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Version 3.1.2
This is the first part of an ongoing series. The purpose of this mod is to bring the much more up-to-date design choices from SWTOR to Kotor. All textures have been made from scratch; the big animated screen on the bridge comes with whooping 81 pics and 5k resolution for maximum quality. Update 2.0 brings brand new lighting to the ship, utilising warmer colors like in SWTOR, as well as new polished window frames & a new Planet retexture. Update 3.1 out now! It brings a lot of visual improvements over previous versions - new doors, animated consoles & more.... Video covering mod Showcase (Ver. 1.0) / Installation Process: Installation: Download the file, extract its contents with an archive extraction tool such as WinRAR or 7zip, and move the contents to your game's Override directory Compatibility: This mod uses cubemaps, so there could be minor incompatibilites with mods that uses custom cubemaps too. ( but i actually dont know any mod that does that) Just to be on the safe side, i recommend to install my mod last. Beside that it should be compatible with everything that doesnt retexture the Endar Spire or the Stars/ Planet Taris outside. Credits: I want to thank Darth Sapiens for his wonderful Cubemap-Ressource pack, which enabled me to do a lot of things that would otherwise been not possible. Also a big thanks goes to Xuul for making one of his fantastic videos for this mod. Enjoy!- 34 comments
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Version 1.2a
Staring at the cold, metallic UI of vanilla Pazaak i always wonder who wants to be in a casino like that? In this mod i want to make Pazaak more enjoyable and beside that more up to date looking. What i tried to achieve is to combine the exclusive, wooden look of modern casino-tables with the tech-look of the Cards. Visually i didnt take ANY prisoners, the main UI is slightly animated in the background and comes with a whooping 4k file. The Cards highlighter is retextured in a subtle blueish way and the flipcard symbol comes with a 256 pics animation. Thanks to todays fast PCs, it shouldnt affect performance. Compatibility: This should be compatible with everything. The only conflict could be with mods that change the Pazaak Cards and UI, but i yet havent seen any mod, that does that. TSLRCM 100% compatible. Install: Download the mod, extract the contents with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override folder. Enjoy! also watch Xuuls wonderful review (with installation instructions) of my mod: Update 1.1: it contains new files - just install both (CasinoPazaak.rar and Update1.1.rar) into your Override. Bugs: Since its a texture replacer, there shouldnt be any. Brightness (optional): for best results visually you may turn brightness bar to exactly 1/2.- 16 comments
- 11 reviews
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Version 1.6
In this overhaul all major panels, workbenches and the computer panel background are remade from the scratch and animated. I tried very hard to merge the sophisticated ME3 look with original Kotor - and used only 4k/64 pics animations/uncompressed files to get a proper look - so yes - the mod size is indeed ~500MB. To get the most out of it i suggest that you guys download Xarwarz OTE series first, then override everything with my mod. Install: Download the mod, extract it with an archive extraction program like 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override directory. Compatibility: 100% compatible with TSLRCM & M478. As pure texture replacer it should be compatible with everything else. IF you want to install Xarwarz OTE texture PLC files, then install them FIRST, then override everything with my mod. Enjoy!- 17 comments
- 14 reviews
- 1
Version 1.1
ATTENTION: Highly outdated! Use the much more advanced TSL Origins Telos mod instead: This overhaul replaces all the vanilla ads and boards at Telos. Considering that new rebuilt Citadel Station represented one of the most sophisticated architecture in the galaxy, in a way similar to ME Citadel, i wanted it to look alike. Realising this, it seems to be natural to follow the amazing ME animations but in respect to original Kotor... This mod contains only high res 4k 64 pics animations, so i highly recommend to install a texture Overhaul like the Xarwarz OTE overhaul first to cover all normal textures and then my Overhaul and override everything! Install: Download the mod, extract the archive with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, and move the extracted files to your game's override directory. Bugs: None. Enjoy! -
