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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/18/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    First things first: Work still continues. I pulled a 12 hour day today to getting the sublevel ready for beta. We are very close. But not there yet. The big item standing in the way of a beta release is setting up the installer. I will be using HoloPatcher for this project, so I am going to take the time to get the installer set up and then confirm I got everything where it needed to be. Beyond that, the Droid bay questline has not been finished yet. Here is what is ready for a beta look: -Jedi Shadow bounty quest for Sith and Jedi artifacts is fully functional. -Manaan Kolto purchasing quest is playable outside of journal entries firing. (Jounral entries for all quests are not working right now because I have not dived into it yet. -Republic Operations Center is fleshed out with dialog with Dodonna and soldiers. No AI voicework yet for her pending beta feedback. -Wookie dialog is complete, referring the player to speak to Bolook in the Holding Cells. This will trigger murder investigation first. I have not scripted conditionals that account for this quest already having been completed on the plains. -Kavar dialog is complete outside of 2 lines that need rework due to changes being made. -Opening dialog with the caretaker of the Academy, who serves to provide an overview of what the sublevel offers, is set up with relevant camera work. -Vash dialog is complete. Here's a snippet of Dodonna dialog and Quall's quest: All that to say, work continues. I'm not going to give a timeline on beta release. I've learned my lesson on that. But I am working on it, and want this complete and a presentable and worthy addition to the modding landscape as soon as that can be done.
  2. 9 points
    Hi everyone, Here is a quick pic of a new Corellian beast, which will be found in the jungles on Corellia. Image is attached All thanks to Redrob41 art skills. With the topic of Upscaling textures, ...I know Redrob41 has been doing some and some of the new characters which might be upscaled vs the vanilla. I will need to touch base with him on the topic of how much will be upscaled. If we do Upscale all textures for RoR there will be a discussion on wither it will be part of the initial final game/mod or as a separate optional texture mod. I don't want to show you to much so we can surprise you all. We are plugging away at the mod with updates to the build every week. Logan23
  3. 8 points
    This is the safest approach, since any input can be ignored as desired. Having worked in a number of large team projects, both in game modding and elsewhere, the problem with other people is that they all have ideas. Worse still, they labour under the impression that their ideas are actually good.
  4. 8 points
  5. 7 points
    Good afternoon. I will post my current work here.
  6. 7 points
    It was an idea I had many years ago. Never found the time to go through the concept. Then Lucas forums closed. But now I have some to wrestle this. Since 2023, everything is in HD, 4K, AI Upscaled. So I thought, why not make a new texture for the datapad for the Dantooine cutscene. I've redone the texture of both datapads models (regular and with severed arm). I tried to upscale the textures with some success. Now I don't have a working 3DS Max license nor the will to re-learn the tools of Blender 3D. So I didn't unwrap the UV Mapping to see where everything goes. But it a start. I was inspired by this concept. I also plane to add animations choices for the display screen. I will also rework the texture of the datapad on the severed arm. My broken screen don't real shows and I want to add some random damages on the metal. It surely had been dropped on the floor, if the arm was ripped off or something in this line of idea. Here are the results Addendum... DarthParametric has answered a call to aid here, by remaking the severed arm model and by providing me the UV Mapping images of both datapads models. I'm adding his great contribution to this project as stipulated in the request.
  7. 6 points
    Neural network and Mandalorian armor.
