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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Quanon

    Carth Pop02

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

  2. Quanon

    Carth Pop01

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

  3. Carth got a tiny update.

  4. I should stay away from recoloring the hair That's all by accident, I messed up the size for her eyes and it just turned out like that
  5. Well, I worked on it some more. Corrected the eyes, further tweaked her lips. Was tyring to keep the "old" a bit more. But I should lessen that layer somewhat. Not content with it. Otherwise it's shaping up nicely. Tried to have a few screenshots on Tatooine, but the dark Jedi clubbed my character to death Poor lvl 1 Trask and me, where no match. Cheating is bad! Still the shot from on the starting area and the unkown world shots; shows how lighting affects the look of the skin.
  6. Today, I put in some work for a request I got. It's a reskin for one of the female player heads. Here's a little sneak peak at what it looks like so far. I tweaked her eyes; played around with the size. Somewhere I must have shifted them. The character looks like she's been smoking pot. It looks rather hilarious. Certainly when Trask comes and wakes you up. I wish I could chance his dialogue: "Are you high as a kite? have you been smoking? The galaxy is going up in flames.... etc"
  7. *sigh* What are you trying to say? That my mod has been stolen, abused, pirated? That's not the case. Like I mentioned before, I gave my OK on this. You want to release a fun edit of my skin, go ahead! My ego isn't so bloated that I go "bezerk" whenever somebody uses a mod of mine.
  8. Cache71 used my skin as a basis and has altered a few things: -eyes -lips -skin color/ contrast -visible skin details I've been in contact with Cache71; I've given my OK, to release this But perhaps my name should just be mentioned in the readme/ credits. I don't need to be mentioned in the title. Or a new title, like: Darth Hopa Bastila HD (based on Quanon) Cache71 has always been friendly and polite, shown her work to me before release. So fellow modders don't start a witchhunt, thanks!
  9. Congrats to the winners, let's get cracking at 2017 everyone I'm pretty happy I've made some mods just at the end of this year. I don't think I was ever that active; Back to work now!
  10. It's space fantasy; so a lot of things don't work. I don't think the design of most spacecraft seen in Star Wars would actually workout. I certainly don't see a Star Destroyer decending into an atmosphere. I'm certain the thing would fall apart and destroy a lot of stuff on the surface, just by entering let alone hoovering above a city. But, hey, I really like the SW universe; and Rogue One had a lot of beautifull shots. The Hammerhead thing is one of the tiny flaws. I find the characters and pacing at the start of the movie far more annoying. The overdone Daddy dies scene, which felt forced to me. Those are things that break a film for me, IMO, because, you can see the potentiel, what could have been... A really great film. Now it's ok to good. Certainly worth a rewatching just for the last 40mins of space battle and beach scenes.
  11. Hahaha, I might get a version out which has him in his speedo
  12. Well, I don't want to pull out that card, lol Not for any action/ adventure movie, cause a lot of things don't add up. But Star Wars, does do the "magic" right IMO. The "used" look of many of the ships and props; it sort of makes it really "real", eventhough it's all make believe. That's why I still think a lot of the old OT effects hold up today. The ILM guys have a good handle to get this tricky balance between obviously fake and what we expect things to behave like. Make it all seem real. I just loved the idea of the hammerhead going "nunk" on the Star Destroyer. Allthough the poor thing would break/ shatter aswell. But, hey, the ships crashing into each other was just awesome to see. Something about mass destruction that makes me tingle inside; lol My 10 year old cousin found it very entertaining! He was a bit shocked though that everybody died. Certainly when Jyn stays on the beach, I heard him gasp and go "huh?"
  13. I'm not sure why it is impossible with the Hammerhead? The Star Destroyer has no weight in space, isn't that why it would be possible in the first place to build such a large spacecraft? I think the film does portray it nicely, the corvette powers up, smashes into the ship. And at first it does damage on the hull, sort of plows into the destroyer as the outerhull crumbles aroud the head. It takes awhile for the thing to start moving. But once it moves it can quickly build up momentum. Once you start going in space there's no stopping; you only build up speed if you keep on giving "force". For a Kotor fan it certainly was one of the better moments in the film.
  14. Quanons Carth Onasi Reskin View File Another reskin finished. This time Carth gets a facelift. Upped the size of his head, clothing and underwear skin. Kept it very vanilla, no major changes to hair color, eyes or anything of that sort: just basic Carth. But a little crisper looking. Update V1.2: Carth did receive a make over on his hair. He can now be a blondy; a manly black or, more like his vanilla look a 'brunette'; comes in 2 flavors, regular tone and a darker shade. Pick your favorite! Each has a matching portrait. The regular brown is closets to his old game look. Only the hair has received an update. All the other parts of this mod are the same like before. Submitter Quanon Submitted 12/29/2016 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  15. Version 1.2


