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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. does any body know any chearful songs, i have had a crap day :/

  2. Hey guess i popped back to tell you the news that i am auditioning for a role in star wars because its in Bristol next to where i live and also they are looking for a young British teen :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Don't break any NDA's.

    3. Mandalore
    4. ZM90


      @Zbyl2 we can all hope he can without getting in trouble. Admittedly that would be completely awesome but I kinda doubt he'll be able to but you never know I suppose.

  3. just got empire at war gold pack, does anybody know of any good mods for this?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrPhil


      There are much better mods. Retreiving links and posting them in "Star Wars" topic, general serction.

    3. MrPhil
    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I suggest creating a blog once you decide on a mod. You could post the pros and cons of the mod and in so doing, you can convince or dissuade us from playing it!

  4. quick question for americans, what is your mian choclate company. so like who is the most populare american company you buy from, because england has cadbury; (any english people will renember this beast of a advert

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jac


      Cadbury sells their chocolates over here as well I believe.

    3. bendarby24
    4. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Lucky Canadians get both British and American chocolates. British is far better. Much smoother and better tasting. When I go to my family in NYC or Miami or Chicago or San Diego I always bring a box of Coffee Crisps. Best candy bar of all time. :)(:

  5. yay just got kotor collection addiction is now i can play kotor 1 agein and also i just brought TOR for the first time :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bendarby24
    3. Mandalore


      Well, I have a Smuggler on Red Eclipse. I have a Bounty Hunter on The Progenitor though.

    4. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      I'm on Ebon hawk, it's an RPG server.

  6. not good just checked 2 see if this bug i having been geting is because of mopds and it seems my k2 disk and normal files are cruipted and it will not play atris battel scene, does anybody knoqw where to get k2 really cheep because i have no money

  7. Ok guy I think this is it, I'm going to leave with vary few visits back to this site. I have been with the kotor moding community for 8 years now and don't worry Deadly stream is always going to be my favorite. I have made and seen a lot of friends leave over my years from the creator of web site him self stream or know as doctor to friends like Mandalore. But I have decided to final give up Kotor up, with most of my mods files been lost on dead web sites and being on my old computer...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bendarby24


      Going to university soon and I think my time is over maybe in a couple of years I might come back to do one last play through with all the new mods

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Let's not say goodbye then. Let's put it like . . . "See you around in a while!"

    4. VarsityPuppet


      One does not simply LEAVE the KOTOR community...


      Unless you're Dashus... or Darth Balor... or Doc Valentine...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kerk


      "downguard"? haha. I wish they made a DLC that would improve AI in the game, cause as of now it's really dumb.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Was it worth the wait?

    4. bendarby24


      yes it good and lots of content. playing as a vampire lord is a littel bit glitchy but still amazing

  9. OK guys i am coming back to moding I have decided and I wont to try some thing new, any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24


      but there some many thing i dont like ;) jokes, i will have a think about what i hate

    3. HK-47


      Suggestion: That you're weapons don't "sheath" (sabers/pistols don't go on the hips, rifles/swords don't go on the back) when not in use (like in HALO/TOR.

    4. bendarby24


      hummm good idea, i will defently add that to my list

  10. my heart goes out to the USA and all the famalys who lost children in the shooting :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24


      other hear we got a good regulations but i still havens from ime to time but i dont think it ever happend in schools :/

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Newtown shooter stole the gun from his mother. It's not like he was able to buy the gun from somewhere.

    4. ZM90


      I think law abiding citizens should be able to have guns but there needs to be background checks no matter where you get the gun from, a required gun safety course, and a test a person has to pass to make sure they are mentally sane in order to own a gun. The reason these things need to be in place is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally insane.

  11. i just realised all the good chrismas songs are English songs :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24


      i meant english as from england the place becaue we are english and you are american :P sorry but i do hate it when you say they are spaeking english but they are speaking american english noy actall english :/

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      But is what you just typed any sort of English? ;)

    4. Darth_Sapiens


      how would canadian english fit in? (no we dont end all sentences with EH) i love spelling colour and armour and favour, honour, with a u XD seriously though i hvae to take care of my polar bear, its a 91, pretty old started making strange noises yesterday, ill take a look for a new one else i'll be walking to school.

  12. Has the geoharade mod, still not been patched for tslrcm? last time i was here like 4 mounths ago they said there was news about it soon? nevver give people force hope or reslease date :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24


      Carm SH! I just remember a post or some saying to week until release, maybe I imagined it or may its there, the only reason I asked is because im doing my first play trough with m4 - 7h mod :D

    3. Mandalore


      Nothing recently - Darth Sapiens was working on it, and he hasn't been around for a while.