  8. 6 points
    These are my take ways from attempting to mod KOTOR; motivated from my love for the game and disappointment from not having any official update in all these years I felt like I could give it a go. - Using more modern techniques to get meshes and textures out the door can be pretty fast - normal maps are not bad, not awesome but not bad, and with the help of bumping some of the geo out can look pretty good in game. but I would NOT cook out normals for items, cooking down flat/tile normals are handy, (walls, floors, "flat items") if your going to make chest, chairs, droids etc I would basically lean on smoothing groups or vert weighted normals for all the shapes, and if you want damage or chips all that good jazz you can give a flat blue normal some overlay damage in painter or PS. - end results just looking at this with no real texture love ,could look pretty cool The down shot - the tools and guess work to get anything in game is exhausting. I spent more time trail and error then actually making anything. Its more, like, yes its faster to make assets these days, but the more you put into the game the more the system starts to put up walls. Its kind of like trying to pack way too stuff into your luggage, yes it all going to fit? probably, but your in for a fight, and that fight is going to take a while. It could also be a learning curve on my part, so I would also take that into account. I also want to say thanks to DarthParametric for taking time to address my questions! Here are some shots of half done stuff, with, like I said no real texture love or unification here. Also started in on some HP heads, some funky jazz is going on with some of them or I would have more images up
  9. 6 points
  10. 6 points
    Hi everyone, I want to squash this all with saying the mod is alive and doing well. The mod is drinking some corellian ale on the beaches of Telos 😀 I will be updating this post later with an update. I'm at work so don't have access to show any pics 😀 Logan23
  11. 6 points
    There are only vague concepts for a few quests based on David Gaider's early recollections of the planet. I do intend to stick to the basic premise of these quests, however I will make deviations as necessary where it makes sense. As far as cut modules, there really aren't any. There's some fairly complete geometry from the arena, which was not really in a state to be used. I modeled the current arena after it, but I made it open-air like a colosseum. For the rest of the areas, there are only screenshots of the street. I've done my best to remain faithful to those images in modeling the street. So it's all new content and models. Fortunately, the original textures from Sleheyron still exist within the game and I've used them extensively and added a few along the way.
  12. 5 points
    Hi everyone I'm posting this update in part to show you guys some images and the Intro Movie/ crawler mockup. I'm posting the mockup video in hopes to find someone who can do the real intro movie for the mod. The mockup is done in Blender. The person could take this file and make it look better. At the end of the video you see part of the space station break off,. There would be an explosion there. If anyone is interested in doing the actual intro video, please contact me by DS message. Link to video: RoR intro movie mockup
  13. 5 points
    As a developer for the mod, I'd say things are going pretty good! I have to finish one more module and after that we just need to stich some already completed areas together, add conditionals along the way, write the end scene for Episode 1 Corellia (the scene is done but the dialogue itself is placeholder right now) and then it'd be in a proper Beta state.
  14. 5 points
  15. 5 points
  16. 5 points
    UPDATE! The last few weeks have seen encouraging progress and I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel towards a release. More on that later. Here are some screenshots showing a few of the additions that have been made since last I posted: The Ops center has received Republic Analysts and officers organizing battle reports and issuing deployment orders to Republic fleets across the galaxy. Admiral Dodonna is on planet for an important strategy meeting with the Jedi Council, plans her next moves. With the advancement of AI voicework, adding her as a full fledged npc we can have conversations with is now before us. Dergar Chester and his fumbling assistant Tarn have taken their posts within the Droid Bay of the sublevel. Here we find them enjoying a moments rest before the player's shenanigans with a faulty droid and a storage room door cause an untimely demise for one of our technician friends when the Sith attack. Jedi Shadows train for their next mission deployment within the Southern Dueling Range of the Sublevel. Master Sundar Dusk has placed a permanent hold on this dueling range for exclusive use by the Shadows, but the Northern Range is open for business! Speaking of Sundar Dusk, a bounty has been issued on dark side artifacts to help the Jedi stem the tide of war. He will pay good money for any artifacts you bring him. Sorry, Uthar. No Sword of Ajunta Pall for you anymore. The Jedi have intercepted a Red Eclipse slaver vessel and freed these wookies. Alongside Master Bolook, who you previously helped with the Dantooine Plains murder investigation, use advanced interrogation techniques to get the Trandoshan slaver to reveal where they bought these wookies from. Their ship logs make no reference of ever landing on Kashyyyk... Jedi Master Kavar is but one example of a TSL master who has received AI voicework thanks to the work of @Vert Here are some examples:kavar023.mp3kavar015.mp3 Supplies for the Republic seems the most critical need. Let's see what Kavar has to say: kavar020.mp3 Silais Fenn, the caretaker of the Academy, has finally gotten the galaxy projector online. But perhaps you are tired of listening to Kavar droll on. There's a solution to that! Fully implemented, you will be able to duel with every named Jedi from Belaya all the way up to Master Vandar. I am also looking for help in changing the child models. My end goal for them is lightsabers in hand and jedi robes donned while they train. At the moment they are scrappy commoner children fighting the air in front of them. You can see the disappointment in the eyes of their Jedi Trainer. Those are the major updates for now. I still have some script work to get quests rolling smoothly as well as tidying up dlgs and getting those prepared. But the big question, is when is this coming out? A Public Beta will be released here on DeadlyStream this Christmas season (2023) to get the communities feedback on where the mod is, and where it still has left to go before a final release is uploaded. The purpose of this beta is to take a comb through what has been done, identify items such as redundancies in code that I have patched in from other modules, what is simply not working like it should quest wise, installation errors, the works. I am hoping the community will take a productive dive into the sublevel, offering suggestions for improvement along the way. My goal for the sublevel has always been that it would be a hub for you, the modders, to use a launching point for your future work. There are There are 3 dedicated quest givers in Sundar Dusk, leader of the Jedi Shadow contingent of the Enclave, Master Quall who is dead set on helping his home planet not fall to the Sith, and Admiral Dodonna, who I envisoned giving you quests in the same vein as Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect.
