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Everything posted by Juliandroid

  1. Update on the Sion reskin: There's still a lot of fixing to do (Seams, underdeveloped areas, his arm's uv map is atrocious, etc) but the restoration of Sion's skin is more or less done. Now the rest of the project will be cutting it up and making it gross again. Yippee! After seeing his features without the signature cracks? Definitely. As for the spine, as truly tempting as it is, I want to be sure that addition would be compatible with DeadMan's TFU Sion model, first. It's essential for the look I'm going for! Here's a preview of the back, which is a little more indicative of the final result. It's a little bloody:
  2. Looks like that feature of Photoshop where you can paint directly on 3D models is out of my reach, as all solutions I could find were exhausted and updating my graphics driver did the exact, opposite extreme of what it should have done. Onto 3Dsmax tutorials, I guess.

  3. Alright, so I have a few different projects running concurrently, and I didn't want to start a thread until I had something substantial to show. Then I remembered that constructive criticism is great. So, some very obvious WIPs: The first project is, admittedly, a very big undertaking, especially for someone with somewhat little texturing experience. I don't know about anyone else, but I really enjoy dramatic dark side transitions. The kind that makes you question if the person is even still human. So, the idea is to design a unique dark side transition for each vanilla face, modeled after the three categories of sin in Dante's Inferno. (For the sake of keeping a consistent direction, mostly, though Violence, Dissoluteness and Fraud echo the Sith triumvirate quite nicely!) I've brainstormed up a couple designs already, but so far, have only worked on one head.; PMHA01. It's design takes after Fraud, in this case, manifesting as a sickly, saggy and Sidious-esque face. I want to get the face just right before I move onto the rest of the head: It's... not quite as dramatic as I would like. I think the sagging parts need more emphasis, maybe more wrinkles and I'm not entirely sure about the main color. What do you guys think? As for the next WIP, well... It's far from complete. I'm running into seam woes (which, hopefully, may be alleviated when 3dsMax finishes downloading), a lot of the texture is still streaky, and there's plenty of areas that need touch-up: "Juli! There's already an 'alive' Sion mod!" There is, and it's quite nice! But my goal here is different; note the exposed spine. Sion's skin isn't going to be so clear for long! I have plans for the rest of the Sith Triumvirate as well. (And just for clarity's sake, I want to say that my textures are all hand-painted over the original game's in GIMP 2.6!)
  4. Those comparison shots not only emphasize the quality of your work, but show how much a mod like this was needed. My override folder waits.
  5. As a concentration of Interactive Media Design. Which, typing that out, sounds redundant, but in this case Game Design covers more of asset production and story writing. There's a separate concentration for things more along the lines of programming. If I understand the question correctly, skinning. (Up until now, I was under the impression skinning and texturing were interchangable terms, and a google search led me to a different definition that puts skinning as what I've known as bone weighting. Would it help to say I mostly work with diffuse maps on characters in this case?)
  6. Thank you all! I do plan to make use of all the resources around. The plan for now is to stay freelance/build up an indie team, but I wouldn't complain if I somehow landed a job at Obsidian Entertainment. For a long while I hoped to get a job at BioWare, but that'd mean dealing with EA Games.
  7. Hello, Deadlystream. The monkier's Juliandroid (call me Juli, if you want!) and I've been lurking around the KoTOR modding community for some time, now. My friend told me about KoTOR some time during elementary school, long, long ago, so when I found out about mods it was as if a whole new world had been opened to me. So, thank you, modders, for making it that way! I'm currently in college studying for a degree in Game Design and I've always wanted to contribute to the modding communities that helped bring me down that path. Currently, the only part of KoTOR modding I hold any real prowess in is texturing. I hope to change that, if I can figure out how to work with .mdls/.mdxs. Gmax has not been the kindest to me. For prior experience, I've published one seriously outdated mod for The Sims 2, and modeled a lot of Star Wars alien heads/features for the same game, with varying degrees of success. Sometimes, things just don't want to stick to their skeletons. Regardless, I'll be around. Activating stealth field generator.