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Everything posted by bead-v

  1. I'm looking through your Toolbox and man, you should've written some tutorials, I'm learning new stuff from this! Kudos!

    1. JCarter426


      Oh, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. :)


      I wish I had written some tutorials too because I don't even remember how half of it works anymore.

  2. I don't think that would improve much over the current situation.. I choose to remain optimistic Maybe someday...
  3. My thoughts exactly! Problem is, that would be a HUGE amount of work on all levels (designing, scripting, modeling, retexturing, VO, ...) and it would take a lot of talent, dedication and time. And you'd need a team of people who all have those qualities/commodities and are also efficient in working as a team.
  4. Thanks, I didn't know what to answer. EDIT: Looking at this, it seems most of the relevant planets' locations remain the same in the official canon. Telos and Peragus seem to be missing from the official canon. M4-78's exact location was unknown even in the Legends canon.
  5. Definitely enough for a mod! But it would be a really difficult one to make. Of course, those lines are the natural candidate I'm pretty sure Avellone was refering to pcdead2 Also considering how broken and inconsistent the content is after the enclave, I don't think they had time to think about revealing malachor consistently in several different ways. But that's just my thinking
  6. To elaborate the idea was to put the PCDEAD2 sequence during the Battle of Telos. This was also because we wanted to merge the two revelations of Malachor as the final destination, this sequence and Atris' dialog after she's defeated / Kreia's dialog after you kill Atris. At this point, your party would already be all over the station helping against the sith attack. From the dialog below, we figured he would need to be doing something really significant, something that would turn the tide of the battle and save Telos, most likely doing something in the space battle.
  7. Investigating this by going through all the mods you have installed would be madness. The only way to figure this out would be to look at the file combination you have directly. Obviously we can't do that, so the only way we can try is if you try the things we suggest for as long as we have ideas about what it could be. You should first determine what causes it. You mentioned that it starts about 20 secs in a module. Are you absolutely sure that that is the case? To test it, load the module and don't do anything at all for 20 seconds. If it happens, it will narrow down the list of things we need to look at, if not, then we can suggest other tests to narrow down the list. If you've reinstalled already, I hope that it's fixed now.
  8. bead-v