  17. 5 points
    They weren't too bad to figure out, but I honestly did not think anyone would notice. I'm pleasantly surprised so many people have noticed! I hope to eventually be at the point to get voiced dialogs, but I'm not there yet. Content is still in its infancy and it changes a lot. I'll remember this for the future.
  18. 5 points
  19. 5 points
    Alright, here's the big update: Everyone give a nice, warm welcome to the new manager of PartySwap: @Leilukin! I'm aware how long I took with this announcement. I sat on this decision for months, but with Leilukin's current activity level in the community and as a modder, as well as her familiarity with the mod and how it works and her vision for the future, there really was no one else this mod could be passed off to. I want to thank everyone who supported me and PartySwap over the last several years, and even as I step away from modding and Star Wars entirely, I hope you'll join me in wishing Leilukin the best. For the last time... Darth Tyren has spoken!
  20. 5 points
    Feature. Time for a leak for the Heart of Beskar mod! Thus far, most of my NPC Overhaul mods have been "very basic" or "minimum effort". What do I mean by this? Well, the NPC Diversity Pack is made using only what is available to me in the vanilla game. I only use vanilla appearances on the vanilla appearance.2da file and I only use vanilla clothing/armor to make my unique NPCs, by only using the vanilla assets this mod is compatible with most other mods and thus is considered "very basic". Other mods in the NPC Overhaul Series are "minimum effort" such as Onderon Fashion or Smuggler's Deluxe which either take a vanilla body model like the smugglers jacket or ports a K2 body model like Onderon Clothing and makes new NPC variants out of those body models to create further outfit diversity in the game... I consider these mods "minimum effort" as they were somewhat easy to make (in my opinion) though they're not all compatible with other mods like the NPC Diversity Pack is. For example, the standard quality smuggler's jackets of Smuggler's Deluxe would look strange next to AI Upscale texture packs or the AI Upscaled Onderon Clothing by Effix in Onderon Fashion would look strange next to Dark Hope's texture packs. But this mod, Hearts of Beskar, is something I'd consider a "complex mod", a mod that was harder to make which might not be compatible with some mods, and I have a few complex mods in planning... though for now Heart of Beskar is the one we shall focus on today! Heart of Beskar requires Duros: Armed & Ready to be installed beforehand, and as with my other NPC Overhaul mods, this mod shall require the K1 Community Patch to work as well! This mod is a total NPC Overhaul of ALL Mandalorian NPCs in the game, you might notice how my other NPC Overhaul seemingly randomizes NPC appearances to prevent the 'clone affect'... but since Mandalorians all wear identical armor you might ask "well how would you Overhaul the Mandalorians?" to which I answer: With New Mandalorian Ranks! 1) The Mandalorian Recruit: 2) The Mandalorian Initiate: 3) The Mandorian Trooper: The Mandalorian Trooper is the classic blue Mandalorian, there's nothing to show here. 4) The Mandalorian Scout: 5) The Mandalorian Marauder: 6) The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper: That's all for the Mandalorian ranks of the Dantooine Mandalorians, in my next leak of the Kashyyyk Mandalorians I shall reveal additional ranks that have yet to be implemented. The Heart of Beskar mod is not just limited to new Mandalorian ranks, however, it also adds the following: Helmetless Mandalorians for additional diversity: Alien Mandalorians for additional varity: The long awaited Female Mandalorian, who can appear with all the previously mentioned ranks (For example, a female Mandalorian Scout can be encountered!) This mod uses the models from Female Mandalorians by Inyri Forge, whilst the main page makes no mention of permission the readme in the downloaded mod does and it reads as follows: Inyri Forge has not been an active member of the community for a very long time, not posting since 2015. I once asked them permission years ago to use these same models for my now removed "N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement" mod for the same thing I've