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Everything posted by MrPhil

  1. If you like Valve games, treat yourself, they have a big sale over at GameFly, this weekend only. I bought both of the portal game and the Half-Life complete serie for just 18 bucks. Just the portal games would have cost me something like 20 bucks. So do whatever you want about this info :P

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      I got portal for free, same for L4D. Just waiting for them to give the others away too (not Valve games biggest fan)

    2. MrPhil


      They gave them away? You lucky bast... :P

    3. Mandalore


      I got L4D2 for free - it was on Christmas Day. You could just download it on Steam for nothing. Haven't played it yet though.

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  2. Are you close to a release of your next version, Kain?
  3. And I'm back to school... Uh -_-

    1. bendarby24


      now phill, learning is fun ;) also this might help:

  4. I think I remember that you can kill/save as many jedi as you want. For some of them, though, you have to be careful on your mission choices because you might be obligated to kill a master depending on what you chose.
  5. Pretty sure you can find everything in there:
  6. In the sixth pic, the Jedi in the middle looks a lot like Luxa, doesn't-it?
  7. I tried to PM you but it didn't work. Is your PM box full?

    1. Malkior


      Yeah, Sorry about that. It's better now.

  8. Lol. I used to change-it quite often to feature certain bands I treasure. However, I think I can use my time in a better manner So Ash is just fine in this regards
  9. I would not know a thing about that, but I'll put that out, just in case you didn't think about-it, which you'll probably have. Could this kind of error be related to the tool you use to update the .rim? Or the method?
  10. is a great site to find out about obscure metal band. Their unwillingness to display metalcore bands makes them a bunch of elitist, though!

    1. LDR


      I still love that site though.

    2. MrPhil


      Yeah, I use them a lot, but I think they are somewhat lesser for their will to be brat about what is "true" metal...


      At lest we've got wikipedia for the rest! Speaking of which, do you know of a similar website for everything rock/punk/alt rock and the such?

  11. Hey guys, I'm writing this to let you know of one of my pass-time these days. Ever since I bought my first Laptop (with Vista :S), I've been using WMP for listening to my music. Until very recently I used a very simple filing system for my songs: dump them all in the same folder with "Artist - Title of the song" header. Once, I used iTunes and it put freaking Mayhem in my folder, putting all the songs in Artist/Album folders. Which pissed the hell out of me, because well, the music is not always tagged correctly right? Plus I hate the tagging system from iTunes. II've been having all kind of troubles to file my music correctly, because eventually, I set out to tag my music correctly, that is ensure there is a Cover for every songs/albums, the right music style is identified correctly, the right album title is applied... As you can see from this picture, sometimes, the songs are not tagged properly and you don't get the album art. I tried numerous ways to update this and here's what I found: you can drag and drop the correct picture of the album on the picture zone, but it might pop and be replaced by something wrong for numerous reasons. First of all, I came to realize the the filing system from iTune was the right one (main folder/Artist Folder/Album Folder), but in order to have my music filed correctly, I decided to do-it manually. The best way to tag an album is to use WMP to tag "automatically" (actually, that's more of a semi-automatic way) the albums. Right click on the picture will enable you to use that feature. Here's what I found about this feature: online database are not complete and you often have to correct what's there anyway. From my experience, however, you have to use that feature to ensure that you can properly tag the songs with correct pictures. Here's why: auto-tagging generates a serie of 4 hidden pictures that have an unique ID linked to the songs of the album you are currently tagging. Another thing I've noticed is that some of the albums on the online database lack images. For the method I'm using you cannot choose them, or else you will not have the 4 unique pictures you need to have the correct album art associated to the song. Also, you can't change a song's picture when playing that song. Don't know if anyone of you is doing crazy filing stuff like that? Anyway I'll post more when I have some questions or observations. If you have questions yourself about the tagging system for WMP or anything you wanna say regarding this topic, you can say so here... ___________________---------------=============== Here's an issue I've been having: my music library uses WMP to be browsed. Sometimes, I get my music from friends, sometimes I extract my own CD's and sometimes, I buy songs off iTunes (I know, shitty that I have to use iTunes to buy music, but whatever...). IUnfortunately, iTunes don't let you choose if your music will have variable bit, nor the format. So quite often, I have these .mp4/.m4a songs. Unfortunately, sometimes, for some reason, the songs can't all be added to WMP's library. For example, I've bought the Can't Hide Country album from Hali Hicks. Out of the 12 songs, only 8 of them shown-up into WMP's library. If some of you have had that problem, here's the fix I've done: using Freemake Audio Converter, I converted the songs from MP4's to MP3's. Gotta warn you, when you install this kind of programs, be careful, as they often "recommend" that you install some other bullshit programs that aren't quite useful. So there's this. Once converted to MP3's, the tags will most likely be messed-up and need to be done again. But at least, you'll have access to these songs. ___________________---------------=============== Here's a case I've encountered many times: auto-tagging a CD sometimes yield only a choice of one CD, one that "has 0 songs". If the CD does have a cover image (even if not the right one), I'd select-it. You can always change the image to something else after. Then, you will have to put a number on each of the song, and name them. Do not forget that afterward, you have to add the "interperet artist" or something like that. I don't know what they are using in english for this field, but if you use the scrobbler, you'll need that field to be written. Also, you generally have to set the music style to something more fitting than the auto-tag choice. ___________________---------------=============== I've been using for some time now (here's my account, if anyone's curious: ). One thing I've noticed is that sometimes, in WMP, songs don't have their duration indicated (in case any of you is wondering, by the way, all that I have been speaking about from the beginning is from the library mode, in WMP, not regular mode). This is bad for 2 reasons: 1- You will not be able to read a part that's further in the song, leading you to restart the song every time. 2- You will not be able to scrobble-it with (unless you try to listen the song from another device, but that's not the point...) I've found that trying to move the song from a different folder while WMP is open can lead to corrupt an MP3 in this manner, so unless you want to expand some time fixing songs with a method I mentionned earlier, you had better move songs while WMP is closed.
  12. Maybe you could make-it an optional part of the mod to put in Override if the player wish-it?
  13. Jeez, I wonder what you'd have chosen for me if I didn't take an avatar
  14. These seams seems to be a lot of work! Keep at-it, it is getting better.
  15. There are a lot of screenshots in there. A lot of concept art also. Guess it took some digging to find these in there uh? Well, I wish you won't loose your current computer to a f'ing stealer...
  16. Lol, I had not seen that last update! Chodo almost looks like he has sith eyes But it looks good and stays true to the original eye look!
  17. Who the hell sells their books at a thousand bucks? And more importantly, who buys them?

    1. MrPhil


      Alas, ain't gonna buy a book at this price :P

    2. Vriff


      That person you're talking about in the OP is named "The College Bookstore".


      not a nice chap.

    3. MrPhil


      Yeah, I meant it more as a "Who do you think you are" If a take one of my used books and sell-it a hundred bucks, I sure think nobody would buy-it when they can have-it for "1 cent"... oh well...

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  18. So I take-it you (Malkior) are planning on making your mod(s) compatible with NPC Overhaul? If you are, that would be a huge plus
  19. I gotta say it looks amazingly superior to your other version. I like how the ithorian has some kind of crest or something (color differenciation on the forehead, I guess). The one area that looks kind of fuzzy is the fingers. The skin looks weird. Other than that, I'd say it is in a state that I would certainly not mind using. Very good work
  20. I hope Kain is willing to check this out!
  21. MrPhil


    Who's site is that, if I may ask?