    4. bendarby24


      Ok thanks for the info :)

  13. i cant downloud anything from here at the moment :/ keeps coming up with error and saying i dont have permision :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24


      any of them, but it most of had a funny couple of days because 3 days latter there working again ?

    3. Mandalore


      Yeah, that's odd.

    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Can you download anything now? If so, feel free to update your Status, ;)

  14. Doing my first modded playthrough of K1 in 5 years. Figuring out compatibility of mods is a nightmare these days, never any clear answers...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LoneWanderer


      Since Recruitable Kay use TSLPatcher, chances are, it is compatible with K1R (or, at least, won't break the game), if the they don't have .ncs scripts with the same names.

      Look at the situation from other position: you can be the first person to inform community, whether these mods are compatible or not! 😉

    3. Mephiles550


      What's even more of a nightmare is trying to modfix the incompatible mods yourself to make them work with eachother and you keep missing something so you get new problems every time

      Trying to make brotherhood of Shadow compatible with my specific mod build has been quite the challenge and I'm definitely not done yet. 

    4. Thor110


      I've said it before and i'll say it again, while all the customisation is great, some users just want a complete package and to not have to spend their time learning how to mod a game just to play it with mods.

      The community could still really benefit from a complete overhaul of both games that combines essentials and the best of the best into one package, only problem is organising such a thing and getting everyone to work together, unfortunately and understandably everybody is so busy with their own little ideas for the game that this sort of thing is unlikely to ever happen beyond say the reddit build list.

  15. just whatched skyfall and it really good

    1. milestails


      A James Bond film without martinis and Aston Martins is not a James Bond film. Even Sean Connery hates Heineken and BMWs.

    2. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      He's regenerated miles, he may be the same person, but like The Doctor, he changes slightly with each new skin.

    3. kyrie


      This is when Q starts working at MI-6 right?

  16. HELP: tried playing the tsl in the combo pack and it froze after the first louding screen the tested with out mods and the same result?

    1. bendarby24


      i have been looking around but all the fixes are NIVIDA but my graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series, i have a HP notbook 4510s an a intel 2 due core prosseser


    2. Darth_Sapiens


      man i had that problem, are there any dlls in the games root folder? pm me if their are, ill walk you through how i fixed it.

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      can you send me a screen of your main tsl directory? also does kotor work?

  17. We might get a KOTOR 3 and battlefront 3 after all :D

    1. hkmandalore47


      really??? explain plz!!!!

    2. Logan23


      We are not getting Kotor3 in the way most think-exile or Revan- EA is going to make a game that is basically Battlefront 3 but with a different name. As for kotor3- we will see RPG like kotor either during the time before the Episode 7. ToR being a Bioware/EA - they won't make a game that will compete with ToR. But I can see us getting another RPG and a Jedi Knight type of game. Will they be depends on EA. Bioware and DICE are studios that can make good games if EA would not pus...

    3. hkmandalore47


      ah ok. i can't wait! and i'm tired of the lack of good star wars games in recent years

  18. i like how i am using kotor 2 conept art in my A level art next your :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You might want to discuss the differences ebtween the final edition of the cover art and the "other" version seen here:


      Mr. Giancola is awfully nice and might respond if you sent him an e-mail about that. (I'd be curious to see the response too.)

    2. bendarby24


      kk thanks for the info :)

  19. BIGGIST HANG OVER EVER :/ but such a good night :D

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Drink a full glass of water after each complete drink you finish next time. (Yes, a shot counts as a complete drink.)

    2. bendarby24


      chears for the advise

  20. going to start moding agein today hopefuly :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What do you have planned?


    2. bendarby24


      i thought a better improvment of my rebalanced mod but it may tern into a kotor 2 improvment mod :/ we shall see

  21. in your oppion what game has the best light saber combat so it flunt and you can have long skillful combat? im thinking it will be one of the jedi outcast games but i dont know?

    1. bendarby24


      and/ or the forced unleashed

    2. Malkior


      Star Wars: Obi Wan! No, but seriously I think outcast had the best combat although academy had more stylish moves. Unfortunately, academy had poor hit detection and reach with its moves. Plus its saber styles were nowhere near as good as outcast. (the force unleashed had no real lightsaber combat system other than to hit the "swing" button; anything more stylish was a QTE)

  22. this is allsome - Knights of the Old Republic 2 lead designer Chris Avellone has praised, to Eurogamer, the efforts of voluntary The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) team.[...]

    1. hkmandalore47


      wow thats big! congratulations to the team!

    2. newbiemodder


      Thanks for the info. Just read it. Congrats to TSLRCM team on well deserved praise!!

  23. fable the journy just whent gold, i might be geting a internship at lionhead stuidoes :)

    1. deckard92


      Is english your native language? I notice your spelling/grammar is near illegible, if not, I apologize.

    2. bendarby24


      im dislexic, dick^