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About This File

Improves the AI of KotOR 1.


- Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy)
- Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely)
- Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...)
- NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target
- Enemys reactivate shields after 200s
- Some minor bug fixes
- Jedi Support AI reworked
- NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack
- NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them
- The AI now uses feats granted by items
- Once the player reaches a high enough level, the Jedi Support AI no longer uses low level force buffs, because they became obsolete
- Companions now heal every team member properly not just the one controlled by the player (injury check fix)
- Compatibility Patch for Repeating blaster attacks restoration 2.0 by R2-X2
- Companions now use all types of force buffs (Jedi Support AI: uses buffs that apply to the whole team, Other AI styles: use powers that only buff the caster)

What's New in Version 1.2.4   See changelog


Fixed a bug that caused the Bastila vs Malak scene on the Leviathan not to play properly.

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I apologize in advance for the ton of text.
I have studied the mechanics of KotOR thoroughly, as I have been involved in translating this game into another language. As a consequence, I had to spend hundreds of hours reading strategy wiki, saves, buffs, enemy skills, and so on. So now I can tell with closed eyes which enemy has how much hp, and what he is immune to.
Naturally, since I am also a fan of the game with 15 years of experience, it became too easy for me. I came across this mod and thought - this is it, what I wanted! Not a mindless increase in damage, but a competent approach to the matter, enemies smarter and more useful. But I was disappointed.
Having tested the final level of the viewing platform, I entered the battle with Malak. The first surprise was that he suddenly became immune to Plague, which gives only two implant and headgear, which - and I know this for a fact - Malak does not have. But the bigger surprise for me was that he cast Master Speed and Imp Energy Resistance on himself. Which, according to the game stats, he shouldn't have. Naturally, I got knocked out in one hit.
Specially put the mod on vanilla, after which I can draw conclusions: this mod does NOT make enemies smarter, allowing them to use their skills more competently; it rewards them with absurd abilities, which they should not have in principle. The description does not correspond to the true work of the mod.

Star Wars_ Knights of the Old Republic 20-10-2023 5-50-11.mp4 - PotPlayer Rus 20-10-2023 6-41-05-276.jpg

Edited by olegkuz1997
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LOL 15 years of experience??? I guess you are just a slow learner. 😀
Dude... You are simply wrong. Malak always had Master Speed and Imp Energy Resistance he just couldn't use these force powers because of the stupid AI. My mod makes no changes to Darth Malak.

Oh... And also no item is needed to become immune to Plague. His immunity to Plague can be caused by 2 things: Force Immunity and Imp Energy Resistance. Both of these force powers can grant him immunity to Plague.

"Knocked out in one hit." 🤣

Just get better at the game.

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I haven't tried but i think u can overwrite the Community Patch script with mine and it will work just fine. And yes, Malak will now use any force powers given to him.

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9 hours ago, GearHead said:

I haven't tried but i think u can overwrite the Community Patch script with mine and it will work just fine. And yes, Malak will now use any force powers given to him.

Amazing. This mod is a brand new must have.

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Unfortunately this mod does not include K1CP's fix to GN_RespondToShout to prevent neutral creatures erroneously reacting to combat death shouts (e.g. here and here). This would be much more obvious if the author included the source, although it is apparent when comparing the bytecode of k_ai_master from both.

@GearHead: I'd suggest you incorporate this fix in an update to your mod. And please include your script source for better compatibility going forwards.

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On 10/22/2023 at 5:03 PM, GearHead said:

LOL 15 years of experience??? I guess you are just a slow learner. 😀
Dude... You are simply wrong. Malak always had Master Speed and Imp Energy Resistance he just couldn't use these force powers because of the stupid AI. My mod makes no changes to Darth Malak.

Thank you very much for such valuable advice, but there is a great resource on the net, where there is a thorough description of every enemy in the game. And according to it, he didn't have those abilities at all.

Or am I confused?


Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 16-11-42 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic_Viewing Platform.png

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Yes, you are very much confused. 🤭 This website only shows the abilities that Darth Malak was able to use, not all he has. Download "KotOR Tool", it is a free program that allows you to inspect the game files. Launch the program. Look for "sta_45darthmalak.utc", this file contains Darth Malak's stats.

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Okay, I didn't know that. So, enemies have learned how to remove buffs and put them on (specifically everything they have, and even more specifically, the final boss). However, given Malak's already extremely serious stats, I have to assume those abilities were cut for a reason. That is, they did the right thing. With this mod, the final battle turns into a game of "who can remove and apply buffs first".
But you don't seriously think that the ability to do such a monstrous amount of damage is determined by your skill in the game, do you?


swkotor 2023-11-05 16-55-10-36.jpg

I can see the point though.

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This mod is made for smart people who enjoy challenges, clearly not for you.

Oh, and one more thing... stop... being... A SNOWFLAKE !!!

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Tried mixing this mod with K1 Legends mods like Selven (which already buffs her by giving her access to medpacs to heal , improved attacks and shield ,plus gives her a starter with a stun grenade and better weapons and gear ) - I had to basically run in circles with Carth to shoot her while main chased her to give melee damage for like 5 minutes under mando shields and stamina/strength and alacricity adrenals and damn-that was a freaking rollercoaster XD


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The mods fine it increases the difficulty, which I appreciate since the game even on its highest setting for me is a bit too easy. Thanks for adding. 

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On 10/24/2023 at 9:51 PM, DarthParametric said:

Unfortunately this mod does not include K1CP's fix to GN_RespondToShout to prevent neutral creatures erroneously reacting to combat death shouts (e.g. here and here). This would be much more obvious if the author included the source, although it is apparent when comparing the bytecode of k_ai_master from both.

@GearHead: I'd suggest you incorporate this fix in an update to your mod. And please include your script source for better compatibility going forwards.

Did you ever get around to including the community  mod fixes? Since your mod is a script change it overrides the community mod. It would be nice to not have to choose.

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2 hours ago, Timbo said:

Did you ever get around to including the community  mod fixes? Since your mod is a script change it overrides the community mod. It would be nice to not have to choose.

Yes, I included this fix already in my mod.

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Here's a potentially strange question. Does this enable NPCs to use bonus feats imparted by equipment? I've got a personal mod that removes the blaster feats from the level up screen and instead applies them to weapons based on type, with certain upgrades unlocking the enhanced versions. Want to know if your mod will make the NPCs smart enough to recognize these extra feats or if it needs to be part of their skills.

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6 hours ago, JDub96 said:

Here's a potentially strange question. Does this enable NPCs to use bonus feats imparted by equipment? I've got a personal mod that removes the blaster feats from the level up screen and instead applies them to weapons based on type, with certain upgrades unlocking the enhanced versions. Want to know if your mod will make the NPCs smart enough to recognize these extra feats or if it needs to be part of their skills.

It has to be part of their skills.

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