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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Last time I looked at it, it was far too much of a pain in the ass to bother with.
  2. If all you want to do is change the description, then that's just a TLK entry. The feat properties themselves are hardcoded.
  3. Kreia is a full body model. If you have a creature with a separate head model from heads.2da then you cannot have a hood without getting the animation desync. A full body model is the only way to deal with it.
  4. A hooded outfit is not practical for players because of the animation desync between bodies and heads causing clipping when using hoods. Obsidian added a workaround in TSL with appearance row linking for the Handmaiden, but again it's not really practical for players because you can't dynamically handle custom head rows. You can deal with the issue with scripting, but that has its own drawbacks. See here for some additional info.
  5. The sanity value is fine, although interestingly mine has usemax=0 (although looking at the script, this is bypassed via a lookup of the Max version number). Edit: The sanity values come from the Preferences settings:
  6. Here's an alternative archive of the LF thread - https://forums.mixnmojo.com/topic/160582-jade-empire-modding-see-first-post-for-info-summary/ As to SpaceAlex's mods, I'll PM you a link.
  7. K1CP does add it, but that doesn't mean another mod installed afterwards couldn't have replaced it. That was the most likely culprit, given the trigger was right where you were crashing. There's nothing else that really jumps out as being potentially at fault.
  8. The likely culprit is k_trg_partyinit.ncs (which I gather is from the T3 mod). Try removing it from your Override and see if you still get the crashes.
  9. You'll likely need to run the command prompt as an administrator, especially if the game is installed in Program Files.
  10. What script did you remove exactly? This was from the Override presumably? As per my instructions to StellarExile a few posts up, I'll need you to dump a list of what's in your Override folder. Run a command prompt in there and enter: dir /b > override.txt then attach the text file.
  11. Looking at the layout, I can see a trigger for the party member "XYZ looks like they have something to talk about" scenes just before you hit the fire. Are you getting past the fire? Have you triggered Carth's next batch of whining?
  12. Crashes like that are usually a sign of a model or appearance.2da problem. By that point you would have already encountered multiple Sith Troopers, so notionally it shouldn't be that, but I suppose it's possible that a mod altered that particular UTC to point to a unique appearance. Alternatively, it could be something else nearby perhaps, like one of the placeables. But the view distance for all of that should be pretty far. At what point does it actually crash? Can you see the door, the trooper, the turrets in the distance, or does it crash before that?
  13. You appear to have made a few questionable life choices, but nothing that should affect the Hawk bark bubble.
  14. The script is correct, so the module itself shouldn't be a problem. You'll need to dump a list of what's in your Override. Run a command prompt in the folder and type in: dir /b > override.txt Then find the txt file in the folder and attach it here.
  15. It's in the module OnEnter. This is the K1CP version, which is mildly tweaked to make sure the fade-in from the opening crawl/level load works correctly. #include "k_inc_end" void main() { if (GetIsPC(GetEnteringObject())) { if (HasNeverTriggered()) { SetGlobalFadeOut(); PlayMovie("01A"); SetReturnStrref(FALSE, 32228, 0); //String 32228 is "Return To Hideout". Should technically be 38550, "Transit Disabled", instead. SetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET", 5); SpawnStartingEquipment(); SetGlobalFadeOut(); NoClicksFor(1.0); DelayCommand(0.1, SetGlobalFadeIn(0.9, 1.5)); DelayCommand(0.1, AssignCommand(GetTrask(), ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(), "m01aa_c01", FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC, TRUE))); SetMinOneHP(GetFirstPC(), TRUE); } } } SpawnStartingEquipment is the Include