toss them in? This mod was made with @ndix UR high resolution menus in mind. At first it was for personal use because I didn't like the pixilation, but decided to release it. I must be honest these are not the greatest and have some of their own issues, like being somewhat smudged. But mostly helps with pixilation. The difference will be hard to tell in the screenshots. Additional note, if you use the KOTOR Save Editor, you may need to run it in full screen due to the new icon size. Installation: Extract files to override Uninstallation: Delete files placed in override Compatibility: This mod is compatible with any mod as long as it doesn't already replace these files. K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: waifu2x Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord
  6. View File Tower Of Hanoi Puzzle Bypass Tower of Hanoi Bypass by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: I absolutely hate the Tower of Hanoi puzzle in Korriban, I sought to make a way to bypass it that kinda made some lore sense. So with the assistance of @DarthParametric this mod was born. In this version for now until I have more time, you will need a Computer Use skill of 10 or more for the dialogue selection to show up. Future Plans will include a more more scaled roll for your level with a failure message. Installation: Place Files into your override folder Uninstallation: Delete files that you placed in your override Compatibility: Would not be able to work with any other mod that edits kor39_pillar.dlg K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: DLG Editor KOTOR Scripting Tool Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord Submitter Sdub Submitted 07/13/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Tower of Hanoi Bypass by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: I absolutely hate the Tower of Hanoi puzzle in Korriban, I sought to make a way to bypass it that kinda made some lore sense. So with the assistance of @DarthParametric this mod was born. In this version for now until I have more time, you will need a Computer Use skill of 10 or more for the dialogue selection to show up. Future Plans will include a more more scaled roll for your level with a failure message. Installation: Place Files into your override folder Uninstallation: Delete files that you placed in your override Compatibility: Would not be able to work with any other mod that edits kor39_pillar.dlg K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: DLG Editor KOTOR Scripting Tool Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord
  8. Sdub

    Random HD UI Elements

    You would have to download those mods separately. As I said, the planets are only icons. Meaning they are just images, the other mods tell them where to go. As stated in the description. These were designed with the Widescreen UI Mod in mind. So I can't tell you how they will look without that installed.
  9. Sdub

    Random HD UI Elements

    They are only the Icons, it wont affect any other mod, so yes they are still animated for me. Yes Unknown world and starforge are updated. I'll work on posting a screenshot of them, i just was not there on my current playthrough. I also wanted to avoid spoilers for new people
  10. View File Random HD UI Elements Random HD UI Elements by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: Firstly, While using the HD UI Mod, I noticed there was quite a few things in it that were not HD and looked quite awful. One being the planet icons, and two being the party selection screenshot of the character on the right side. I decided to try and at least do something about this. For the party selection screen I took screencaps from the the game itself with high resolution textures made by ShiningRedHD's mod on the nexus Then proceeded to upscale them, this is the result. All characters images are from the waist up as best I could, HK47 was especially tricky. I did not do T3M4 as @Dark Hope created one for his HD Astromech Mod that is vastly superior to mine. I made one creative decision with: I also attempted to do Trask, it looks awful. But He's there, for some reason his texture does not apply correctly on the stats screen. It is like this even in the default image. Secondly, I had an idea to make new planet icons, upscaling was not successful, and creating my own looked absolutely awful. So after speaking with @Effix and showing him my trial and errors, it inspired him to create some that he told me to put in this pack with his blessing. Installation: Locate the folder of which you want to install and then place files in override folder. Uninstallation: Delete files that you placed in your override Compatibility: As long as you are you are using @ndix UR 's High resolution menus I do not see you having any problems. I do not know how it would look without it to be honest. I made these with 16:9 in mind. I do not know how they will do in other resolutions. Feel free to let me know. K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: MS Paint GIMP Waifu2x Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord Submitter Sdub Submitted 06/27/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  11. View File Wookie Warblade Fix This fix was originally made by Redrob41 and was located in one of his large mods. I was given permission by the admins to release it to the public. All credits goes to Redrob41, Please contact me if you would like this mod removed. This elongates the handle on the blade so your hands no longer grab the blade directly like it used to. To install just place the contents in the zip to you override! To uninstall just remove the files you place Thanks for the download! Enjoy -Sdub Full credits go to @redrob41 Submitter Sdub Submitted 06/06/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Sdub