View File ENDAR SPIRE Complete Overhaul This is the first part of an ongoing series. The purpose of this mod is to bring the much more up-to-date design choices from SWTOR to Kotor. All textures have been made from scratch; the big animated screen on the bridge comes with whooping 81 pics and 5k resolution for maximum quality. Update 2.0 brings brand new lighting to the ship, utilising warmer colors like in SWTOR, as well as new polished window frames & a new Planet retexture. Update 3.1 out now! It brings a lot of visual improvements over previous versions - new doors, animated consoles & more.... Video covering mod Showcase (Ver. 1.0) / Installation Process: Installation: Download the file, extract its contents with an archive extraction tool such as WinRAR or 7zip, and move the contents to your game's Override directory Compatibility: This mod uses cubemaps, so there could be minor incompatibilites with mods that uses custom cubemaps too. ( but i actually dont know any mod that does that) Just to be on the safe side, i recommend to install my mod last. Beside that it should be compatible with everything that doesnt retexture the Endar Spire or the Stars/ Planet Taris outside. Credits: I want to thank Darth Sapiens for his wonderful Cubemap-Ressource pack, which enabled me to do a lot of things that would otherwise been not possible. Also a big thanks goes to Xuul for making one of his fantastic videos for this mod. Enjoy! Submitter Jorak Uln Submitted 07/03/2015 Category Skins K1R Compatible No
- 38 replies
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Since DeadlyStream supports discussion about other games that is non-Star Wars, as the section said so -- I tried to push my luck here with a question for Mass Effect's -- because I can't for the life of me finding an active forums that discuss [not that only host mods] on ME modding. Also, no harm on doing this here I guess, which intention is to take all the help I can get from this beloved forums. So, I want to change the BGM that plays on an area to a customized one, particularly around the Upper Markets located on the Citadel -- Upper Wards. Well, you know - the section where we observe the view of Citadel's wards with Ashley and Kaidan. If there's way, how can I do that? Much thanks for considering this.
Version 1.0
Installation Instructions Copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. iw_BlstrCrbn_002.tga me3-valiant.tga me3-valiant.txi w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdl w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdx To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description This is a custom model of the N7 Valiant sniper rifle from Mass Effect 3, which was originally released with the Collector's Edition of the game and then later added to multiplayer for everyone as a possible reward for the game's weekend operations. This gun took an extensive amount of modeling and, more importantly, texture work to complete. Construction began on June 12th 2012 and completed on February 7th 2013 for an insane build time of almost 7 months. I am easily distracted, which is the only reason it took this long. Probably because I've clocked over 400 hours in ME3 multiplayer... This mod will replace the 2nd blaster carbine model, which corresponds to the Sith Assault Gun. The choice was made to overwrite an existing gun to maximize compatibility, however with a little elbow grease you can add this as a custom gun that you can add to your inventory with whatever crazy stats you'd like. This gun includes a TXI file to make bits of the gun shine at different angles. This is used minimally to emphasize the gun's battle damage.- 4 comments
- 2 reviews
A.M.D.G. [TSL] Mass Effect-Style HK-50s =============================== by Darth InSidious ------------------ Description ----------- This mod reskins the HK-50s to look more like the defence droids in Mass Effect, in particular the FENRIS bots, etc. Installation ------------ Put the three .tga files and the two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this . L.D.S. -
This mod replaces the standard, large computer panels with 'holographic' versions, inspired by the Mass Effect games. The textures are slightly animated, to create a 'static' effect. This mod does not affect the smaller computer panels, wall-mounted computer panels or the Rakatan computer model. Installation ------------ Put the two .tga files and two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this .- 1 comment
- 4 reviews
- hologram
- mass effect
- (and 8 more)
View File Casino PAZAAK animated Staring at the cold, metallic UI of vanilla Pazaak i always wonder who wants to be in a casino like that? In this mod i want to make Pazaak more enjoyable and beside that more up to date looking. What i tried to achieve is to combine the exclusive, wooden look of modern casino-tables with the tech-look of the Cards. Visually i didnt take ANY prisoners, the main UI is slightly animated in the background and comes with a whooping 4k file. The Cards highlighter is retextured in a subtle blueish way and the flipcard symbol comes with a 256 pics animation. Thanks to todays fast PCs, it shouldnt affect performance. Compatibility: This should be compatible with everything. The only conflict could be with mods that change the Pazaak Cards and UI, but i yet havent seen any mod, that does that. TSLRCM 100% compatible. Install: Download the mod, extract the contents with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override folder. Enjoy! also watch Xuuls wonderful review (with installation instructions) of my mod: Update 1.1: it contains new files - just install both (CasinoPazaak.rar and Update1.1.rar) into your Override. Bugs: Since its a texture replacer, there shouldnt be any. Brightness (optional): for best results visually you may turn brightness bar to exactly 1/2. Submitter Jorak Uln Submitted 09/29/2014 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No