done in Hearts of Beskar via email and they did in-fact give permission. Should my previously granted permission for the now removed K1GI not apply for Hearts of Beskar, I did in-fact make a reasonable effort to contact the author before altering their mod and Inyri is still an inactive user making them unreachable. As of right now, there seems to be a weird bug with Inyri's original female Mandalorian model. When a female Mandalorian is in the same module as a male Mandalorian the male Mandalorian shall instead use the female Mandalorian model instead of his default male model. This has created the cursed Sherruk with big titties bug! What other features shall Hearts of Beskar have? Well, this mod contains Mandalorian Iron... or Beskar if you're a fan of Disney's "The Mandalorian"! What does that mean? Well, most Mandalorian armors found in this mod shall contain Beskar in their metal chassis thus making it resistant to energy based damage. Now this mod won't turn every Mandalorian into DIn Djarin with his literal plot armor, but it will give the Mandalorians a buff against you when you fight them. For example, the armor of the Mandalorian Trooper was Mandalorian Battle Armor which had a Defense Bonus of 11 with 25 resistance to electricty damage. In Hearts of Beskar, the Mandalorian Battle Armor shall be renamed to "Mandalorian Light Armor" and shall instead have a Defense Bonus of 9 with 5% immunity to energy damage. This 5% immunity is caused by the Beskar, a material which is highly resistant to blaster bolts and lightsaber blades. The extremely rare "pure beskar" would make a wearer impervious to oncoming blaster shots and lightsaber strikes, Din Djarin of the Mandalorian wears (plot) armor forged from pure beskar. So Din Djarin can get shot and not take any damage because of pure Beskar, so why do other Mandalorian NPCs die in one hit like Storm Troopers? That is because those Mandalorians are wearing armor made from "Beskar Alloy", since Beskar is a rare material the mass production of Mandalorian armor is done via mixing what little pure beskar they can muster with other metals like Durasteel thus turning small amounts of pure Beskar into large amounts of weaker Beskar Alloy which can be used to forge the armor of the Mandalorian army. The Mandalorian Light Armor I used as an example is forged with Beskar Alloy, thus the 5% Immunity... though the next rank after Mandalorian Trooper, the Mandalorian Heavy Trooper, has a Defense Bonus of 10, immunity to mind-affecting, 10% immunity to energy damage and 5% immunity to fire damage. It's a pattern, with each rank that goes higher so too does the Beskar alloy become purer thus making the armor stronger and the Mandalorian NPC harder to defeat. An energy immunity of 100%, like Din Djarin, would make the Mandalorian wearing that overpowered armor almost invincible to all incoming damage. Even if the party can kill that Mandalorian with other damage types, I'm certain unsuspecting players would get their butts kicked trying to take him or her down. As of right now, an energy immunity of 90% is the highest thus far and it belongs to Cassus Fett's Battle Armor though I assure you this mod shall be play tested with a vanilla build and weapons to ensure that they can be defeated. If need be the armors offered shall be nerfed, though do expect the strongest Mandalorian Armors to have a high energy immunity. The new Mandalorian armors shall be scattered throughout the game as either loot dropped by enemies, loot found in objects or items to be bought from merchants. I do want to note that I really don't want Cassus Fett's Battle Armor, the strongest armor, sold on Dantooine by Adum Larp. I'm thinking of moving that armor to Mika Dorin on Korriban, a merchant restricted to post-Leviathan part of the game, or from the loot of the Mandalorian leader of Lehon as an end game reward. Thus far, that's what Hearts of Beskar has to offer on Dantooine! Stay tuned for future leaks regarding Kashyyyk, Lehon and any of your suggestions I may implement... and before you ask, this mod shall contain new Mandalorian items and weapons though those shall come in an update after the first release containing new Mandalorian ranks and armor. Feel free to leave feedback, suggestions, criticisms and recommendations! "This is the way!"
