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Everything posted by Mellowtron11

  1. My favorite planet of the first KOTOR! The Dantooine grove had some of the best parts in KOTOR, namely the Juhani duel and the final confrontation with the Mandalorian raiders. Love the screenshot!
  2. Never did I know that Bastila could force persuade Holden to lift Dia's bounty on Taris if your character failed the persuasion check. As you folks can see, it's been a while since I've played this game.



    1. jc2


      NO WAY!

  3. View File KOTOR NPC Stat Fixes Mod KOTOR 1 NPC Fixes 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/16/2019 Description- This mod is intended to fix some of the inconsistencies found with your party members’ stats and feats in KOTOR1 as listed below. This mod intends to fix these little oversights. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop the UTC files into your override folder. Installation Notes- To have the mod take effect, load a save game before your party members join your team or start a new game. It is best to start fresh with a new game as to not conflict with the current .utc files from your party’s NPCs. If you install this mod after party members have joined your group, the intended changes will not take effect for the party members already joined and will instead continue to show the original stats. Alternatively, load the .utc files that you want to change before you enter the module where you first meet that NPC. Uninstallation- Delete the proper .utc files from your override folder. Known Bugs- None, but if there are any, please message me at Deadly Stream. All of these characters have been tested by me. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Changelog Version 1.0 Carth · Removed Blaster Pistol Specialization feat, as Carth had two level 4 feats for some reason. · Added Rapid shot feat. Mission · Set Wisdom to 12 for a small boost to her security and treat injury skill. Zaalbar · Removed improved power attack as scouts did not get to select feats at level 4. · Added critical strike feat. · Set Awareness to 5 and treat injury to 6. T3-M4 · Set Vitality to 24 points. Canderous · Set Constitution to 16, as Canderous was 4 attribute points short, bringing his HP total to 70 at level 5. (More HP fits his tough guy personality). Juhani · Removed conditioning feat since Juhani’s saves are already very high. · Added Flurry feat. · Set Strength to 14, charisma to 12 and Intelligence to 10. · Set Awareness at 2 and treat injury to 7. · Removed Juhani’s red Jedi robe and set her clothing as her default outfit. · Removed Affect mind power. HK-47 · Added Rapid shot feat to properly add 1 more feat to the combat droid class’s feat progression. · Set Strength at 12, Dexterity at 16 and Constitution at 14, bringing HK’s total HP up to 78. Jolee · Removed robe and added default clothing to Jolee’s inventory for p_jolee.utc and p_jolee001.utc. · Set Wisdom and Charisma to 14. · Set awareness to 2 and treat injury to 8. Thanks · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · N-DReW25 for helping me get started with KOTOR modding. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Mellowtron11 Submitted 03/16/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    KOTOR 1 NPC Fixes 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/16/2019 Description- This mod is intended to fix some of the inconsistencies found with your party members’ stats and feats in KOTOR1 as listed below. This mod intends to fix these little oversights. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop the UTC files into your override folder. Installation Notes- To have the mod take effect, load a save game before your party members join your team or start a new game. It is best to start fresh with a new game as to not conflict with the current .utc files from your party’s NPCs. If you install this mod after party members have joined your group, the intended changes will not take effect for the party members already joined and will instead continue to show the original stats. Alternatively, load the .utc files that you want to change before you enter the module where you first meet that NPC. Uninstallation- Delete the proper .utc files from your override folder. Known Bugs- None, but if there are any, please message me at Deadly Stream. All of these characters have been tested by me. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Changelog Version 1.0 Carth · Removed Blaster Pistol Specialization feat, as Carth had two level 4 feats for some reason. · Added Rapid shot feat. Mission · Set Wisdom to 12 for a small boost to her security and treat injury skill. Zaalbar · Removed improved power attack as scouts did not get to select feats at level 4. · Added critical strike feat. · Set Awareness to 5 and treat injury to 6. T3-M4 · Set Vitality to 24 points. Canderous · Set Constitution to 16, as Canderous was 4 attribute points short, bringing his HP total to 70 at level 5. (More HP fits his tough guy personality). Juhani · Removed conditioning feat since Juhani’s saves are already very high. · Added Flurry feat. · Set Strength to 14, charisma to 12 and Intelligence to 10. · Set Awareness at 2 and treat injury to 7. · Removed Juhani’s red Jedi robe and set her clothing as her default outfit. · Removed Affect mind power. HK-47 · Added Rapid shot feat to properly add 1 more feat to the combat droid class’s feat progression. · Set Strength at 12, Dexterity at 16 and Constitution at 14, bringing HK’s total HP up to 78. Jolee · Removed robe and added default clothing to Jolee’s inventory for p_jolee.utc and p_jolee001.utc. · Set Wisdom and Charisma to 14. · Set awareness to 2 and treat injury to 8. Thanks · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · N-DReW25 for helping me get started with KOTOR modding. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. View File Juhani Lightsaber Fix Juhani Lightsaber Fix 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/4/2019 Why does Juhani have a red lightsaber in the Dantooine Grove? Going off the older EU canon from back in the day, most red lightsaber crystals were made through the use of making synthetic crystals. So how did Juhani make her lightsaber red, especially in a hostile environment filled with Kath Hounds and Mandalorians?? Since this game was made before the idea of making a lightsaber crystal bleed was canon, this mod aims to fix that. Installation Notes- Drop the Folder’s dan14_juhani.utc file into the override folder. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before entering the Dantooine grove. If you install this mod after entering the Grove, the intended changes will not take effect and this NPC will have its usual loot. Uninstallation- Delete dan14_juhani.utc file from your override folder Changelog 1.0 · Removed the two red lightsabers in her dropable inventory and added a single blue one · Set force points to 60 so Juhani can use her powers more often · Set strength to 14 for a little extra damage · Set Challenge Rating to 5, bringing total XP for killing her to 100 XP at level 9 · Removed all armor proficiencies and guard stance feats from her feats list Known Bugs- This UTC has been tested by myself several times before release. There have been no bugs so far. If you find any, please PM me. Occasionally, Juhani has dropped additional loot like credits and repair kits for some reason. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. · N-DReW25 for the mod name suggestion. · JCarter426 for pointing out the use of K-GFF Tool to edit inventories instead of KOTOR Tool. · Strategy Wiki and Gamebanshee for stats and items info on the KOTOR series LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Juhani Lightsaber Fix Submitter Mellowtron11 Submitted 03/04/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. Holy cow, that was back in 2015. No wonder I missed it! The gamefront link in that thread no longer works so......
