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Status Replies posted by LordMerek

  1. If you use the brotherhood of Shadow mod, what happens if the keep Sera Degana with you all the way to meeting Bastilla on Lehon and add her to your party via the dark ending? Bastila and Sera use the same character select slot.

    1. LordMerek


      Shouldn't she use Juhani's character slot? Or does this assume you've killed Bastila? Because in a Dark Side playthrough the chances of killing Bastila are lower than killing Juhani. Usually. Depending on what you are doing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I finally fixed the issue of TXI not applied to the upscaled Better Male Twi'lek Head textures in the first version of KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity. Since the issue was caused by the current version of TGA2TPC (4.0.0) is broken for non-square textures, I had to use version 2.0.0 of TGA2TPC to convert the upscaled TGA textures. Thanks to @Ashton Scorpius for helping me to solve the issue.

    TSL version of the mod now also provides upscaled head textures for the Twi'lek male NPCs.

    1. LordMerek


      By "Memory leak" I mean, let's say you add a bunch of TGA/TXI files to be converted to TPC, at some point the last file in the batch will fail. I thought this was a known issue.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. I finally fixed the issue of TXI not applied to the upscaled Better Male Twi'lek Head textures in the first version of KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity. Since the issue was caused by the current version of TGA2TPC (4.0.0) is broken for non-square textures, I had to use version 2.0.0 of TGA2TPC to convert the upscaled TGA textures. Thanks to @Ashton Scorpius for helping me to solve the issue.

    TSL version of the mod now also provides upscaled head textures for the Twi'lek male NPCs.

    1. LordMerek


      Does the older version of TGA2TPC also solve the memory leak or is that still a thing?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I feel I owe the community an apology for going on a tirade about criticism over the summer. I truly mean to rescind that upset status. You should always feel comfortable to share your honest thoughts to Modders about their work. And in the future, if you have comments for me, I promise to be sensible and nonpartial in my responses. :) 

    1. LordMerek


      If only every modder shared your view on critiscm. Most of the time if I say something about a mod that isn't a blather of mod praising the mod author will usually flip out and accuse me of being rude. At the end of the day, whether I like a mod or not is completely irrelevant and I instead choose to support mod authors regardless of whether I intend to use a mod or not, as I understand how hard you guys work to deliver new content for games and that deserves to be acknowledged.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. For anyone that saw my recent but now gone mod, use PapaZinos Ebon Hawk Repairs instead as they fix the same thing, are much better and the walkmesh was broken with the one I uploaded.

    It has since been deleted.

    1. LordMerek


      I can't remember my early playthroughs of KotOR 2, but in my recent playthroughs I don't recall ever seeing this issue which is why I was confused as to why it was a thing. Having that mod installed might explain why.

  6. That's a lot of posts by just one guy.


    Or is it just me seeing this?

    1. LordMerek


      6 posts doesn't really seem like a lot to me, but maybe that's just me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. If memory serves, Jorak Uln's TGAs were saved incorrectly, with what supposed to be the bottom-left origin was instead top-right.  Does that result in the texture being backwards, upside down, or both?  I plan to correct all of these manually to remove any need for XnView so any information would be helpful. 

    And in other news, I'm typing this from new computer.

    1. LordMerek


      For the record XnConvert does this as well, defaults to bottom-up orientation as opposed to leaving the texture as it is. Too many steps for what should be a default feature.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Back in the neighborhood, but lost everything so starting from scratch.

    1. LordMerek


      Love your work dude, glad to see your back.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. I know it’s April fools, but there is a HUGE announcement coming today!

    Stay Tuned!

    1. LordMerek


      It was an April Fools joke, obviously. I find it obnoxious when modders and game developers pull this kind of thing because it gets everybody's hopes up. A good joke would be great, but so far all I saw was lazy comedy everytime someone told a joke or pulled a prank.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just in case someone hasn't seen it yet, Obi-Wan teaser:


    1. LordMerek


      It's Disney Star Wars so... hard pass. I don't even have faith that Disney knows what Star Wars is anymore except a dollar bill.

