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About JustARookie

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Apologies for this worry, but for some reason switching outside of the "legacypc" version fixed the annoying "non-holo hologram" issue for K2 since, even in plain vanilla K2 with absolutely zero mods, it still had the "non-holo hologram" issue, which is very odd. It's only when I switched out of the "legacypc" version in that the "holograms" reverted back to how they normally looked, have no idea why this is the case, but it's the truth for some strange reason.
  2. Got it, thanks for answering my question regardless, it's appreciated.
  3. Does it also reflect the change if the Exile managed to secure Sleheyron's fuel for Citadel Station after the Nar Shaddaa main questline is finished? Just figured i'd ask, but i'm guessing in that it still reports the same "pre-Sleheyron fuel secured" line most likely, damn shame. :<
  4. Thanks SOOO MUCH for this, always get tired of the impromptu scripting of this main story quest, this makes it MUCH less annoying due to the fact that you can trigger it when you are actually ready instead of it being dropped on you like a sack of stinky, rotten potatoes out of nowhere. >_<
  5. Thanks, I appreciate it. ^^ And no problem. :3
  6. Gotcha, thanks for explaining it in detail, it's much appreciated.
  7. I hear ya, I appreciate you answering my question regardless, but even with your mod having one seemingly choose which class she is when the choices show themselves at the final answer tree at the end of Mira's "feel the force" event, she still doesn't become either a guardian nor consular if you choose a non-sentinel choice for her since I tried selecting the "consular" choice for her, but for some weird reason it still stuck to her usual "sentinel" class instead, no idea why though tbh. :<
  8. I hope that this also applies to certain mod-implemented skills, such as the "Force Static Field" (the force power is the circular red orb icon located on the bottom-left corner) from the "High Level Force Powers" mod for instance since, if so, it'd make it IMMENSELY USEFUL/DEADLY against those ever-pesky HK-cockroaches you encounter usually, especially with the TSLRCM mod, with the right amount of "repair" points of course, though just the "disable" status effect will still help greatly as usual. Regardless, a very nice mini-mod, will try it out.
  9. Hopefully this means that one can heal more if they have around 20-30 points in "Treat Injury" for instance and heals for a MUCH greater deal than the paltry amount it normally heals for. Regardless, thanks for making this mod, i'll try it out. :3
  10. It would be VERY NICE if you could make a lightsaber variation of this. (Yes, I realize that adding a chemical-based effect to a blade of pure energy doesn't make sense, but it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility in the SW-verse obviously. That and raw damage often isn't enough as there's mod-implemented foes, such as beefed-up foes in the "Combat Arena" mini-mod, that are VERY tanky to take down with raw damage alone, thus this would make an excellent addition to custom lightsaber upgrade crystals if not custom lightsaber lens, emitter and energy cell parts X3) Regardless, thanks a lot for making this mod. ^^ Also, if you do end up making a lightsaber variation of this mod, could you possibly make it compatible with the SLM (short for "Schematic Lightsaber Mod" in case you haven't heard of it already) mod? It'd be very nice if it could be compatible with it after all. ❤️
  11. JustARookie

    TSL MP3 Player

    A very simple-yet-nice mod, I like it. ^^ It doesn't overlap other background bgm playing though, does it? Just want to make sure since it'd be an earache to listen to two bgm simultaneously in K2 after all. ^^; I'm guessing that it switches off the currently-playing bgm in K2 and then switches it to the chosen bgm track, i'm guessing anyways. I just hope i'm right is all, though i'm wondering if it switches to regular K2 battle music when entering combat with enemies or not.
  12. I don't suppose there's an easy way to make this compatible with the SLM (short for "Schematic Lightsaber Mod" in case you haven't heard of it already, which is unlikely if you're a dedicated KOTOR fan like me. heh heh ^^) mod, right? I'm asking since the SLM mod also adds new convo lines to various companions like the TSLRCM mod does at certain parts. Regardless, a nice mod, just hope it can be compatible with SLM in a future build, since they'll likely conflict with eachother i'm guessing.
  13. Where did you find it? (referring to the "emitter" part, just to clarify) I'm lost on finding the damn thing atm... DX EDIT: Nvm, after uninstalling and reinstalling K2 (had to do so since the "Expanded Galaxy" mod seems to have been really upsetting the other mods I tried keeping in balance, which I suppose is something I should've expected in hind sight tbh... ^^;) for a fresh slate without the conflicting "TSL Collectibles" mod, I found it in one of the plasteel cylinders in one of the handmaiden's dormitory rooms, which is strange since i'm normally quite thorough in checking those, but I guess the previous aforementioned mods must've messed with the emitter's placement i'm guessing, since I couldn't even find the apparently "scripted convo" Shadow Meditation schematic in a plasteel cylinder near where T3-M4 is being held in the Telos Polar Academy, most likely due to the aforementioned mods conflicting with the SLM mod most likely, but after the reinstall without the Expanded Galaxy and TSL Collectibles mod, I managed to find both of them at those scripted locations without issue, thank goodness. EDIT2: While I am relieved that I finally got the completed "duelist" light saber, my Exile, for some reason, hasn't received the "Read Schematic" feat yet, even though other party members received it after they made their own custom lightsaber, where is it learned for the Exile? Since I already have a few schematics but I can't create them with my Exile for some annoying reason. DX
  14. Could you PLEASE make an non-subtitled version of this? It's the only real issue I have with this otherwise-flawless mini-mod after all. ^^
  15. Does this mod mess with the core "hologram" logic in K2? Not blaming this mod or anything, don't worry, but for reasons unknown, one of the mods i'm using causes former "holograms" to appear as non-hologram AKA actual NPCs in recordings, such as those found in peragus and the Sith-overtaken Harbinger. Basically, no regular "blue-covered NPC" appear and, instead, an actual non-holo npc appears. Just figured i'd ask since I dunno if this mod is causing the issue or not as i've yet to nail down which mod is causing this issue after all. ^^; If need be, I can show a list of the mods I use, though i've cut down on some atm in order to figure out what causes this issue. Normally i'd just ignore this issue, but for some VERY STRANGE reason, Bakel (during the initial visit to Onderon in order to get into contact with Jedi Master Kavar) NEVER appears in her spot after Dhagon Ghent tells the Exile to collect his stolen encrypted holodiscs, thus pretty much soft-locking progress in K2 at that point. My guess is that it has something to do with issue involving non-holos since it even literally blinds the screen during the rare Ebon Hawk "turret sections" during the first travel to Onderon before being diverted to Dxun instead after the brief tangle with the asshole Tobin, not even remotely joking here... DX It also seems to get rid of the "droid/force-related vision modes" such as when looking from stationary first person view from droids like T3-M4, B4-D4 and HK-47 as well as the "Force Sight" power gained from Visas teaching it to the Exile, hence why it's becoming a REAL pain in the ass... DX Major apologies in advance for turning this into a miniature wall of rant-text, but it's just been bugging me a lot is all. >_<