    Another reskin finished. This time Carth gets a facelift. Upped the size of his head, clothing and underwear skin. Kept it very vanilla, no major changes to hair color, eyes or anything of that sort: just basic Carth. But a little crisper looking. Update V1.2: Carth did receive a make over on his hair. He can now be a blondy; a manly black or, more like his vanilla look a 'brunette'; comes in 2 flavors, regular tone and a darker shade. Pick your favorite! Each has a matching portrait. The regular brown is closets to his old game look. Only the hair has received an update. All the other parts of this mod are the same like before.
  16. Just seen it and really liked it. Bit too much planet hopping at the beginning. It sort of over wanted to be "complex", while it isn't. I think as a Star Wars film they can go for the simple straight forward story. Episode IV was "Save the princess"; nothing more or less. And it worked! I think if they just started of the film with rebels wanting to get there hands on the plan, then an imperial shuttle to get in; it would have worked better. Throw in the flashbacks for Jyn, to tell her story and connection for her father. All by all, I loved all the little details for the die-hard Star Wars fans. The Hammerhead was great! Now I just want a real Kotor movie with Atton,Kreia,... the whole bunch And, yeah, they need to work on the digital humans; Tarkin looked goofy at times; I think the shot for Leia worked better, little less fake to me. But still, there's more work for ILM on that front. Otherwise, I just wouldn't say no, to a live action series, but with real premium effects. That's how Rogue one felt at times, a good pilot for a series
  17. Just saw Rogue One at the cinema. Really enjoyed it!

  18. Back for a tiny update on Carth. I've been working on the underwear, just the jumpsuit/ pajama part. Just fiddling with what sort of fabric texture I want to get it in there and a little more tight fit around the "beef" that's beneath it, if the ladies get that treatment why not the gents! I haven't touched the skin parts, arms and legs just yet. I might do a bare torso look as well, though that just takes a bit more work to get it right. And it also involves more tweaking to get it to match the face. But it's going a long nicely. Carth should be out in the early new year. It's an early WIP shot, so things can change. The orange is still a bit bright, but that might be my setup in 3Ds Max.
  19. Bastila had a minor update; a second version is now included! :)

    1. Kexikus


      Thanks! I really like the second version :)

    2. Quanon


      Well, I figured it couldn't hurt ;)


  20. Extra screenshots, before/ after:
  21. Extra screenshots, before/ after:
  22. @LucyTheAlien 1) I love creating things in Photoshop, smaller pixels sizes don't work as nicely. 2) Other people enjoy my work as well, so I share it. 3) Party members are like 30hrs with you on this adventure in Kotor; you spend lots of time with them. IMO they deserve a better looking texture. Not sure why you ask this on a modding forum? We create stuff for the fun of it, to improve an OLD, very old game... Is that usefull? No, but it's fun. I really, reall, really enjoy this stuff And you don't have to download my stuff if you think it's overly silly sized, there are a lot of other reskins avaible.
  23. Quanons Bastila Shan Reskin View File This mod will replace and update Bastila Shans textures. Mainly her armor, underwear and head skin. Each has been given a size increase: 2048x2048pix. Which allowed me to put in a few more details. The slave outfit, when you meet Bastila, for the first time on Taris hasn't been updated, just yet. But I felt, that I could release this anyway and at a later date do the slave outfit. Redrob also contributed an update to Bastilas head model, he fixed nasty bugs on her UVmap, which improved on how her skin gets applied to the model. And this ofcourse just improves the whole thing overall! Added a second version: this one is even more "vanilla", eyes are differant; less vibrant lipstick and make-up. Thanks Redrob! Version 1.3: A reworked head skin; now also comes with 4 hair colors to pick from. Underwear model has been tweaked to match the new head. Her regular outfit has NOT been altered. Submitter Quanon Submitted 12/23/2016 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  24. Bastila first version is out the door!

    1. jc2
    2. LDR


      Another phenomenal job man!

  25. Version 1.3


    This mod will replace and update Bastila Shans textures. Mainly her armor, underwear and head skin. Each has been given a size increase: 2048x2048pix. Which allowed me to put in a few more details. The slave outfit, when you meet Bastila, for the first time on Taris hasn't been updated, just yet. But I felt, that I could release this anyway and at a later date do the slave outfit. Redrob also contributed an update to Bastilas head model, he fixed nasty bugs on her UVmap, which improved on how her skin gets applied to the model. And this ofcourse just improves the whole thing overall! Added a second version: this one is even more "vanilla", eyes are differant; less vibrant lipstick and make-up. Thanks Redrob! Version 1.3: A reworked head skin; now also comes with 4 hair colors to pick from. Underwear model has been tweaked to match the new head. Her regular outfit has NOT been altered.