  11. GOOD NEWS: the new adapter for my main laptop has arrived and I am now back in business so I should be able to resume work on my mod and get it released in the next month or so.

  12. I've honestly never had a site force me to leave so quickly.

    Nexus TOS: https://users.nexusmods.com/tos#RightsYouAre

    Yeah, originally I thought this was going to blow over, but I can't keep using a site that forces me to sign those kind of terms.

    1. LordMerek


      Pretty certain from the very beginning Nexusmods could've handled things way differently and could have found some middle ground with its users instead of basically making the mods theirs to do as they please.

      I especially hate this part: "In particular, we may retain your content indefinitely and are not obliged to delete your content if you so request. The rights you grant us continue after this agreement is terminated or your access to the site is withdrawn by us. " Who the hell does this?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is it just me, or is like EVERY Kotor 2 mod on Gamefront now "missing"?

  14. Check out the progress for my NPC overhaul mod for Kotor I. I am currently adding the Jedi Masters to the Dantooine Enclave who didn't originally appear in that game but were in Kotor II (Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Lonna Vash, Kavar, and Atris). Players will be able to have a brief chat with each of them. 

    Masters in the Enclave - YouTube


    1. LordMerek


      I really only meant big mods like the Community Patch.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Check out the progress for my NPC overhaul mod for Kotor I. I am currently adding the Jedi Masters to the Dantooine Enclave who didn't originally appear in that game but were in Kotor II (Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Lonna Vash, Kavar, and Atris). Players will be able to have a brief chat with each of them. 

    Masters in the Enclave - YouTube


    1. LordMerek


      Regardless, I'm sure my KotOR mod build would benefit greatly from your mod, but what I'm greatly concerned about is compatibility. Because mods like K1 NPC Overhaul and K1 Enhancement Pack are not really compatible with anything and they are the major ones that basically eliminate the clone effect you see.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. Check out the progress for my NPC overhaul mod for Kotor I. I am currently adding the Jedi Masters to the Dantooine Enclave who didn't originally appear in that game but were in Kotor II (Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Lonna Vash, Kavar, and Atris). Players will be able to have a brief chat with each of them. 

    Masters in the Enclave - YouTube


    1. LordMerek


      This looks awesome! So is this a Heavy WIP, or close to being finished?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. visas_sbr.thumb.jpg.f4cf8c0ce718a755f7e5fef7c0421408.jpg

    1. LordMerek


      Visas Marr ❤️

      So are you overhauling the lightsabers or the lightsaber colors? Little hard to tell from the image.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Does anyone know of a reskin for the security terminal in KOTOR 1 so I can fix mine? Currently, the texture isn't fitting on the terminal correctly and idk why.

    1. LordMerek


      @DarthParametric, The major consensus seems to be if it's an improvement, it's better. Not sure why this is a sensitive issue for you I was just making conversation. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Does anyone know of a reskin for the security terminal in KOTOR 1 so I can fix mine? Currently, the texture isn't fitting on the terminal correctly and idk why.

    1. LordMerek


      @DarthParametric, what are we supposed to use? 90% of texture mods hardly touch the most important areas. The best we got are lousy AI Upscales that are only slightly less blurry.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Check out the first episode of our Revan prequel series. We pushed the game to the absolute limits :)


    1. LordMerek


      Holy crap! This is very well done, great work!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Neat trailer, but now we can finally watch the red, green or blue ending in crisp HD: 


    1. LordMerek


      They're just overhauling the visuals, unfortunately. Mass Effect 1's gameplay is more of a buttcrack than Mass Effect 3's Ending in my opinion. Still, Tali in 4K💗

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Fresh Vanilla install of Kotor I because I broke it. I'm trying the newest version of Brotherhood of Shadow. It's been like 10 years. It's gonna take so long to get Kotor I how I want it.

    1. LordMerek


      If you mean v1.5 it basically only contains v1.0 and the v1.1 patch. Why the hell they called it v1.5 I'll never know. Btw, what do you mean new version?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Neat trailer, but now we can finally watch the red, green or blue ending in crisp HD: 


    1. LordMerek


      Or you know, mod the original games, like we do KotOR. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)