    Random HD UI Elements

    Version 1.0.0


    Random HD UI Elements by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: Firstly, While using the HD UI Mod, I noticed there was quite a few things in it that were not HD and looked quite awful. One being the planet icons, and two being the party selection screenshot of the character on the right side. I decided to try and at least do something about this. For the party selection screen I took screencaps from the the game itself with high resolution textures made by ShiningRedHD's mod on the nexus Then proceeded to upscale them, this is the result. All characters images are from the waist up as best I could, HK47 was especially tricky. I did not do T3M4 as @Dark Hope created one for his HD Astromech Mod that is vastly superior to mine. I made one creative decision with: I also attempted to do Trask, it looks awful. But He's there, for some reason his texture does not apply correctly on the stats screen. It is like this even in the default image. Secondly, I had an idea to make new planet icons, upscaling was not successful, and creating my own looked absolutely awful. So after speaking with @Effix and showing him my trial and errors, it inspired him to create some that he told me to put in this pack with his blessing. Installation: Locate the folder of which you want to install and then place files in override folder. Uninstallation: Delete files that you placed in your override Compatibility: As long as you are you are using @ndix UR 's High resolution menus I do not see you having any problems. I do not know how it would look without it to be honest. I made these with 16:9 in mind. I do not know how they will do in other resolutions. Feel free to let me know. K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: MS Paint GIMP Waifu2x Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord
  13. View File Persuade Unlocked Persuade Unlocked by Sdub Version: 1.1 Description: This mod is a simple 2da edit that enables all classes to have Persuade as a class skill. I know there are plenty of mods that unlock EVERYTHING but I guess I prefer to keep the classes with their original flavor. But considering only the PC can use persuade it made no sense to me that a soldier/scout couldn’t be persuasive if they wanted to be. Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe and locate your swkotor folder Uninstallation: Delete skills.2da or replace with a backup Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with all mods except ones that could edit skills.2da K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: TSL Patcher ChangeEdit KOTOR Tool Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord Submitter Sdub Submitted 06/07/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. So, I just installed this and it seems to have also changed Saul to Varko in the first cutscene with Malak, Any Ideas?
  15. Sdub

    Persuade Unlocked

    Version 1.1


    Persuade Unlocked by Sdub Version: 1.1 Description: This mod is a simple 2da edit that enables all classes to have Persuade as a class skill. I know there are plenty of mods that unlock EVERYTHING but I guess I prefer to keep the classes with their original flavor. But considering only the PC can use persuade it made no sense to me that a soldier/scout couldn’t be persuasive if they wanted to be. Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe and locate your swkotor folder Uninstallation: Delete skills.2da or replace with a backup Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with all mods except ones that could edit skills.2da K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: TSL Patcher ChangeEdit KOTOR Tool Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord
  16. Sdub

    Wookie Warblade Fix

    Version 1.0.0


    This fix was originally made by Redrob41 and was located in one of his large mods. I was given permission by the admins to release it to the public. All credits goes to Redrob41, Please contact me if you would like this mod removed. This elongates the handle on the blade so your hands no longer grab the blade directly like it used to. To install just place the contents in the zip to you override! To uninstall just remove the files you place Thanks for the download! Enjoy -Sdub Full credits go to @redrob41
  17. Sdub

    Manaan Merc Overhaul

    Would you be interested in changing the Echani head to one of these in the this resource pack? You have permission! as its a resource pack for all modders
  18. Sdub


    This is fantastic! I did find there is a gold version? white and gold that doesnt seem to be upgraded
  19. Sdub

    Taris NPC Overhaul

    So ive noticed when in the undercity apartments this mod seems to make some of the Vulkars Friendly?
  20. Sdub

    Effixian's White Hanharr

    This looks awesome, Albino Hanhaar is an great idea, I'd love a "Dirtier" Version of him as he looks super clean
  21. Im really sorry about being a Necro, But im stumped on how to fix the Cyan lightsaber as it always appears to be out. i saw a file above with a fix but it looks like the zip is empty, can anyone help?
  22. Is there anyway modifying the 2da file i could make this into canderous default clothing?