  21. 5 points
    With the advent of reasonable AI voice facsimiles, I have a request for a tutorial on how to add a G0-T0 type filter to voices. One catch in the request is I'd love to tutorial to use software that is free for the public to use so no one is gated by a paywall. I've found a HK-47 filter long ago which I've already promoted elsewhere but G0-T0's filter eludes me. Thank you for your attention.
  22. 4 points
    I'm sure many of us play the Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP), it's the 4th most downloaded mod on Deadlystream after all! And I'm sure many of us might also know that the K1CP isn't compatible with the Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R mod)... you might be wondering, why is that? K1R is similar to it's K2 cousin, TSLRCM, in that it restores cut content, fixes bugs in the vanilla game and it expects you to install it first and any other mods installed afterwards need to be made compatible with it. But K2 was rushed, Obsidian was forced to leave content unfinished and cut the rest to make way to make way for a release before the 2004 Christmas sales... this not only gutted much of the plot but it also left a plethora of bugs upon release. TSLRCM undoes all of this by restoring much of Obsidian's intended content for early 2005 and fixing many of the game breaking bugs. K1, on the other hand, wasn't like this. What was cut by Bioware was stuff that most players agree was *actually* cut for a good reason, and the bugs in the vanilla game weren't nearly as bad as they were in vanilla K2. In K1R's "prime" from its full release in 2015 until K1CP's first release in 2018, K1R competed with many mods that were incompatible with it such as Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod... and since all K1R had to offer was minor and controversial restored content and minor bug fixes many players, including myself, opted for the much better incompatible mods. With the release of K1R's 1.2 update, there have been a handful of critical bugs in the mod with some capable of breaking the game. This would normally be fixed by the Dev Team behind the mod, but one by one the original K1R Devs left the Kotor Community with only 2 K1R Devs remaining in the community. The mod's leader, ZM90, also vanished... without him, it's impossible to update K1R as he's the one who hosts it, more importantly, we can't obtain permission to update K1R or use assets from K1R. With K1R being seen as undesirable by many and with no hope of it ever being fixed, the developers of the newly emerging K1CP mod abandoned K1R compatibility... just over 5 years later and K1R has become a obsolete relic of the past whilst the K1CP has become the ultimate bug fix mod for K1 standing alongside TSLRCM in importance (Not anywhere near as close, TSLRCM is still King... but its far superior to K1R). Some modders might still make their mods K1R compatible, but I don't bother since K1R has those before mentioned game breaking bugs... why on earth would I put in the effort to make my mods K1R compatible if your game is guaranteed to break because you installed K1R? I'd much rather focus on K1CP compatibility as their dev team is active, are willing to fix bugs with their mod and are still working to this day to fix more vanilla bugs. So this creates a problem... many of us play K1CP, but we can't have Restored Content due to K1CP being incompatible with K1R, and no one can update K1R as the original K1R Devs have abandoned the community... so how do we update K1R? How do we get K1CP compatible with K1R if K1CP Devs refuse to do it? My answer: forget K1R... The K1 Community Patch has already taken the mantle of the "main Kotor mod" from K1R and we can't change that, but we can work with this! This thread is a WIP thread for an upcoming mod, one that you will install after the K1CP mod, one that will restore Kotor 1's cut content whilst having K1CP and it's many, many bug fixes installed! I present to you: Restored Content for the K1 Community Patch or RC-K1CP for short! Now we have to keep our expectations in check... this is currently a one man project, and I alone cannot recreate K1R in its entirety from scratch... though I can, however, restore much of the lesser restored content like impossible difficulty before working my way up to the big leagues like the Vulkar Sublevel. Much of what can be restored is limited to my own modding abilities, so if I can't restore the Vulkar Sublevel constantly requesting it won't make me restore it... it'll be restored when I'm able to restore it, and if that time is not now it'll be some time in the future. You might be wondering; won't this impact the development of my NPC Overhaul mod development? The answer is no... that is because the first release of the RC-K1CP Demo is ready for release! In the coming week or two, I'm planning on releasing some screenshots from the mod to demonstrate what the mod has thus far alongside a YouTube video of an ambitious restoration. Once these are posted here, I shall release the RC-K1CP Demo here on Deadlystream for you to try out! Updates for the RC-K1CP shall be done in two ways; they shall be done in either content updates which adds restorations and bug fix updates which fixes bugs with the mods. As with any other mods, I'd like for players to be ever vigilant for possible bugs and to report any if bugs do arise! RC-K1CP does not follow the same "rules" as K1R and TSLRCM did, so you might see some restored content K1R avoided or never knew existed... so keep that in mind! With release version 0.1.0, you shall enjoy the following restorations from the RC-K1CP. And lastly, there are some things you might consider 'cut content' which might be added to the RC-K1CP. If this cut content was found in pre-release screenshots between 2001-early 2003 before the games release it could be added to the K1 Pre-Release Pack instead and if it's from the XBOX version but was cut from the PC version it might be added to the Knights of the Old XBOX mod (which is due for an update anyway). What do we think? Do you have any suggestions or recommendations? Anything you dislike in K1R you don't want to see in RC-K1CP?
