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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    Summary This mod adjusts the way the player acquires Jedi robes during their training on Dantooine. There are two parts, which can be installed individually or together: Apprentice Robes: The player will be equipped with Apprentice Robes as soon as they begin their training (in the montage). The Apprentice Robes look like brown Jedi Robes, but have the stats of Basic Clothing, so this is merely an aesthetic change. These robes have no prerequisites and can be worn by all humanoids in the party, regardless of Jedi class. Early Jedi Robes: Master Zhar will reward the player with Jedi Robes once they have chosen their Jedi class and constructed their lightsaber (i.e. as soon as they have the prerequisite to equip robes). Originally, he only granted them after all the trials were completed. The early access will allow you to wear robes in combat during the final trial. Installation Run Robe_Adjustment_K1.exe. Select which version to install. a) Apprentice Robes b) Early Jedi Robes c) Both a) and b). Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKOTOR). Uninstallation Remove the installed files or replace from backups if necessary. Compatibility This mod overrides the scripts k_pdan_jedi17, k_pdan_zhar03, and k_pdan_zhar06. It may not be compatible with other mods that alter the Jedi training portion of the game. Credits KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra TSLPatcher – stoffe DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus K-GFF – tk102 NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 And thanks to ebmar and DarthParametric for planning and reconnaissance. Permissions I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. Disclaimers THE PATH YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO WALK IS DIFFICULT. INTENSIVE TRAINING WILL PREPARE YOU PHYSICALLY FOR THE DEMANDS OF MODDING. MEDITATION WILL TEACH YOU TO CHANNEL THE POWER OF LUCASARTS. TO TRULY UNDERSTAND THE WAYS OF KOTOR, YOU MUST OPEN YOUR MIND TO KNOWLEDGE. SEEK WISDOM IN THE TEACHINGS OF THE GREAT MODDERS OF OUR COMMUNITY. A MODDER IS NEVER ALONE - OTHERS IN THE COMMUNITY WILL ALWAYS STAND BY YOU. YOU AND BIOWARE SHARE A SPECIAL BOND. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TURN TO THEM WHEN YOU NEED HELP IN YOUR MODDING. THE WAY OF KOTOR IS DIFFICULT. IT REQUIRES GREAT DISCIPLINE. YET EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE A MERE END USER, YOUR POTENTIAL IS UNLIMITED - AND YOUR PROGRESS AMAZING. IN ALL MY YEARS I HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE WHO HAS READ THE README SO QUICKLY. YOU HAVE DONE IN WEEKS WHAT MANY CANNOT DO IN YEARS. I AM HONORED TO WELCOME YOU FULLY INTO THE KOTOR COMMUNITY. Donations If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link. For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire. I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.
  2. 1 point


    Original Review on Filefront: Shem graces us with another mod of his, this time with it being a reskin for Juhani. Although there are quite a few skins for her out there, this one catches my eye in how it turns her into something more human rather than trying to make her more Cathar-like, though she still has those Cathar eyes. In my opinion it is a vast improvement. No longer do I look at Juhani's face, shiver in disgust, and select the dialogue option to kill her as soon as possible! She looks much more like an actual person now, rather than a two-legged hairless cat. Although this mod doesn't change the dialogue at all with her, I find that it makes it far more enjoyable — without staring at her face and thinking, "WTF was up with the developers?" I can now fully appreciate what she has to say. (And even moreso by removing her clothes — Shem was gracious enough to include an underwear skin! XD) This mod uses no 2da files, so no worries about compatibility. I would recommend it to everyone, especially dark side players � maybe you'll have second thoughts about killing her at the grove now. My compliments to Shem on this! Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    Summary I noticed two issues regarding the Zhug attack in TSLRCM: Some of the appearances were wrong, so they were all clones of Azanti Zhug. More importantly, all the Zhugs were spawned as hostile. This would cause the cutscene to break if the AI for one of the party members spotted a Zhug and attacked. This had the unfortunate consequence of removing the choice to add a third party member to team up with Atton and Bao-Dur. This mod fixes both of those things. This mod requires TSLRCM version 1.8.5. It may not be compatible with earlier or later versions. Only 1.8.5 has been tested. Installation Run Zhug_Attack_Fix.exe. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKOTOR2). Uninstallation Remove the installed files. Replace with backups if necessary. Compatibility This mod requires TSLRCM version 1.8.5. It may not be compatible with earlier or later versions. Only 1.8.5 has been tested. This mod is included in the KOTOR 2 Community Patch. If you use that, you don't need this. It may also not be compatible with other mods that alter the Zhug encounter. Credits KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra TSLPatcher – stoffe K-GFF – tk102 NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Permissions To the maintainers of TSLRCM: Maybe include this in the next update? If there is one? Maybe? To everyone else: I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. Disclaimers I'LL TAKE THE STUPID ONE, WHO DECIDED TO THREATEN US RATHER THAN SHOOT US WHEN HE HAD THE CHANCE. Donations If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link. For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire. I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.
