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Everything posted by Juliandroid

  1. Semester has started. The inevitable drop in activity begins.

  2. Here are my characters. All of them are on Ebon Hawk. All Character Selection screenshots, I'm afraid. I can't frame good in-game shots and have never been able to take a screenshot while in a conversation. Name: Hulat-Neran Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 65 Specialty: Sith Sorcerer (Lightning path) Legacy Founder. Almost all of my other characters have something to do with her. I dropped a lot of credits on her outfit, still not satisfied with it. Name: Xadatus Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Trooper Level: 15 Specialty: Commando Hulat's most trusted ally, supposed to be undercover on a mission to spread dissent in the republic's ranks. Supposed to be named Xadato, but the name was taken. Name: Pertinox Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 11 Specialty: Powertech One of Hulat's many agents. Name: Kaynn Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 29 Specialty: Marauder Hulat's herald and expected-to-be most powerful warrior. Name: Gareel Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Jedi Consular Level: 10 Specialty: Jedi Sage Typical contemplative consular. Victim of terrible, terrible revenge. I have one other character at the moment, but I'm not crazy about his design and expect his deletion soon.
  3. I haven't played through the entirety of what's available for KotFE as of yet (I just started Chapter 7), but I find myself wishing they'd skipped Rise of the Hutt Cartel and (most of) Shadow of Revan for it. This is a very interesting expansion. I haven't read any of the TOR novels, so going in, I didn't know much about the emperor whatsoever, and while I think the concept behind him is interesting, his presence in both vanilla* and Shadow of Revan felt fairly underwhelming. Seeing him in this expansion, however? I feel both his threat and insidiousness quite well. I feel an interesting echo of the exile's relationship with Kreia with Valkorion, but oddly, a bit more honest. That, and I'm very interested in what Senya has to say. * - (From what I hear, you get the most of him from Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior, neither of which I've gotten far in.) Mechanically speaking, though, I can only really compliment the TellTale-esque elements, and I haven't seen their endgame. I felt fairly annoyed with the aggressive peppering of skytroopers. Granted, for SWTOR, I'm much more about story and crafting than combat, but a lot of the encounters felt like a space filler.
  4. Those are all looking great, but I find myself most excited for that Mandalore mask. Keep it up!
  5. Update time, featuring Sion and someone else for once! A pass at a design on Sion's arm. The lord of hunger! Did you know all the space under his nose is assigned to a space on his texture just about 11x11 pixels large? I didn't and I'm mad about it.
  6. I apologize, I meant the on the right, not his right arm. For the glove, I figured I'd just mess with the materials on it and slap some weird stitching here and there. I've always wondered why Sion chooses to wear an arm-long glove, and only one of them, but questioning a force lich's fashion tastes sounds like a bad idea. Though, now that that great idea is there, I got to consider it.
  7. Sorry for the three month freeze, a semester and some tablet issues happened. So far, I've only had time to work on my sion retexture still, but I'd like to expand my WIPs over the break while I have my trial of 3D coat running. Seam fixes have never been so easy. This update includes a new piece of clothing, some overall smoothing, more staples, and a new screenshot venue. Because 3D coat handles some of the lighting oddly (and 3DsMax, for some reason, crunches up and reduces the collar colors in the .tga), there's an in-game screenshot included. Also, I, personally, have no idea what to do with the right arm. Any ideas? I would love to do this mod if/when I learn how to patch in a PC head without overwriting any existing ones. I'm sure I can find a tutorial on that, easy, but that's still a whole new field for me. His white eye does dart around in synchronization with the regular one, but there's no eyelid movement whatsoever. Since that could look, uh, off with a regular eye texture on it, I'd lean towards a cybernetic one for that. Something along these lines.
  8. A week into my 3D coat trial and I realize one of the trial limitations is no texture export. So much for quick seam fixes, I guess.

  9. Finals are rapping up, might finally be able to pick modding projects back up soon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. djh269


      There are a few interesting and artistic WIPs on Deadlystream and yours is certainly one of them! I wish you luck with your finals :)

    3. DarthTyren
    4. HK-47


      Query: Are they Freestyle or Battle?

  10. Tablet obtained; What's up with wacom drivers? They're being temperamental as hell.

  11. For now, more along the lines of Pinhead. I'm not opposed to doing variations on the skin to add lore-friendly rot or change the skin tone to a more classic cenobite blue. I'm just waiting on my tablet to arrive so I can continue working on it.
  12. You never know what you want until you see it, and damn, do I want that adhesive grenade splatter retexture. Excellent work, and looking forward to future updates!
  13. College schedule and workload seems manageable, and my replacement tablet is on its way. Hopefully, I can continue mod work soon!

  14. Extremely alien heads, always so exciting! A younger me would still be screaming about the chance to play as a Kel Dor. That animation test looks good, though (please forgive me if this is an 'unfixable' or extremely difficult something, I don't know the difficulties of animating a head in KoTOR) it feels odd to me that the eyelid itself acts like the eyebrow, squishing down on the eye, around :25. (On another note, those Kel Dor hands look awesome. Excellent work so far, very excited to see what comes next!)
  15. Classes began today, marking what is likely to be a sharp decrease of activity for me. Hope to update from time to time, still!

  16. I'm really liking your light and heavy Republic armor textures. Love the patches on the light's sides! The medium one, I think, could benefit from a bit of form division in the yellow area of the chest. Maybe something like a line down the middle?
  17. Update time again- Still focusing only on Sion. I don't know if anyone following this thread's picked up on this yet, but my Sion reskin is heavily inspired by the Cenobites of Hellraiser fame. Anyone familiar with that franchise will know what to expect; Elaborate and ritualistic wounds! Woo! Once I finish up the skin and wounds, I plan on refurbrishing Sion's outfit texture as well. Whether or not the materials will match that of the cenobite's is still up-in-the-air for me. Frankly, I'm not even sure if I want to keep the skin's base color as-is, or go for the more typical cenobite powder-blue. This update features a cleaned-up arm texture, no hand texture (at all!), and depictions of gore: The gorey bits don't hold up so well in-game- I don't know if a specular map might help. Gonna spend some time looking into that.