  23. 4 points
    Space for creativity) 1.mp4
  24. 4 points
    Of course. That's the entire reason I provided them. I have no intention of releasing them myself. Edit: @Dark Hope Not sure if this would be of interest to you, but I edited the tank glass UVs so that they no longer require a tiling texture. I've applied a TOR kolto tank glass texture here as an example. I also assigned the top and bottom tank lights a custom texture so that if you want to change it you don't need to replace LTS_light05. Taris Upper City Med Center Tank Glass TOR Texture.mp4
  25. 4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. 4 points
    Textures and icons for grenades and mines.
  28. 4 points
  29. 4 points
  30. 4 points
    This should be pretty straightforward. You just scale down the adult models. I did a similar thing for Dragon Age Origins once: Not much to it for KOTOR, since you'd basically only be scaling the one model. They'd probably require custom sabers, since they'd need to be slimmed down so their hands don't clip through.
  31. 4 points
  32. 4 points
    Thank you for making PartySwap and trusting me with the management of PartySwap! PartySwap has been included in the KotOR subreddit's KotOR 2 full mobile mod build itself, meaning this mod has been tested to ensure it works on the mobile version of KotOR 2 and TSLRCM, as long as you follow the mod build's instructions to install mods on mobile. You play KotOR 2 on Steam, is that correct? Did you make sure you have installed TSLRCM into the Steam version of your game? Do you see TSLRCM's logo when you launch your game?
  33. 4 points
    I really enjoyed that. I think your videos are better when you are doing voice commentary. Even simple hack and slash mods like this are really quite impressive considering the tools that they were made with. Anyone who tried to do module editing with KotOR tool will know what I mean. Hopefully we will get more new content mods now that we have really excellent tools like Holocron Toolset. The lack of them has always been one of the more unfortunate parts of KotOR modding. One of the projects I've done a bit of work on is a mini TC that would act as a module starter hub for other mods, so people could make modules like they do for Neverwinter Nights or Dragon Age. I think little TC mods like this would benefit from having something like that as a framework.