  4. 1 point
    https://deadlystream.com/topic/5632-black-line-in-middle-of-face/?do=findComment&comment=59000 The short answer is that it should limit how far in pixels the texture can wrap.
  5. 1 point
    Once I am settled at the end of the trip, I'll have pictures of the more "fun things" we did on the trip. You'll eventually see that I have a fascination with neon signs.
  6. 1 point
    So I'm working on a reflection for LME, should I make it a blog post? Or should I record footage of LME and talk about things? If you are not interested in LME at all, would you still give imput on which format you think would be better? Originally, I thought of doing a video and I started righting a script for it, but it's quickly devolved into a blog-like written article, so now I'm reconsidering what to do.
  7. 1 point
    Playing around with the new UV maps. Seeing how different colors respond under ambient light and seeing if I lined everything up correctly.
  8. 1 point
    This turned out better than I expected: The video shows a test for an animated Malachor skybox and surprisingly it actually looks good. What you see are basically three layers: A skybox that has only terrain. A second skybox that shows the closest clouds including the "ceiling" and rotates around its axis. And a cylinder that has the distant clouds and rotates slower than the close clouds. And the video also shows my new lightning animation. The skybox is still not done though. I want to have more cloud contrast (all attempts for that were unsuccessful so far) which should also help with distinguishing the two cloud layers, the terrain color is not quite right and it needs to be lowered a bit as well. And then there are the lightning strikes coming directly from mountains that I need to move somewhere else. Oh and there's a rendering error where part of the terrain is cut off for some reason. Also not quite sure about the animation speed. I might have to make that faster. I might work on another skybox first though just to get a fresh perspective on Malachor afterwards.
  9. 1 point
    It already did. I had at some point in the distant past even made some clouds for an updated version of Quanons reskin, but I'm not sure if he ever finished that update. In any case, I've been playing around with the Malachor clouds for some weeks now and never got a result that I was really happy with. It wasn't bad but it never looked like a proper storm. But that changed this morning. For this latest version I created a huge cloud vortex and also learned some new stuff that allowed me to have a more interesting cloud underside while having a fully covered sky. Here's what it looked like after a first ingame test: I have since recolored the clouds green and changed some of the twisting in the clouds as well. Now I just want to get a little more contrast, i.e. darker dark parts of the clouds and then the sky might actually be finished. Oh, and I also created a new lightning texture that I wanted to show here but it didn't end up on the screenshot... I'll try to do better next time.
  10. 1 point
    I'm still alive: Not very impressive, I know but at least it's something^^ The models for Malachor are done as is the terrain pretty much. The clouds are still the same placeholders as before but with a different sun position which makes them look even worse. Next up is finishing the sky and then tune the terrain color. But I like where this is going already.
  11. 1 point
    Very good. Give me surprised and pleased.
  12. 1 point
    Everyone: "Oh goodie, JCarter426 uploaded another mod! I wonder what flawless, innovative, 10/10 mod he has graced us with this time JCarter426: "IsLaM iS mY aUtHoRiTy!"