View File PANEL Overhaul animated (Mass Effect Edition) In this overhaul all major panels, workbenches and the computer panel background are remade from the scratch and animated. I tried very hard to merge the sophisticated ME3 look with original Kotor - and used only 4k/64 pics animations/uncompressed files to get a proper look - so yes - the mod size is indeed ~500MB. To get the most out of it i suggest that you guys download Xarwarz OTE series first, then override everything with my mod. Install: Download the mod, extract it with an archive extraction program like 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override directory. Compatibility: 100% compatible with TSLRCM & M478. As pure texture replacer it should be compatible with everything else. IF you want to install Xarwarz OTE texture PLC files, then install them FIRST, then override everything with my mod. Enjoy! Submitter Jorak Uln Submitted 03/11/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No
In the last weeks I have been working with the newly found information about cube- and bump-maps quite a lot. Seeing all of the possibilities, a very special Idea crossed my mind: To what extent are we capable of changing the appearance of combat shields? We all know that weird gloomy glow that is covering the characters like a weird liquid. And I personally don't really like that. So what If we were able to take a new approach on combat shields? For example like Mass Effect did it: - - If we were able to implement a feature like that into KotOR and TSL, it would change the atmosphere of combat in a very positive way. I would be glad if someone had ideas or even the skill to make this reality!
Hey there, Xedii (Xarwarz) and me doing a coop. project on retexturing and animating kotor. The aim of the project is to give the game the most sophisticated look on both - textures and animations - in respect to the vanilla Kotor but also to replica the excellent ME3 animations. The point is, Kotors textures screen textures are somewhat messed (upside down, cut off, doubled, tripled etc...) its much cleaner to just place a plain, custom model in front of the specific coordinates and animate that one instead. Heres an example of Taris Sith Base texture LSI_tech01: as you see the edges are cut of: the same texture is used here (cyan color): Since neither Xarwarz nor me are into modelling we need some help for that part. Is there any guy who can make (mostly flat plane easy models) and knows how to place them ingame? Any help would be glady appreciated!
File Name: Bearded PMHC01 Head Replacement File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 21 Oct 2014 File Category: Skins Installation Instructions First, select whether you plan to install the FULL BEARD or GOATEE. You can only install ONE of these mods. Once selected, copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. PMHC01.tga PMHC01d.tga PMHC01d1.tga PMHC01d2.tga PMHC01d3.tga] po_pmhc1.tga po_pmhc1d.tga po_pmhc1d1.tga po_pmhc1d2.tga po_pmhc1d3.tga Each head option features normal KotOR dark side transitions with Sith Eyes (yellow with red rings). If you prefer dark side transitions that feature Sith Eyes only and no change to the skin tone copy the files from Alternate Darkside in your selected head and overwrite these files in your override folder. To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description I almost always play with the first male caucasian head when I play Knights of the Old Republic however I prefer my gentleman a little scruffy. Years ago I created a similar reskin that became very popular and I decided it was time to rehash the same ol' same ol' with some more advanced texturing skills. This mod will add either a goatee or a full beard to this particular head. The two versions are mutually exclusive so you can only select one at the moment. This mod will also be incompatible with any other mod that replaces the files above. Click here to download this file
File Name: N7 Valiant File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 21 Oct 2014 File Category: Mods Installation Instructions Copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. iw_BlstrCrbn_002.tga me3-valiant.tga me3-valiant.txi w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdl w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdx To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description This is a custom model of the N7 Valiant sniper rifle from Mass Effect 3, which was originally released with the Collector's Edition of the game and then later added to multiplayer for everyone as a possible reward for the game's weekend operations. This gun took an extensive amount of modeling and, more importantly, texture work to complete. Construction began on June 12th 2012 and completed on February 7th 2013 for an insane build time of almost 7 months. I am easily distracted, which is the only reason it took this long. Probably because I've clocked over 400 hours in ME3 multiplayer... This mod will replace the 2nd blaster carbine model, which corresponds to the Sith Assault Gun. The choice was made to overwrite an existing gun to maximize compatibility, however with a little elbow grease you can add this as a custom gun that you can add to your inventory with whatever crazy stats you'd like. This gun includes a TXI file to make bits of the gun shine at different angles. This is used minimally to emphasize the gun's battle damage. Click here to download this file