    Sound files

    Update! The StreamSounds sound files as well as the ambient area sound files in StreamMusic in K1 (thanks to HaloGirlAsh117 for identifying those) are RAW .wav files with an added .mp3 header (or rather, three headers, for whatever reason ). To play these files, open them up in a hex editor and delete everything up until RIFF, that is 1D6 bytes. You can then open it up normally in Audacity or play it in Miles. Fortunately, the game doesn't need the header to play the files, so if you're adding an edited sound file to the game, just stick the file in RAW .wav format into the right folder and you're done.
  9. After more testing, I cannot see any changes in orientation because of an intervening object. What is written above holds in those cases as well. Additionally, I have discovered that checking AnimatedCut in the dialog editor will lock orientation completely. This was causing me problems, because I thought this had to be checked if an animated camera is used (it doesn't have to be and mostly shouldn't be). Also, if the SPEAKER and LISTENER are the same, you get ugly results for the default camera and head orientation when walking. Here is a screenshot and a video demonstrating this:
  10. This is what I have found out for TSL: Would be awesome if you could add what you figure out for K1. As for your problem, the sound file you uploaded itself is problematic. I hear static when I play it through Miles. I put it into audacity, and split it into mono (it has to be mono), and exported to .WAV (signed 16-bit PCM). That got it to play correctly in Miles, and I'm assuming it would work if you put it in the Override (at least in TSL it definitely would). I'm think you're gonna have a lot of fun dealing with the sounds from StreamSounds. I would love to hear about how you figure them out and what works. Good luck with your mod!
  11. I was getting annoyed by not being able to get things to work, so I decided to do tests to figure out how exactly the system works. Here is what I've learned so far. Maybe it can help someone, or someone has something else to add to this. My testing continues (in orientation, what happens if there is an enemy, or a closed door between the first speaker and listener when conversation starts, ...), after it's done I will update this text and then it should probably go into the tutorial section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything below is about TSL. When the dialog starts, these roles need to be determined: - DEFAULT_SPEAKER or OWNER - DEFAULT_LISTENER - PLAYER The terms OWNER and PLAYER may actually be used in the Listener (but not Speaker) field in the dialog editor (and also for dialog animations). In scripts fired through the dialog, OBJECT_SELF refers to OWNER. To explain how they are determined we also need to define oStarter and oOwner. They are defined by the script that fires the dialog: AssignCommand(oStarter, ActionStartConversation(oOwner, "some_dialog")); PLAYER always represents the first PC (GetFirstPC() in scripts). DEFAULT_LISTENER is generally oStarter. RULE 1: This is always true if oStarter is PLAYER. RULE 2: If oOwner is PLAYER, then DEFAULT_LISTENER is always PLAYER (green and purple). If oStarter is a party member, then control is given to PLAYER after the dialog (green). RULE 3: If oStarter is a party member and oOwner is a creature, then DEFAULT_LISTENER is PLAYER (red). In addition to that, before the dialog, PLAYER and oStarter exchange locations and control is given to PLAYER. After the dialog, control over the original party member is regained. RULE 4: If oStarter is not a party member and oOwner is a party member, then DEFAULT_LISTENER is oOwner, the party member (blue). OWNER is generally oOwner. RULE 1: If oOwner is PLAYER, then OWNER is oStarter (green and purple). RULE 2: If oOwner is a party member and oStarter is not a party member, OWNER is oStarter (blue). All of this is summarized in the following table: 1 Controlled character changes to PLAYER after dialog. 2 Controlled character changes to PLAYER before dialog, but changes back afterwards. Notes: STARTER in this table refers to DEFAULT_LISTENER. Shaded cells represent combinations where the roles of oStarter and oOwner may be reversed with the same effect. More attention should be paid to the white cells, especially a combination of a party member with another party member or creature. Bold font weight indicates that OWNER is oOwner or STARTER is oStarter, that is, no special rules have applied. A node in this text means every entry and every instance of the player choosing a reply. Every node has the following roles, which need to be determined: - SPEAKER - LISTENER In determining them, we need to make use of OWNER, DEFAULT_LISTENER and PLAYER (defined above). SPEAKER is the object with the tag in the Speaker field of the current entry. If the Speaker field is empty, SPEAKER is OWNER. If the field is not empty, but no object with that tag exists, the entry is skipped; if after that no other entries are available, the dialog ends. In replies, SPEAKER is automatically PLAYER. The keywords 'OWNER' and 'PLAYER' may NOT be used in the Speaker field. Doing this will end the conversation. LISTENER is the object with the tag in the Listener field of the current node. If the field is empty, it is the object with the tag in the Speaker field of the previous node. If that object is invalid or the same as SPEAKER, or if this is the first node, then LISTENER is DEFAULT_LISTENER. The keywords 'OWNER' and 'PLAYER' may be used in the Listener field. At the beginning of every node, SPEAKER and LISTENER reorient on each other, unless SetLockOrientationInDialog() is TRUE. In that case the creature for which it is TRUE does not reorient. There are two ways of reorienting in dialog. One is head-tracking, where the head is turned towards the target, and the body only turns as much as it needs to for the head to face the target. The creatures that do not use head-tracking instead turn entirely to face the target. For head-tracking to work, it must be enabled in appearance.2da under column 'headtrack'. The creatures that use head-tracking can turn it off by setting SetLockHeadFollowInDialog() to TRUE. However, if 'headtrack' is 0 in appearance.2da, then SetLockHeadFollowInDialog() cannot be used to enable head-tracking; these creatures will always turn entirely to face the target.
  12. Wow, why didn't I know that? I've been adding new rows to UT* files outside Kotor Tool for years *facepalm*
  13. Now that is nice to hear! Thanks! Alrighty, PM me the files once you're done. PS: I kinda feel like we should have moved to PMs a few posts ago already. Maybe I should've PMed you with the instructions in the first place. Anyway it really feels like SH is gonna suddenly come out of the shadows and delete half this thread.