  7. In EU canon, didn't red crystals have to be made synthetically?
  8. While testing out my Juhani Lightsaber fix several times yesterday, there were two instances were I got some loot that wasn't explicitly put in by myself in K-GFF. It was just some small loot like extra credits and a repair kit. Why did this loot show up? Does KOTOR 1 do random drops for small items like these? It seems like this happens in some containers and some generically named enemy NPCs.
  9. The clothes model looks pretty clean! Nice work!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Juhani Lightsaber Fix 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/4/2019 Why does Juhani have a red lightsaber in the Dantooine Grove? Going off the older EU canon from back in the day, most red lightsaber crystals were made through the use of making synthetic crystals. So how did Juhani make her lightsaber red, especially in a hostile environment filled with Kath Hounds and Mandalorians?? Since this game was made before the idea of making a lightsaber crystal bleed was canon, this mod aims to fix that. Installation Notes- Drop the Folder’s dan14_juhani.utc file into the override folder. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before entering the Dantooine grove. If you install this mod after entering the Grove, the intended changes will not take effect and this NPC will have its usual loot. Uninstallation- Delete dan14_juhani.utc file from your override folder Changelog 1.0 · Removed the two red lightsabers in her dropable inventory and added a single blue one · Set force points to 60 so Juhani can use her powers more often · Set strength to 14 for a little extra damage · Set Challenge Rating to 5, bringing total XP for killing her to 100 XP at level 9 · Removed all armor proficiencies and guard stance feats from her feats list Known Bugs- This UTC has been tested by myself several times before release. There have been no bugs so far. If you find any, please PM me. Occasionally, Juhani has dropped additional loot like credits and repair kits for some reason. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. · N-DReW25 for the mod name suggestion. · JCarter426 for pointing out the use of K-GFF Tool to edit inventories instead of KOTOR Tool. · Strategy Wiki and Gamebanshee for stats and items info on the KOTOR series LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Juhani Lightsaber Fix
  11. Shhhhhhhh........ 😁 Eventually I might make a mod that removes the red lightsaber crystals from the crystal cave. Having Kinrath inadvertently make red crystals in their eggs never made any sense to me, even when I first played this game back in high school. But yeah, Juhani just using her default saber in a hostile environment seems the most likely of scenarios. I like the name suggestion by the way! I'll be sure to credit you in the mod description! Well, with the suggestions above, I'm almost ready to release this mod. Thank you everyone!
  12. I made a small mod that changes Juhani's red lightsaber to blue in the Dantooine grove. However, I have no idea what to name it. Here is the readme description- "Why does Juhani have a red lightsaber in the Dantooine Grove? Going off the older EU canon from back in the day, most red lightsaber crystals were made through the use of making synthetic crystals. So how did Juhani make her lightsaber red?? Since this game was made before the idea of making a lightsaber crystal bleed was canon, this mod aims to fix that." Ideas, anyone? Thanks!
  13. Canderous looks incredibility both aged and rugged with that reskin. That armor is pretty cool too!
  14. It seems that G0-T0 is the forgotten squadmate in KOTOR2. I guess that a big chunk of the dislike for him is how redundant he is as a Squadmate when compared to HK-47 or T3. Scorchy pretty much sums it up in his LP. 31/ 32/ "The problem with Goto in combat situations is that he's horribly designed in the context of the game. He's less combat oriented than HK-47, and has less skills than T3-M4, so the min/max streak in people would cause them to take either one of the other droids. His main strength is his ability to dominate other droids into fighting for the other side, which is a great ability. Unfortunately about 90% of the droids in the game are on Nar Shaddaa, and we get Goto after that planet is finished, so that ability is totally useless. He's also the only droid who can stealth and he can't trip off mines (seeing as he floats), but... neither stealth or demolitions are class skills for him. All in all he's quite frustrating to use. Still, give him some good pistols and a plasma thrower like this and he'll kick as much ass as anyone else. The other problem with Goto is that he's a huge fatass and it's hard to see around him when you're controlling. There's also a couple of size jokes in the game as well. HK-47 calls him 'fat one' all the time, and - I don't know why I'm mentioning this - you know those interactions Goto has with Bao-Dur's Remote? According to the voice directions for Remote, he's making fun of Goto for being so big and fat; that's what all the beeping is about." What else do people not like about him? His personality perhaps, or his backstory?
  15. Honestly, the first time I saw that stretch happening, I genuinely thought it was an intended effect to show that there was a dark power concentrated on your character. After all, we hear the Jedi Masters tell us that the ancient grove has been perverted and tainted from the dark side. Really loving how green Dantooine looks now, Darth Parametric! Keep up the good work. While I still like the vanilla autumn textures of the base game for nostalgic purposes, these greener textures look way better.
  16. Apparently, I've had my KOTOR 2 4 CD edition game installed on my Windows 10 C drive all this time, and in a conversation with another forum member, he recommended that I should reinstall the game under another location, excluding the C drive. Any thoughts or suggestions on an alternate location? Thanks!
  17. Isn't it ironic that I hate the cold, and yet I really like the Snowtrooper armor from TESB?




