Durin's Bane

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Everything posted by Durin's Bane

  1. Everything works, I'll just have to change a camera angle or two on his dialog file. Cheers for your assistance.
  2. I understand your viewpoint completely, his menace and character does come partly from his height. I just want to see ingame what he looks like a little bigger. You're right about him looking chunky, but I've always thought he looked a little chunky with his coat anyways: Edit: I'm unable to upload a picture of Calo but here's the link: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/ed/Calonord.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110223152451&path-prefix=nl
  3. Is this possible? I've always found his height rather irritatingly small.
  4. that looks very funny, the helmet at an angle looks like a sharks head!
  5. of course, I'd be worried if I didn't! i've just been looking up various Rakghoul outbreak pictures from TOR and I loved that effect. it'd be a cool animation in K1 or TSL.
  6. is it possible to have this effect applied to characters that are poisoned in K1?
  7. hello all, I was just wondering if someone could re-create a Bandon reskin I found? There is a link below but here is two pictures of the skin I'm looking for (the gold one): https://web.archive.org/web/20150217132007/http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=211289
  8. Bandon doesn't deserve that armor IMO. But I like your mask filter idea!
  9. Please tell me you are still working on this. it's the coolest thing i've ever seen.