  14. A path of *beads*, come on! lol nvm bad joke I don't actually remember that it was this mod, I remember when it was in the making on Holowan, but not from Hssiss... Though I spent so much time there, it would be impossible to remember everything. I re-read your first post before and got a little confused by "you helped me make that mod" for that reason
  15. Haha wasn't expecting that! But it really is a cool mod, I'm happy it's been made compatible with K1R and all the other ones. And if you want me to test it just ask.
  16. I don't know why there were two in the original release, but you only need one. So yes, delete AddRow1 EDIT: btw, the "appearance_row_n_sithsk2_0" and "..._1" is just the Patcher's name for adding that specific row. So the rows are still the same, the Patcher just calls every instance of adding it differently. As for the sound files, I'll check the Patcher's options and report back, hold on. EDIT: Seems to me like you just put it in 'Install Files' and type the relative path in the 'Folder name' field, taking the game folder (swkotor) as the root. Also, use backslash for the subfolders.
  17. I like what you set up for the default options Kex. Well, except the Anchorhead/EH music, but I can change that myself. For the Leviathan, Manaan Sith Base is fine, but I think Carth's theme is even better. If you don't want to leave Yavin as is, I would suggest Czerka's theme,
  18. I just want to mention again what I mentioned already with the Anchorhead/Ebon Hawk problem, as this seems to be getting quite big. Keep in mind, this is just a suggestion and my own opinions, you should do whatever you feel is best. And if you don't like it you may just ignore this post. The idea was that the mod only changes the filenames. For example, Anchorhead and Ebon Hawk both use file A. So we change it so Anchorhead uses A while the Ebon Hawk uses B. If you do just this, then people have complete freedom over which music they can put in which module, just by renaming the files. With that, I would put a single default option, which would be the content of the music files that the mod is adding. For example, the mod is making a difference between A and B, so it adds both files A and B, where A is czerka office music and B is ebon hawk music. You could then add a .txt list of music file names and possible suggestions for replacement, inviting the user into the renaming business if they are not satisfied with the default option. This would mean that the patcher is only run once with no options, the user gets the default option but in the end they can still achieve whatever they want through renaming. I've recently installed K1 and put more than 50 mods on it, and I found myself leaving out all the smaller icon fixes and mods like that, because it was taking too much time for too small a fix, and just wasn't worth it anymore. I did install the Anchorhead/Ebon Hawk Music mod, but if I had to reinstall X times for all the music I don't know if I would have bothered. Also consider a user that is relatively unfamiliar with KOTOR. He would probably enjoy a mod that makes Anchorhead sound differently than the ship you're on all the time, but if you ask him specifically what he wants to replace it with, he won't know what to answer, unless he goes to look it up somewhere, which would again be too much trouble to be worth it, in my opinion. I had this problem with K1R, which asks me to install a few things separately, depending on my wishes. But since it was my first time, I had no idea what I should install and what not, and there was also no indication as to why I wouldn't install some of those parts. In the end I installed everything, but it was unnecessarily long and complicated and could be better executed, in my opinion.
  19. It stands for No Break SPace, in HTML (correct me if I'm wrong) you use this to display a space that will not cause the following word to be written in the next line if the text is too long, ie. it counts as part of the word. Basically, the text editor must have made some error.
  20. Here's (a quite detailed description of) what you have to do: First, for some reason, you add two rows with the same stalker appearance. You can just delete one of them in the Patcher's Editor. Next, double click on the line that's left. In the 'Set column value' box, set the first (Column) field to 2DAMEMORY1 and the second (Value) field to RowLabel. You should also set the 'Label of exclusive column' field to 'label'. (This will prevent adding a new line to the .2da if a line with the same value in the 'label' column already exists. Instead it will update that line.) Now click the red arrow pointing towards the list of row values. This should save 2DAMEMORY1 RowLabel at the bottom of the list. Now you need to make sure that the files that are using the stalker's appearance (the .utc and the .uti) have the same RowLabel (ie. row number) in their Appearance fields as the new .2da row you added. You've already saved the row number to 2DAMEMORY1. Now you need to move the .utc and .uti from Install Files (which simply copies them) to GFF Files. Once you add a file, type into 'GFF Field' the name of the relevant field (the ones that must match the appearance.2da row), and for the Value use 2DAMEMORY1. Then save it by pushing the red arrow pointing upward. So the patcher will now do this: first, add the new .2da line, save the line number it added it as to 2DAMEMORY1, then use that to update the .utc and the .uti with the correct line number, then copy them to override. Don't forget to remove the .utc and .uti from Install Files and make sure everything else is as it should be as well, obviously.
  21. GOD I just died, I had no idea Bastila mispronounces "phonemes" in K1! Hilarious!

    1. bead-v


      Awesome! Though I want to see it actually in use, not a presentation.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Someone on this very site is working on something like this. I've been providing this person with the sound files of most of the major characters in TSL for this very purpose.

    3. DarthTyren


      lol Jen Hale Fail!

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  22. You could just cut out the 'no husband' part. IIRC there's a short pause before it, so it should work.
  23. Finally reached a milestone: playthrough of LS Nar Shaddaa Rewrite from beginning til end! Now to fix all the bugs, implement the new ideas and finish DS as well :P

    1. Malkior


      Congrats! Can't wait to see how the changes look in-game.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      First I've heard of this. I ought to scan for a WIP thread.

    3. bead-v


      There is an old one, I will post there again once I'm closer to release.