  34. 3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    I don't recall anything in regards to TSLRCM in the old Demo, though when ROR was in its infancy so was TSLRCM so I can understand if something like this was hinted at... it was a different time back then. We treat ROR like this: the base game is the "core content" that cannot be disputed (akin to how the Expanded Universe under both Disney and Lucas treats the Movies) whereas TSLRCM is secondary canon and other mods are third canon. And as you've said, there aren't a lot of differences between the vanilla and base game when you really think about it. By our own rules, Fassa should be a Twi'lek instead of a Toydarian in ROR because that's what he was in the base game... but instead Fassa outright doesn't appear on Nar Shaddaa. Is Fassa a Twi'lek or is he a Toydarian? That's up to you, the player, to decide. If it's has the potential to cause problems but is minor enough to be ignored it simply won't be referenced. Is Batu Rem a GenoHaradan Agent? Did Jorran steal Suulru's farming equipment or was it Kaevee? Did B4-D4 end up in Vogga's warehouse? Did the party get their asses kicked by Kreia? That's up to you, the player, to decide... ROR won't directly conflict with either vanilla or TSLRCM where it can be avoided. Other mods might be referenced as cameos, an NPC might make reference to a Sith holdout on a "legendary droid planet" or make reference to a pirate named "Daemon Drexl" but ROR will never outright say the Exile or Master Vash went to M4-78 or that Solomon's Revenge actually happened as were depicted in M4-78EP & BOSSR. When Revan appears in ROR, he will have a set pre-determined appearance for both male & female which cannot be changed in-game, however, our pre-set appearance can actually be changed via a ROR addon which will act very similar to the Revan Unmasked mod where you'd download our addon, overwrite the ROR Revan head with a K1 player head from the addon and you can have mullet man, Logan Star or however as your Revan. The same could apply to the Exile, though that all depends on their role in the story (A Force Ghost Exile looks more likely, though take that claim with a grain of salt). As I believe I mentioned before, you can choose the alignments of both Revan and Exile alongside their genders. This will change how NPCs view each former protagonist and can allow for some unique things to happen that didn't in TOR, such as Revan and Carth having a child instead of Bastila and such. You could pick the canonical LS male Revan and LS female Exile and not end up in the TOR timeline if you pick the "wrong" choices in ROR or you could do the "right" choices in ROR that should lead to the TOR timeline but still not end up in that timeline as you can choose to not follow the Revan novel, have a DS female Revan and an LS male Exile. Unlike TOR, ROR will have customization & whilst it is possible to do a faithful TOR playthrough it would be encouraged to do whatever you wish. Though do know the non-canonical version of ROR, with a Revan who "escaped" Dromuund Kaas, is the ROR in development with the canonical version being slated for development after the non-canonical version is made.
  37. 3 points
    In the politest way possible, we wouldn't be making a mod for you to play if we'd instead just tell you everything from the get-go. We actually can't say, just like with K1 & K2 the mod isn't a linear experience... there are plans to revisit the different planets and these revisits to the same planet could act as an Episode in their own right. Similar to what TSLRCM does with the Atton/Bao-Dur VS Bounty Hunters sequence, ROR will use "cloned" modules to our advantage. In-game, you'll think you're in the same place but at a later date when behind the scenes the same module has been cloned. This can allow us to have a different set of commoner NPCs to give the impression that time is moving forward and the background people are moving on and you're encountering new people in their wake. This sort of thing is being saved for later, as right now there's an internal controversy where the RPG elements are somewhat nerfed because it'd look dumb to have the player commit all sorts of evil and actively fall to the Dark Side with Drayen in the party. I'd expect these sort of major decision influences to take place once Drayen dies and the player is now alone, it'd make sense this way from a story perspective too! I know I wouldn't want a repeat of the K2 influence system as the influence system sort of represented how the player was impacting the party via their Force Bonds. Internal testing would have to be done with different party members to see if the Influence System can work with modded party members & how much of it we can actually touch as I'd assume much of it is hard coded (assuming we just rename influence as trust that is). How ever we chose to implement the trust system, do know that multiple "success" and "fail" states are written for many of the party members so that at the end of the mod, based on the players choices, alignment, faction loyalty, interactions with said party members, trust/influence and other factors the party members can chose to remain loyal to your chosen cause or defect in some way or another... very similar to how influence works in K2. It's planned to have a Canon & Non-Canon path for ROR, this is chosen at the start of the mod alongside Revan & Exile's gender & alignment. If you chose Canon, it'll follow the events of the book with the Exile being dead with the only possibility of an appearance being through a Force Ghost and Revan being locked away for 300 years and would only appear via dialogue mentions & maybe a brief cameo in some capacity. You could argue that this doesn't make sense considering it's "Revenge of Revan", to which I say this mod was in development before TOR came out so we simply have to accept ROR as a fan fiction mod that can bridge K2 to TOR depending on the correct path. But the Canon version isn't being developed at this time, instead the Non-Canon path is. It is loosely based on the book, so characters like Scourge & Vitiate might exist but the Exile may or may not be dead and Revan will make a physical appearance. As you can imagine, there'd be a point where you'd meet Revan and this "point" in the mod would change dramatically depending on the Canon VS Non-Canon choice.
