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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Should be be fixed by https://deadlystream.com/files/file/865-kotor-droid-feat-gain-fix which is included in K1CP. As to HK's stats, I think it has come up previously, but it was never a high priority.
  2. View File Female Czerka Officer's Uniform - Modder's Resource Per some discussions on Discord with @N-DReW25, I have cobbled together a female version of the Czerka Officer's uniform for females. This is primarily intended as a modder's resource for people to use in their own mods. As such, there are three body models provided, Asian, Black, Caucasian, for use with whatever head models are desired. When creating a new appearance.2da row, only specify the model (N_CzerkOff_F_A, N_CzerkOff_F_B, or N_CzerkOff_F_C) and leave the texture column blank. This is because the model uses three different textures, thus is not compatible with appearance texture overrides. You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself. For non-modders, I have also provided an optional installer that will replace the outfit worn by the Czerka Protocol Officer on Tatooine. Simply run the TSLPatcher installer in the Optional folder. Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 12/21/2021 Category Modder's Resources  
  3. Version 1.1


    Per some discussions on Discord with @N-DReW25, I have cobbled together a female version of the Czerka Officer's uniform for females. This is primarily intended as a modder's resource for people to use in their own mods. As such, there are three body models provided, Asian, Black, Caucasian, for use with whatever head models are desired. When creating a new appearance.2da row, only specify the model (N_CzerkOff_F_A, N_CzerkOff_F_B, or N_CzerkOff_F_C) and leave the texture column blank. This is because the model uses three different textures, thus is not compatible with appearance texture overrides. You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself. For non-modders, I have also provided an optional installer that will replace the outfit worn by the Czerka Protocol Officer on Tatooine. Simply run the TSLPatcher installer in the Optional folder.
  4. Steam version perhaps? Aspyr broke a whole bunch of stuff with their update. Wouldn't surprise me if they broke normal maps.
  5. Are you on Mac/Linux? The files are using NTFS compression, which could be an issue on non-Windows installs.
  6. DarthParametric


    They are asking if it will be compatible with this: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1669-juhani-appearance-overhaul/ by @Stormie97. The answer is yes, it should be, since Stormie's head appears to stick to the vanilla UV layout.
  7. Without seeing the model as seedhartha suggested, I'd take a stab in the dark that you are trying to apply it to a skinned mesh.
  8. You mean the pre-rendered movies? Is the game minimising to the taskbar? That's a common problem. You may just have to disable them in the ini.
  9. The purple force field is just "door_field". There's also a yellow version named "LUN_Door_field". But they also use emitters on each side of the door to add a little extra oomph. The mine trigger sphere just uses a gradient texture (fx_static) and self-illum colour (RGB of 216/45/0). It uses scrolling UVs to get the rotation effect.
  10. The very first node of the LS DLG is not from my mod. It has an added node with a comment from @zbyl2 that fires an added script. So either some other mod is editing those modules and is actually the one at fault (all my mod does is change the stunt models), or you didn't actually do a clean install and left behind MODs in the module folder.
  11. Yes, the above links adds in animations for Revan's full outfit. I also made a mod that offers a hybrid version of the SF robes with the cape - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1099-revans-hoodlessmaskless-flowing-robes-for-k1/
  12. I assume you are using a Revan's robes mod, since the vanilla SF robes don't have a cape. For that you need to use this mod - https://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix/
  13. There's no way to know when you don't provide any actual information. Provide the following: A list of every mod you have installed, and the specific order you installed them in Attach the STUNT_42.mod and STUNT_44.mod files from your Modules folder Attach a text file listing the contents of your Override folder (open a command window in the Override, -> dir /b > override.txt).
  14. You shouldn't need to specify the unequip. It will happen automatically when equipping a new item.
  15. Does he actually have the items? I assume you aren't editing the UTC if you have to script the change. How are you spawning the items?
  16. The AI is set up to wait a round before equipping weapons to prevent it breaking. If you want someone unarmed to equip a weapon then you need to do that before turning them hostile and initiating combat. Try something like this: #include "k_inc_generic" void GoHostile() { ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound()); } void main() { object oDarkJedi02 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi02", 0); object oDarkJedi03 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi03", 0); ActionEquipItem(GetItemPossessedBy(OBJECT_SELF, "ITEM_TAG_HERE"), INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, FALSE); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionEquipItem(GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi02, "ITEM_TAG_HERE"), INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, FALSE)); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi03, ActionEquipItem(GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi03, "ITEM_TAG_HERE"), INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, FALSE)); ActionDoCommand(GoHostile()); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionDoCommand(GoHostile())); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi03, ActionDoCommand(GoHostile())); }
  17. This particular instance is caused by one of the module include constants. Read more here. Per that thread, you can bypass it by hex editing. #include "k_inc_generic" void main() { object oDarkJedi02 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi02", 0); object oDarkJedi03 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi03", 0); ChangeToStandardFaction(oDarkJedi02, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); ChangeToStandardFaction(oDarkJedi03, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound())); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi03, DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound())); DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound()); }
  18. Beta testing K1CP 1.9 and having fun with the Griffs.


    1. DarthParametric


      That's ok. I have a line on a couple of guys that can straighten him/them out.


    2. djh269


      Just don't let Anakin see them!

    3. JDub96


      Oh God. They've done it. The Sith found a way to transfer the Gizka rapid breeding gene into the most horrifying, annoyingly persistent, and devastatingly demoralizing entity on Tatooine. 

      ...And the Sandpeople.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  19. Ah. That would presumably be where they have both a Sound (for generic alien/droid-speak) and a VO_ResRef rather than one or the other.
  20. No. Most of the vanilla textures in the PC version already have it as part of their TXI data. The engine should just ignore anything that isn't valid.
  21. It doesn't do anything. It's not an engine semantic, it was used by Bioware's texture compiler when creating TPCs and TXBs. It would downres the source texture into a 256x256 TXB, whereas the TPC would remain the original 512x512 or whatever it was.
  22. The mod uses TSLPatcher to install, which is a Windows executable. You'd have to run it under Wine or something similar. But structurally the game content should be the same.
  23. There shouldn't be any issues as long as you don't just duplicate it but edit it appropriately. For example: //Check for banter 12 if (!GetGlobalBoolean("G_Banter12") && IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_T3_M4) && IsNPCPartyMember(INSERT_NPC_ID_HERE) && GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0), GetPartyMemberByIndex(1)) <= 5.0 && GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0), GetPartyMemberByIndex(2)) <= 5.0 && GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(1), GetPartyMemberByIndex(2)) <= 5.0) { AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0),ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(1),ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(2),ClearAllActions()); UT_SetTalkedToBooleanFlag(OBJECT_SELF); ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(),"Banter"); } Insert it below case 11. You'll see there's a gap above the last three closing braces: ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(),"Banter"); } // INSERT NEW ENTRY HERE } } } Just make sure the boolean name matches whatever you choose for your added ones. For the DLG, you'll need a new starting conditional. The vanilla ones also have a second script to set the global to true, but you can just roll that directly into the starting conditional, like so: int StartingConditional() { if (!GetGlobalBoolean("G_Banter12") && IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_T3_M4) && IsNPCPartyMember(INSERT_NPC_ID_HERE)) { SetGlobalBoolean("G_Banter12", TRUE); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }