Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge 1.2.4

   (13 reviews)

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About This File

Based on this request thread, this mod replaces the Jedi captive placeables used in the final confrontation with Darth Malak aboard the Star Forge. In the vanilla version of the game, these are all identical copies of the same male body using the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. New male and female versions of this placeable have been made, utilising a variety of heads from all three human races, and Twi’leks. All eight captives in the level are now unique and distinct from one another.

Additionally, the flavour pop-up text for when you interact with the captives has been altered to change the male pronouns into neutral ones, so they work regardless of the subject’s gender.

For those that wish it, an optional extra is included that adds these new Jedi as background NPCs to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine (N.B. as of v1.1, the pictured sparring circle has been removed due to the placeables.2da row limit bug described below).

Known Issues:

  • WARNING: A critical issue has been discovered with K1's placeables.2da, limiting the number of additional new entires that can be added to around 20 rows. This mod adds 8 rows. If you use multiple mods that add new rows to placeables.2da, you will likely encounter issues. DO NOT REINSTALL THIS MOD OVER A PREVIOUS VERSION! You will create the placeable overflow issue.
  • In order for the Dantooine portion of the optional extra to take effect, you must use a save prior to leaving Taris. The courtyard portion will only take effect for saves prior to being allowed to exit the Academy. These additions are purely cosmetic, so their absence will have no material affect on the primary purpose of the mod.
  • The core content of the mod will only work with a save prior to entering the final room on the Star Forge, but I assume (hope) most people aren't still installing mods that late in proceedings.


  • The mod is compatible with K1CP. Make sure you install K1CP first.
  • The core content of the mod should be compatible with most other mods, as the changes are restricted to the second-last module in the game (STA_M45AD).
  • The optional content makes changes to the Dantooine Enclave's landing pad (DANM13) and courtyard (DANM14AA) modules. If you are using any mod that overwrites those modules (like Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod), make sure you install that mod first. This mod will patch its changes into pre-existing module files, so should be installed last.
  • Changes in 1.2.1 should mean the Twi'lek master in the optional Dantooine content is now impervious to further hostile robe takeover attempts.
  • If you use @JCarter426's "Fashion Line I - Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" mod, you can download the supplied compatibility patch to have him wear the TSL robes.
  • If you use @JCarter426's "Fashion Line I - Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1" mod, you can download the supplied compatibility patch to have him wear the hybrid robes.


  • Thanks to @Kexikus for providing code for the NPC OnHeartbeat scripts.
  • Thanks to @jc2 for the suggestion on how to fix the sparring circle combatant health bars.
  • Thanks to @JCarter426 for suggesting the NotReorienting creature flag and for the TSL ported robe assets.
  • Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit.
  • Thanks to @ndix UR for MDLOps v1.0+ and TGA2TPC.
  • Thanks to @StellarExile for pointing out the issue with VFX targeting the base of the model. I must be blind...
  • Thanks to @todevuch for testing the hybrid robes compatibility patch.
  • Thanks to @olegkuz1997 for pointing out that the placeables didn't use TLK StrRefs for their labels.
  • Thanks to @Alice Reyneke for pointing out that pathfinding for the placeables was broken by a previous update.

What's New in Version 1.2.4   See changelog


  • Corrected an issue with the placeable models having an empty walkmesh, which apparently broke pathfinding when compiled with the most recent version of MDLEdit (thanks to Alice Reyneke for reporting the issue)
  • Like 11
  • Thanks 2
  • Light Side Points 3

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Another great mod, but I'm away from my PC right now and can't test it. I've got a question, do the added Jedi NPCs have dialogue and lip syncing along with it?

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No, there is no dialogue. I did play around with it briefly, trying to harvest snippets of VO from existing dialogue, but it seemed an excessive amount of work for something so trivial.

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No, there is no dialogue. I did play around with it briefly, trying to harvest snippets of VO from existing dialogue, but it seemed an excessive amount of work for something so trivial.

Just reuse the Jedi idle dialogue that appear in a little box on top of the screen that the vanilla Jedi NPCs use

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so a save before the Star Forge ... or a save just landed in it, too, should do it ....


another GREAT idea of yours to improve this amazing game keeping it alive and kicking, thank you   ;)

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As long as it is not inside the final room, which is its own module (level 4), an existing Star Forge save should be fine.


thanks. another must.have tweak for this   ;)

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Just reuse the Jedi idle dialogue that appear in a little box on top of the screen that the vanilla Jedi NPCs use


or you can -obviously- use twileki voiceovers to force NPCs to say whatever you're in the mood to    lol 

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For some reason, an Echani Mercenary staying at the Manaan visitor's hotel appears as a female Twi'lek similar to the one seen in this mod. Wonder what caused that? I may have installed the mod twice: once after going to Dantooine in my most recent playthough. 

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That's presumably a problem with appearance.2da, and probably caused by incorrect mod installations. I'm assuming that Echani must be from another mod - something like NPC Overhaul? Is there one there in the vanilla version?

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So I'm having a little trouble with this mod. I've saved right before I board the Ebon Hawk on Taris. I destroy the Sith Fighters, the cutscene with Carth and Bastila plays and right when the cutscene of the Hawk landing on Dantooine ends, the game crashes. I'm using the KOTOR 1 Restoration Mod, The NPC Overhaul Mod and this mod's Dantooine Jedi mod. I've made sure the NPC Overhaul and Restoration mods were installed before this, but when I tried reinstalling this mod, a message in the TSLPatcher appeared saying: 

[Warning]     A file named DANM13.mod already exists in the Modules folder. Skipping file...
 [Warning]     A file named DANM14AA.mod already exists in the Modules folder. Skipping file...

Now I assumed this was because of the Restoration Mod. So I removed the the module files, reinstalled the NPC Overhaul, ran the TSLPatcher for this mod and the same message pops up. So until further notice, I won't be using the Dantooine Jedi option in this mod, but I just thought I'd bring this issue to you in case I'm doing something wrong. Sorry if my stupidity on the matter bothers you      -__-'

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All the warnings mean is that the MOD files already exist (in your case because you are using NPC Overhaul and K1R). It's a quirk with TSLPatcher that the author can't disable that notification as a "warning". It's not an error, the mod's content will be injected into the pre-existing MODs. Typically I add a note about this in the TSLPatcher description, but I apparently forgot to do so in this instance.

Anyway, I'd guess your crash issue is more likely to be a conflict between K1R and NPC Overhaul. I don't use either, but my understanding was that there are issues using both together. If you started the game with K1R and then removed it before Dantooine, I'm not sure what knock-on effects that may have.

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There seems to be an outstanding issue for me. When I finish the conversation with the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, before the Jedi Training Cutscene, my game crashes. For the most part, I followed the Reddit build but added the Jedi to Dantooine for my enjoyment. It could either be this or Dantooine Training Lightsabers.

EDIT: All sorted thanks to DP!

Edited by Xtracted

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I've encountered an odd problem with this mod. in the area where the two jedi are sparring there's two of everyone. Two masters, two jedi with green sabers, two with purple sabers, and two meditating.

I'm using the reddit build minus the robe mods, because I'm using JCarter's Hooded Robes (along with the patch from this mod) plus Helena Shan improvement and JCarter's Vision and Mandalorian armor mods.

Edited by JellyPumpkin

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That shouldn't be possible, since they are added to the module's GIT, not spawned by script. Zip up a copy of a save in the Enclave, along with DANM13.mod from the Modules folder, and a list of everything in your Override folder.

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huh, that's a much simpler explanation than I was expecting, but it makes sense. Especially with me regularly forgetting things I did a few minutes ago.

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It appears that the drain/death field effects strike the bottom of each cage for the captives. Was that intentional?

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No it was not. But you're the first person that has noticed (including me), so congrats for that. Not sure what the issue is. Looks like it might be a hierarchy issue in the model. I'll play around with it and see if I can get it resolved. If I can, I'll release an update.

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They are all using player bodies with vanilla UVs, so it shouldn't be anything to do with the mod specifically, just the usual engine shenanigans. I don't feel any pressing need to remap everything for a tiny edge case, but I'll consider it in the event I ever do a major revision of the mod (which might happen once the scripts can be decompiled, allowing for condensing the placeables).

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So, I am using JC's "Fashion Line I - Cloaked Hybrid Robes" (Because for some reason, I love the way the KotOR 1 robes look, especially with the KotOR 2 cloaks), and I am running into the same texture incompatibility with the Twi'lek master that happened with JC's Fashion Line I - Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 mod. I was wondering if you'd be able to make a compatibility patch for the Cloaked Hybrid Robes and this?


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