View File TELOS Board Overhaul animated ATTENTION: Highly outdated! Use the much more advanced TSL Origins Telos mod instead: This overhaul replaces all the vanilla ads and boards at Telos. Considering that new rebuilt Citadel Station represented one of the most sophisticated architecture in the galaxy, in a way similar to ME Citadel, i wanted it to look alike. Realising this, it seems to be natural to follow the amazing ME animations but in respect to original Kotor... This mod contains only high res 4k 64 pics animations, so i highly recommend to install a texture Overhaul like the Xarwarz OTE overhaul first to cover all normal textures and then my Overhaul and override everything! Install: Download the mod, extract the archive with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, and move the extracted files to your game's override directory. Bugs: None. Enjoy! Submitter Jorak Uln Submitted 10/09/2014 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No
- 1
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(By nature this is a request, but to reach a larger Modder-Base i wanted to post it here first, hope thats ok) So hi everyone, some time ago i discovered on one playthrough of Kotor I+II that in combat its so much more fun to use hotkeys for the various powers (e.g. 4= friendly power; r= standard attack(guardian leap) 2=force power etc.) and i realized why: it makes combat faster !! BUT: theres a downside - you have to scroll through the different abilities - which slows your combat experience down. so there should be 2 ways of solving that problem: 1. Since i always was keen on how Mass Effect treated combat and its not much different from Kotor gameplay, i wanted to ask if its possible to reassemble the hotkey system so you can customize it like in SWTOR: 4= heal f= Force Lightning c= Force Wave 2= Critical strike etc.pp. 2. Is there a chance to shorten the time for each Combat round? If you have ideas/solutions it would be cool, but im not a scripter at all therefore it would be awesome if i could encourage someone to make this idea reality!
- Combat
- Mass Effect
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1. When Garrus plays Mass Effect he CAN save both Kaiden and Ashley. 2. Garrus doesn't need a blue light to control the Reapers, Garrus is always in control. 3. Garrus beat Mass Effect 3 and got a good ending. 4. When Garrus plays Mass Effect 2 he CAN save everyone during the suicide mission WITHOUT a upgraded Normandy. 5. In Mass Effect 1 Garrus CAN romance Tali. 6. Originally Garrus was going to be the main character in Mass Effect 2 but Garrus can survive in space (not that space would be stupid enough to suck him up) so they went with Shepard. 7. Originally Garrus was going to be the main character in the original Mass Effect but he would have ended the Reaper threat on the first planet. 8. When Garrus plays Mass Effect the council believes him about the Reapers' existence; no one questions Garrus Vakarian. 9. Garrus CAN kill the Star Child. 10. When Garrus plays Mass Effect he CAN save both the council and everybody else during the final mission. Keep the Garrus facts coming.
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- Mass Effect
- Garrus
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File Name: Mass Effect HK Droids File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 05 Apr 2013 File Category: Skins A.M.D.G. [TSL] Mass Effect-Style HK-50s =============================== by Darth InSidious ------------------ Description ----------- This mod reskins the HK-50s to look more like the defence droids in Mass Effect, in particular the FENRIS bots, etc. Installation ------------ Put the three .tga files and the two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this . L.D.S. Click here to download this file
File Name: Holopanels File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 31 Mar 2013 File Category: Skins This mod replaces the standard, large computer panels with 'holographic' versions, inspired by the Mass Effect games. The textures are slightly animated, to create a 'static' effect. This mod does not affect the smaller computer panels, wall-mounted computer panels or the Rakatan computer model. Installation ------------ Put the two .tga files and two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this . Click here to download this file
- hologram
- mass effect
- (and 8 more)