  38. 3 points
    High Quality Blasters for Modders was released as a modders resource with instructions saying as long as you PM him with a screenshot he's okay with you publishing the edit even if he doesn't reply. ToastyFresh was the original creator of the models and textures found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1096/ And he says: You are allowed to alter assets in this mod and release it separately without my knowledge.
  39. 3 points
    Try these: K1_Stun_Batons_High_Poly.zip The variant 3 model was actually using the variant 2 texture, so I switched that.
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    Hi everyone, I'm still alive as this project. I just encountered some personal difficulties. Now I'm moving on. I did look out for a way to manipulate the cutscene to incorporate the models in it. I also lost myself along the way. So I've put this aside for the moment. It will not a big glorious update. But still... The modded OG The new HD mostly done. But I found out I need to touch up some parts. With the not done arm version. I'm working on adding dirt and scratches on the metal. Making an HD custom textures for the arm with an option of gore and no gore. It is in the plans. But I don't know when I will add them. Will the icons be animated? I have no idea if it's in the possibilities.
  42. 3 points
    Min icons Models that are actually used in the game.
  43. 3 points
    More updates: Version 3.9.0 has added support for Bezier-type controllers, compressing quaternions on export and armature-based animations, i.e. it is now possible to animate a character using a Blender armature and then copy keyframes onto regular "bone" objects before exporting the model. More importantly, version 3.10.0 has implemented semi-automated minimap rendering. It works like this: Import a module layout via File → Import → KotOR Layout (*.lyt) Press KotOR → Minimap → Render (auto) Open "Render Result" image in Image Editor area and save it as "lbl_map{modulename}.tga" file Open "MinimapCoords" text in Text Editor area and copy-paste generated properties into module .ARE file using any GFF editor
  44. 3 points
    Big upgrade in KotorBlender version 3.8.0. Most importantly: Instead of choosing a normals algorithm on import, KotorBlender now automatically merges vertices with exactly the same position, while storing imported UVs and normals as part of the edge loops. Conversely, when exporting a model, it will split vertices with exactly the same position, but different UVs and normals. This makes modelling much more straightforward, because you don't have to manually join and split vertices every time. One-click lightmap baking is now possible via KotOR → Bake Lightmaps. KotorBlender will automatically prepare object materials for baking, hide non-lightmapped objects and restore everything to normal when finished. Note that, while it works out of the box, you will want to tweak some settings, as described in README. Material import has been rewritten, adding support for environment maps, bump maps and transparent objects. This is effectively how KotOR would look with phyiscally-based renderer. As a bonus, previous version of KotorBlender has added support for loading TPC textures directly, so you don't have to convert them to TGA anymore. As for future plans, I'm considering adding minimap creation tools, and rewriting animation export to enable armature-based edits.
  45. 3 points
    Interestingly both MDLEdit and MDLOps crash when trying to load or compile the exported ASCIIs. Someone proficient with Blender will have to do it in KBlender. Perhaps @WildKarrde could take a crack at it.
  46. 3 points
  47. 3 points
    Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone would have the time, or be kind enough, to export as an image, the UVMaping of plc_datapad.mdl and plc_sevrdarm.mdl (both datapads models). I have a W.I.P. right here and it would be of great help in the fine tuning stage of this mod. As of right now I can't install 3DS Max or any other 3D software for technical reasons. Of course, I will add the user name in the credits. Thanks in advance
  48. 3 points
    As much as I would love to have Yuthura as a companion, it's simply not in the scope of the mod at this point. A recruitment mod is quite different from a new planet and has quite a number of challenges that goes along with it, especially replacing another companion. I am solely focused on the already monumental task of adding a new planet.
  49. 3 points
    I totally understand what your saying. I have been dealing with some real life stuff the past few months which has slowed the production to a crawl. Things are getting better and we have decided to make some changes to help with the workflow of the project. We were originally looking to release two planets which led to jumping back and forth from one planet content to another. We are now looking to just release planet by planet which will help keep our self focus. Both planets are in testing and adding some missing content. I cant say when the first planet will drop. This new change as well as others should help get planets to release and allow you guys to play it. The project isn't dead but it has its challenges and bumps in the road. Thanks for your support 😃 Logan23
  50. 3 points
    streaming Cathalan also yes I'm using the image from @Sith Holocron's Cathalan gif because it's funny