  13. 1 point
    More progress: I was originally going to do Nar Shaddaa next but my idea of getting the buildings from SWTOR proved more complicated than expected/hoped. So instead I worked some more on Dxun. I remade big parts of its landscape, added bushes etc. There's still a lot to do but here's what I have: Then I also started working on Malachor. That one turned out really well so far. The clouds are still very much a placeholder but the terrain is pretty close to being done. The green glow on the ground comes from my attempts of having a low fog that's lit from below. That's partially working but the ground glowing green is an unintended sideeffect that's maybe impossible to get rid of. In that case I'll have to find another solution or just skip the green glow from below *insert spooky music here*
  14. 1 point
    There's nothing fancy about it. I just copied the mesh from another module (Upper City South), positioned it in my Davik's Estate scene in 3ds Max and linked it to the skybox odysseybase. And since I'm lazy, I took a building mesh that already has a proper lightmap so I didn't have to add that one either. In other news: I now consider the skybox part of Taris final. I will probably go back and tweak the lightmaps some more in the future but that will be only tiny changes. And to celebrate this milestone there is the obligatory render: I also went back to the very first skybox I made when restarting this project almost two years ago: The Telos Polar Plateau. There was always something bothering me about its snow in particular, but that's now fixed. The trick was to get rid of the fancy snow shader (which had among other effects an actual displacement for piled up snow) and replace it with a very simple color shader instead. Then I lightened up the rock color to better match the ingame terrain and the skybox was done. Afterwards I just had to fix up the model and while doing that, I also added a skybox to the academy hangar similar to DarthParametrics standalone mod. And even though it's not exactly spectacular, here's a standalone render of that skybox:
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    You are absolutely right about that. The colours were still a bit off and Bioware's lighting on Taris is terrible^^ So I continued iterating over the lightmap for my 2d buildings and also the lightmaps for the 3d buildings to get everything to blend together. Once I was happy with that, I enabled all the clouds in TG and rendered the skybox again. That changed the lighting of the skybox so there was a mismatch once again. That meant tweaking the skybox lighting to get it closer to where it was before, followed by tweaking the lightmaps again. And finally, I rerendered the 2d buildings with more contrast and a better cubemap. Here's the result of all that: Much better if you ask me. What's left now is to rerender the cubemap (used both when rendering the backdrop buildings and ingame for reflections) at a higher resolution and then maybe do some additional tweaking. More importantly, I still need to do the same thing (changing all the lightmaps) for the Upper City South. But I'm getting there I also noticed that I had forgotten about one skybox when going through all the models and fixing them: Davik's Estate. That was changed and Davik has a nice view from his hangar now. I decided not to add additional backdrop buildings here since I figured that his estate was probably expensive and should thus stand a little more separated from the rest of the buildings.
  17. 1 point
    I'm still here. And after moving, handing in a thesis and working a lot I finally had some time to work on skyboxes again. Yeay I also just realised today that I can use a simple cylindricalk UVW map for lightmaps and don't have to use a multi-unwrap script followed by somehow projecting a cylindrical map and rendering that to a texture. With that roadblock out of the way I was able to get a lot of work done for Taris. The backdrop buildings are now lightmapped to blend with the skybox: For comparison. Here's the same without lightmaps: In that case one would of course change the color for the texture but you can also see the change in "lighting" in the lightmapped image from left to right. That would have been impossible with a single backdrop building texture and no lightmaps. Now I just need to figure out what those weird white rectangles floating around the upper city are and get rid of them. I might also tweak the lightmap some more, especially for the Upper City South. And I need to check if everything still looks good once I render the skybox with all clouds enabled. Apart from the lightmaps I also did something else today. I'll show it in a screenshot and for some reason I'm feeling like making a guessing game out of it. Please don't ask me why. I'll post some hints in spoiler tags below and if you don't feel like guessing, you can just open the answer-spoiler^^ Answer: That's it for now, so all that's left for this post is me wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  18. 0 points
    Just to be clear, are we talking about this one? I'm not making any promises yet, but I've been learning how to model lightsabers and might be up for it.
  19. 0 points
    Bad Carth, those are garbage UVs. Blue = good, green = slow down, yellow = stop, orange = GO BACK, purple = dead.
  20. 0 points
  21. 0 points
    This has to be the dumbest thing I've seen on this site. You're just replacing random words with silliness. Yikes...