  18. When you talk to Ratrin Vhek on Nar Shaadaa, he mentions that there were 2 smuggling compartments. There's one in the starboard dormintory and one in the cargo hold. The cargo hold compartment is the one with the Jedi Robe, few credits, a weapon or two, and some pazaak cards. In the vanilla version of KOTOR2, the starboard side compartment that was accessible after talking to Vhek,. But I don't recall seeing the other compartment in the vanilla game. Was this restoration of the cargo hold compartment something that was meant to be restored from the game files, or was this something the TSLRCM crew added in for continuity's sake?
  19. Mellowtron11

    KotOR0022 - Filtered

    Looks way better than the grainy and washed out vanilla texture of the base game.
  20. Mellowtron11

    The Fallen: Redeemed

    Really nice picture of the Grove duel!
  21. Does this retexture look more washed out to you? I wanted to make the Gray Jedi Robe look more 'gray' and not the same as the Dark Jedi Robe in K2. So far this is what I have, although I'll probably have to redo it.




    1. Mellowtron11


      Thank you Ebmar!

    2. Mellowtron11


      I like the way the reskin is going, but the main thing that is bugging me is the cloth between the neck and the robe. There is almost no texture on that part. See the screenshot below.


    3. ebmar


      Haha, yeah- the collar. Actually guess it'd be a problem at one point but I was assuming that you'll try to live hard with, lol. There're alternatives; such as making its area to black/darker color like we saw earlier with the Handmaiden's robe or 'borrowing' from another robe texture that has details on theirs. Or, if GIMP has a 'texturizer' filter you could actually play around with them [or, you could also draw it by hand to perfectly match the robe design].

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  22. I'm sure you'll find something to make a video about. Just take some time off and relax a bit before you do another analysis video.
  23. Hey NewbieModder and Ndix Ur. Forgive the bump but has there been any more luck with the project so far? Any updates coming around soon?
  24. So that's why.... and that's why I wondered why the mod wasn't on 1.4