Marius Fett

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Marius Fett last won the day on October 5 2024

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196 Jedi Grand Master

About Marius Fett

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  • Birthday 09/10/1993

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  1. Good thought, but the mod he's talking about isn't mine. I did also release some new lightsaber blades way back when, but not familiar with this one. sorry!
  2. If you edit the ascii which KotORMax exports in Notepad, you can set the bumpmappable flag value for whichever meshes you'd like. Have you tried this? Or does MDLEdit revert the changes when you compile? To your second point, which process are you following for creating your walkmeshes? I've created multiple custom placeables with new walkmeshes and they're all solid.
  3. I can’t tell from reading this. Have you tried starting a new game? Or are you just using existing saves at an earlier point? I would strongly suggest starting a brand new game whenever you install a mod as large as this.
  4. Did you extract everything from the downloaded archive before running the installer? As long as you've started a new game, you should be fine, as long as you've installed the mod properly. Shouldn't matter which version of the game you're using, either. As for the sword in the video, yes it's a mod. I don't know which one.
  5. You’ll need to start a new game, or at least load a save from before you entered the base, as the changes made to the module files won’t be read with the save you’re using. Personally, I’d start a new game entirely, so as to make sure everything else works as it should and to ensure you don’t miss out on other content that’s been restored to areas you’ve already been to.
  6. Bristling with information and specificity though your post is, I'm not really managing to extrapolate the nature of your troubles from it. Reviving a thread which has been dead for two years with a post like that isn't really good practice. You'd be much better off either starting a new topic for your specific issue, or asking for help on the DeadlyStream Discord server. At any rate, KotOR Tool has been essentially obseleted by Holocron Toolset, which you download here at DeadlyStream.
  7. In all honesty? Not really. I wouldn't really fancy having the same model out there twice for two different things, if you know what I mean. There are other models I'm planning on releasing as stand-alone items shortly, but these particular models will stay as replacements.
  8. JC's mod adds new lightsabers, it doesn't touch any of the files related to the existing sabers already present in the game, so yes. They're compatible. JC's sabers just won't have the new blade models or the ambient lighting.
  9. Yeah, it'll work with those. Those mods are due to be replace with newer versions shortly anyway, but the versions you have will be fine for now. Just make sure you download the new versions when next time you start a fresh Override folder.
  10. View File Darth Malak's Lightsaber (TSL) This mod gives Darth Malak his own unique lightsaber hilt and also uses Crazy34’s lightsaber blade with ambient lighting. Darth Malak’s lightsaber was the only one not altered with my Movie Style Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, so this mod is intended to be used alongside that for consistency. Darth Malak’s lightsaber isn’t actually present in the vanilla game, so this mod is intended to be used alongside not only my Movie Style Replacement Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, but also my Secret Tomb Lightsaber Adjustments mod, which gives Malak back his longer bladed lightsaber during the encounter in the Secret Tomb on Korriban. If you don’t wish to use that mod for whatever reason, or if you want to have this lightsaber for your PC to use, you can always use cheats to grant it to yourself using the code ‘giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06’. Submitter Marius Fett Submitted 08/08/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  11. View File Darth Malak's Lightsaber (K1) This mod gives Darth Malak his own unique lightsaber hilt and also uses Crazy34’s lightsaber blade with ambient lighting. Darth Malak’s lightsaber was the only one not altered with my Movie Style Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, so this mod is intended to be used alongside that for consistency. This replaces the lightsaber Malak uses in the vanilla game and is used both times you battle him as well as in all cutscenes where he is holding/wielding a lightsaber. This mod is fully compatible with the KotOR Community Patch, as the changes it makes to Malak’s files on the Star Forge are identical to those made by the Community Patch itself. Submitter Marius Fett Submitted 08/08/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. 114 downloads

    This mod gives Darth Malak his own unique lightsaber hilt and also uses Crazy34’s lightsaber blade with ambient lighting. Darth Malak’s lightsaber was the only one not altered with my Movie Style Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, so this mod is intended to be used alongside that for consistency. Darth Malak’s lightsaber isn’t actually present in the vanilla game, so this mod is intended to be used alongside not only my Movie Style Replacement Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, but also my Secret Tomb Lightsaber Adjustments mod, which gives Malak back his longer bladed lightsaber during the encounter in the Secret Tomb on Korriban. If you don’t wish to use that mod for whatever reason, or if you want to have this lightsaber for your PC to use, you can always use cheats to grant it to yourself using the code ‘giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06’.
  13. 206 downloads

    This mod gives Darth Malak his own unique lightsaber hilt and also uses Crazy34’s lightsaber blade with ambient lighting. Darth Malak’s lightsaber was the only one not altered with my Movie Style Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, so this mod is intended to be used alongside that for consistency. This replaces the lightsaber Malak uses in the vanilla game and is used both times you battle him as well as in all cutscenes where he is holding/wielding a lightsaber. This mod is fully compatible with the KotOR Community Patch, as the changes it makes to Malak’s files on the Star Forge are identical to those made by the Community Patch itself.
  14. View File Movie Style Replacement Lightsaber Hilts (TSL) This mod gives each colour of lightsaber present in the game its own unique hilt based on one from the Star Wars films: Blue – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ep. III) Red – Darth Vader (Ep. IV) Green – Luke Skywalker (Ep. VI) Yellow – Plo Koon Purple – Mace Windu Orange – Luminara Unduli Cyan – Luke Skywalker (Ep. IV) Viridian – Qui-Gon Jinn Silver – Shaak Ti Bronze (TSLRCM) – Darth Sidious Massive thanks to Plasma, who originally created these hilt models for Jedi Academy and permitted me to release my ported versions for the KotOR community to enjoy too. Thanks to Crazy34 for making his lightsaber blades with ambient lighting available as a modders resource for the rest of the community to incorporate into their mods. Submitter Marius Fett Submitted 08/08/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  15. 297 downloads

    This mod gives each colour of lightsaber present in the game its own unique hilt based on one from the Star Wars films: Blue – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ep. III) Red – Darth Vader (Ep. IV) Green – Luke Skywalker (Ep. VI) Yellow – Plo Koon Purple – Mace Windu Orange – Luminara Unduli Cyan – Luke Skywalker (Ep. IV) Viridian – Qui-Gon Jinn Silver – Shaak Ti Bronze (TSLRCM) – Darth Sidious Massive thanks to Plasma, who originally created these hilt models for Jedi Academy and permitted me to release my ported versions for the KotOR community to enjoy too. Thanks to Crazy34 for making his lightsaber blades with ambient lighting available as a modders resource for the rest of the community to incorporate into their mods.