Hunters Run

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Everything posted by Hunters Run

  1. Version 1.7


    Knights of the old Republic: Operation kill Bastila remade. As the original site that hosted the mod went down so I decided to recreate the mod operation kill Bastila. This mod will turn the sith troopers patrolling on taris hostile unless Bastila has a disguise on. Bastila must be in the party for this to happen. It is recommended that you start a new game. INSTALLATION: There are two options Roleplay and Gameplay: 1. Select the option roleplay if you don’t mind the disguise giving a -1 to wisdom. The reason for this is in the item’s description. 2. Select the option gameplay if you don’t want a -1 wisdom decrease. 3. OPTIONAL- If you have the Kotor Restoration Patch installed place the file from the compatibility\K1R folder into the override. Replace as needed. 4. OPTIONAL- If you have DarthParametric's Taris escape sequence adjustment, Run the Compatibility Patch option of the installer. UNINSTALLATION: That may not be a good idea but if you insist: 1. Delete the following files from override- appearance.2da, bast_des.mdl\mdx, bast_desh.mdl\mdx, bast_des.uti, feat.2da, heads.2da, kill_bast.ncs, kill_bastsg.ncs, p_bastila.utc, tar02_sithguard.utc, tar02_sithpat22.utc, tar02_sithpat023.utc, tar02_canttroope.utc, cowl.tpc, mask.tpc. 2. Go to the mods folder and find the folder marked backup. Copy appearance.2da, feat.2da, heads.2da from the backup folder to the override folder. Copy dialog.tlk to your knights of the old republic root folder (the folder that has the game). INCOMPATIBILITIES UPDATED PART 2: Any mod that modifies the following files will be incompatible: k_ptar_alertsith.ncs k_ptar_strgrd_en.ncs Do not put the following files into the override folder after installation: P_Bastila.utc tar02_sithguard.utc tar02_sithpat22.utc tar02_sithpat023.utc tar02_canttroope.utc KNOWN ISSUES: None that I know of. Be sure to report a bug if you find one. PERMISSIONS: You may not upload this mod to any other websites. You may use this mod in your mod as long as you credit me and you upload it to either deadlystream, nexusmods, or both. Do note that if you include it in your mod you are now responsible for maintaining your fork of the mod (in other words don’t come to me with user issues). The only exception of course is adding updated versions of this mod (if any) to your mod. FOR MODDERS: Look in the folder marked source. I organized the folders for each thing modified. The idea behind this is compatibility.
  2. That fixed it thank you. also win 10 64 bit if it helps.
  3. Hey, I ran it and I may have a slight issue with the ui: As you can see there are boxes that I don't think should be there. Otherwise, quick tests show that everything works so far. Good job!
  4. 1. Kotor 1 steam. 2. In the C: drive not in program files. 3.Can't call method "get_field_ix_by_label" on unblessed reference at script/ line 21451. 4.Yes. 5.Kotor 1 6. Long story short the toolset freezes on lip files. Replicated with a test .mod and I was unable to open a .mod with lip files in it (the ones ending with _loc in the kotor folder). To replicate create a .mod file with the are, git, and ifo and add a lip file.Load in the toolset and try to save. toolset Strange that I was the first one to post here, but I was modifying k1r for personal use and decided to use the toolset.
  5. Been a while since I have done one of these so...Status update: I am updating my status.

    1. jc2


      Responding to Status update: Things work well when they are up to date ^^

  6. Actually, you can create brand new animations without replacing any by adding new lines to animations.2da. The caveat is that this only works for tsl and dialogue(I don't know if you can trigger new combat animations).
  7. Goodbye yahoo mail, even though I never used you.

  8. Just making sure everything works.

    1. Sithspecter


      What's working/not working?

    2. Hunters Run

      Hunters Run

      I had some issues logging into the site awhile ago. Something about a website security certificate. I sent a p.m. to SH but never got a reply. So 1. It's just my paranoia and 2.I should have said SH Check your messages.

  9. Go on vacation. Check. Neglect to remember the password for the site. Check.

  10. Sorry about that. SS I'll duel you for it. Bananas at sunset! Just To stay on topic: looks cool, I'll definitely check it out when I get around to playing tsl.
  11. New signature-Just For You @SH: Welcome to Schmucktown - Population: Me.

  12. I actually intended the flowing revans robe to be a modders resource (seeing as you don't actually play as revan in k2). However if you know how to and there is demand for it you can create one and upload it on this site with the original mod. You even don't have to give me credit for the original mod ( as I consider it a resource), but it would be nice. The caveat is that any maintenance of the updated mod is your responsibility (however this only applies to the UTI, send any actual model problems to me. It may be some time before they are fixed but still...). I would create a UTI myself, but it is a matter of supply and demand. I haven't heard a lot of people ask for a UTI, and I have other projects that I am focused on. I may get to it eventually but it will take a while.
  13. Sent you p.m with more details.
  14. Just when I decided to switch to blender. You.Are.Awesome. Edit: I just tried it. Is there a specific method of exporting an area walkmesh? At the moment I have to change the walkmesh from trimesh to aabb in notepad. Also is it possible to add an Other designation to the aurora base list? Sill KAurora recognizes it so I am extremely pleased (even more so after I upgraded neverblender and it messed up exports).
  15. Update time. I am having trouble linking the screenshots so I will leave the comments here. Screenshot marked door: Remodeled the door as it was too big last time. PrivateCloseup: This one is a closeup of the gate before the senators private landing pads(more on those later). Accessible, but maybe through a quest. I was thinking that there would be a protocol droid outside who would restrict access. Oh and there is going to be a door. insideShuttle: It may be hard to see but I have modeled the inside of the shuttle partway. PrivateSpeeders: Where the senators park their speeders. So where are the speeders you may ask? There are two answers to that question. Firstly, they need to be modeled (won't be done until later in the project). Secondly, I will try to add an animation to them so they won't be in the actual senate model. Rail: Self-explanatory, I added a rail so you won't fall off. Shuttle: I you are not a senator this is how you get to the senate building. There could be a quest where it flies away and you need to get an alternative route from the senate (just brainstorming). That's where the senator's speeders come in handy. Texture: Just showing off the texture for the side of a building that I made. Statues: Most likely my favorite part- I added statues in front of the doors. Not the best edge flow but they are stationary sooo.... All in all about 53,500 polys. I hope that is not too much (first time really making an area). Also I have been sending the model to Sith Holocron whenever I reach a milestone (as a just in case). He suggested that I send it here as well so look below. Note: I did not include the texture. senate
  16. Hunters Run


    From the album: Backhanded style

  17. Hunters Run


    From the album: Backhanded style

  18. Hunters Run


    From the album: Backhanded style

  19. Hunters Run


    From the album: Backhanded style

    see post