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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Bioware is featured in a mini-documentary where they discuss both KOTOR and SWTOR. It's pretty good.
  2. I flipped them to avoid the above result. I wasn't sure why it was the case but I had recalled other mods that had flipped textures and that seemed to be the fix in this case. Should work fine out of the box, but if you edit them you may need to flip depending on the format, as explained above.
  3. Just turn the voice volume down in the settings? But yeah, the best way would be to just make the sound files silent, but keep the duration.
  4. So this is just to protest Steam's smartphone authenticator? Seems like a knee-jerk reaction on your part, if so. I understand the frustration with that, but in the end, Valve won't care. Just because one mod for an 11 year old game gets pulled, doesn't mean they'll change their minds on it.
  5. I actually love them, however they almost always clash with the music that's already playing and ends up sounding awful. Nice work.
  6. The Ithorians might have the worst textures in TSL imo. Are there no retextures of it around?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malkior


      The Aliens Redetailed update will have Ithorians, actually. If you want to see what they will look like once it's released, check out my WIP :)

    3. Circa


      Yes, they look a lot better, for sure! Any chance they'll get even more detail? Compared to shots of some of the other alien textures, they don't look quite as detailed. Nice work on that so far though!

    4. Malkior


      Well, that's the thing. Among being the worst textures in the game, the Ithorians are also the worst UVW wrapped of every single character, second maybe to the Gamorreans.


      I've had talks with some folks about rewrapping some of these and other aliens, but it might make the mod take longer to actually finish as I can't unwrap them from my home PC.

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  7. Isn't she supposed to be blonde? According to SWTOR?
  8. That's why I didn't call it an HD remake. Also, more was done than a leather texture overlay. But yes, was just a quick little mod I did a few years ago. Figured I'd release it since there wasn't anything like it for Bastila yet.
  9. File Name: Higher Quality Bastila File Submitter: Circa File Submitted: 22 Feb 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes This is a fairly simple reskin of Bastila, to make her textures look a bit better quality. There are lots of great people that make amazing HD reskins of KOTOR models, but Bastila hasn't been done yet, so I figured I'd make a temporary skin for people to use until someone makes a better one. This isn't really "HD" in my opinion. It's not perfect, at all. Maybe I'll work on it more in the future. Credits: Bioware, Fred, etc etc etc. Installation: Put in the Override folder of your KOTOR install folder Click here to download this file
  10. 3,505 downloads

    This is a fairly simple reskin of Bastila, to make her textures look a bit better quality. There are lots of great people that make amazing HD reskins of KOTOR models, but Bastila hasn't been done yet, so I figured I'd make a temporary skin for people to use until someone makes a better one. This isn't really "HD" in my opinion. It's not perfect, at all. Maybe I'll work on it more in the future. Credits: Bioware, Fred, etc etc etc. Installation: Put in the Override folder of your KOTOR install folder
  11. Circa

    Modern KOTOR

    It would make more sense to give only Force users sabers, and replace all vibroswords with blasters. Always wanted a mod like that.
  12. The Court of Nerds interviewed Charles Boyd (Lead Designer) and James Ohlen (Director of Design) from Bioware about SWTOR and KOTOR and some other things. Pretty cool.
  13. To be fair to them, I'm sure a lot of these shots were made for concepts, not actually for the final game. They already said they don't have much of anything to show at this point aside from these shots. So I agree with all of the above 100%, but I don't think we should bash them quite as hard as it feels you guys are doing. At least not yet.
  14. Ha! Great obvservations. At least they're not accepting donations until they have something to show, right?
  15. I remember I chose blue the first time I played, and loved how finding other color crystals was sometimes tricky. Finding that purple crystal in the krayt dragon cave was such a good feeling. A great idea though. Probably not something I'd use.
  16. Is there a list of recommended K1/TSL mods? Saw one on LF but the links are to FF.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      If you think KOTOR modding is easy, you'll look at JKA and wish you had started with it. :P

    3. milestails


      I'm not a modder; I am just interested in what the go to mods are in case I do try JK.

    4. Circa


      Cool. I'll send you a link to the list once it's done!

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  17. Both this and Toasty's mod crashes my game. Not sure why. Figured I'd report that here though.
  18. Wow. Extremely complicated for such a simple concept that I want. Thanks for the replies, guys. If someone with experience wants to whip this up for me, that would be awesome. Otherwise I'll need to sit and take the time to figure this out later when I have the motivation to do so. Was hoping to get it done before I play through again. Could this be moved to the requests subforum? In case there's a chance someone will make it.
  19. Alright, so I'm trying to figure out how to mod this game again. It's been years. I found the footlocker UTP file that I want to add the armor to. I add it and all is well on Windows. But when I go to Mac, it crashes the game. Not really sure why. Also, how does the icon system work? Do I have to point to the icon file name for it to work? I tried naming it ia_rep_armour.tga, since that's the name of the UTI file, but that didn't work. Sorry for the noobness. I'm a JKA modder, not a KOTOR modder. Nice. I want to make it a standalone mod though, if possible.
  20. WAT I searched on GF with the word "republic" and only a couple came up that weren't those. Wow. Thank you.
  21. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, or if I'm posting this in the wrong section. Saw other requests so hopefully I'm right. I'm looking for a mod for K1 that lets you wear Republic armor, and replaces or adds it to the footlocker on the Endar Spire. I always felt that since you were a soldier with the Republic, you would have the outfit to match that role. I saw a mod that replaces the Soldier class outfit with Republic soldier armor, but is there a mod that adds it as an outfit? I seem to remember this sort of mod existing on Filefront or maybe even pcgamemods, but I can seem to find any mention of it anywhere.
  22. A screenshot for the exile would be nice.
  23. Just look it up on the Google Play store? That's what those links are to.
  24. Thought this said "Obese armor"