function (k_inc_end.nss) that you are after: void SpawnStartingEquipment() { object oLocker = GetObjectByTag(LOCKER_TAG); int nClass = GetClassByPosition(1,GetFirstPC()); if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_SCOUNDREL) { CreateItemOnObject(SCOUNDREL_WEAPON,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SCOUNDREL_ITEM01,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SCOUNDREL_ITEM02,oLocker); } else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_SCOUT) { CreateItemOnObject(SCOUT_WEAPON,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SCOUT_ITEM01,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SCOUT_ITEM02,oLocker); } else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_SOLDIER) { CreateItemOnObject(SOLDIER_WEAPON,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SOLDIER_ITEM01,oLocker); CreateItemOnObject(SOLDIER_ITEM02,oLocker); } if(GetHasSkill(SKILL_STEALTH,GetFirstPC())) { CreateItemOnObject(STEALTH_UNIT,oLocker); } } The specific UTI tags are defined in the include's constant list: string SOLDIER_WEAPON = "g_w_blstrrfl001"; string SOLDIER_ITEM01 = "g_i_adrnaline003"; string SOLDIER_ITEM02 = ""; string SCOUT_WEAPON = "g_w_blstrpstl001"; string SCOUT_ITEM01 = "g_i_adrnaline002"; string SCOUT_ITEM02 = "g_i_implant101"; string SCOUNDREL_WEAPON = "g_w_blstrpstl001"; string SCOUNDREL_ITEM01 = "g_i_secspike01"; string SCOUNDREL_ITEM02 = "g_i_progspike01"; string LOCKER_TAG = "end_locker01"; string STEALTH_UNIT = "g_i_belt010"; I'm pretty sure editing the starting items has been covered multiple times on the site (probably even in this thread), and there are several pre-existing mods that already do it. You should try searching for those for some further info.
  16. #include "k_inc_end" void main() { object oTrask = sTraskTag(); if (GetXP(GetFirstPC()) == 0) { GivePlotXP("end_tutorial", 5); } if (GetTraskState() < 2) { SetTraskState(2); if (!GetTraskWillInitiate()) { SetTraskWillInitiate(TRUE); DelayCommand(20.0, SignalEvent(oTrask, EventUserDefined(100))); } } } I assume this is from end_m01aa (Endar Spire Command Module)? I didn't download your attachment, just referred to my local copy.
  17. Possibly, although I suspect doing so intentionally would be unlikely. You could check your Override for k_pebo_galaxytlk.ncs. Failing that, attach ebo_m41aa.mod from your Modules folder.
  18. It enables a procedural dirt effect over the selected mesh when rendered in-game. You should be careful when enabling it. It's not compatible with envmaps if I recall correctly. To enable it, simply tick the checkbox.
  19. Lowering your level isn't going to help if the global was already set. Since this is a vanilla issue and not a problem with K1CP nor something we are planning to change, I'm going to have to ask you to take this to a dedicated thread of your own.
  20. Not without editing the appropriate scripts, no.
  21. k_hcan_state08 is the name of the starting conditional. The actual value it is looking for is GetGlobalNumber("G_CAND_STATE") == 7 && GetHitDice(GetFirstPC() > GetGlobalNumber("T_LEVC") && GetGlobalBoolean("LEV_MALDREAM") == TRUE The T_LEVC global is your level the last time you got one of his conversations. As I said, if you were already at level 20 at that point then you are boned because you will never pass this check (or any of the subsequent checks). This is vanilla behaviour, nothing to do with K1CP.
  22. It has nothing to do with K1CP. You're boned because virtually all companion conversations require you to level up between entries, which you can no longer do once you are level 20. All K1CP does with Canderous is remove the requirement for his final conversation taking place on Lehon, and allowing it to progress if you are level 20. But it won't help if you are stuck on prior stages. You'd need to edit all those starting conditional scripts to change the level check as well.
  23. No, you don't need to install it. As per the description, this mod includes the Vandar portion of that mod.
  24. No, it's a K1 resource. The models are compiled for K1. You'd have to recompile a version specifically for TSL. I believe @N-DReW25 was planning on doing that, if I recall correctly.
  25. They should be higher resolution versions from TSL.