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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Grenade body. The end of an 11 hour print on the left, covered in support material. On the right, with support material removed.
  2. Off-topic but you need a stroke or drop shadow on that text. Either that or tone down the background.
  3. That would be a combination of scripting and plot flags I assume. The dialogue fires a script that sets the flag in one module, then the onload script in the other module checks the flag and spawns the item when it reads the proper value.
  4. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Underside (left) and top (right) of the grenade wind vane. Still requires cleanup. There is a bit of spiderwebbing between the vanes.
  5. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Handwheel parts in a dry fit assembly.
  6. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Component parts that make up the handwheel, i.e. the pommel.
  7. No. It will be a static display piece. No blade, lights, or other gimmicks. I'm not a fan of that stuff.
  8. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    The first Obi-Wan saber part hot off the printer.
  9. Cede only appears when Revan was set as male. That's the game determining that, it has nothing to do with the mod.
  10. It's a whole new world now. NWMax is old news.
  11. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Render of a CAD model of Obi-Wan's ANH lightsaber, made for 3D printing. Modelled by me using various references, mostly sourced from the RPF.
  12. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    Render of a CAD model of Obi-Wan's ANH lightsaber, made for 3D printing. Modelled by me using various references, mostly sourced from the RPF.
  13. From the album: DP's 3D Printed Stuff

    A quick loading of the Obi-Wan ANH saber individual components in Slic3r to check for any problems with the STLs. Actual printing will mostly be done a single part at a time, aside from very small pieces.
  14. Doing some CAD work instead of 3D modelling for a change of pace. Going to put my 3D printer through its paces.



    1. DarthParametric


      No, as I said in the first post, this is a CAD model that will be 3D printed. So it will be a real physical object. Once it is exported as STLs for printing, it will be millions of polygons. Far too dense for use in a game. Besides, there are already mods that add Obi-Wan's ANH saber if you want a game version. I think one of Oldflash's ones adds it.


      Further update - the clamp is mostly done, just need to add the transistors and the calculator bubble strip:


    2. ebmar


      So... things just got real here. I'm going to find a merchant selling Jedi robe in my town then; if there's any 🙃

    3. DarthParametric


      I think it is pretty much done now. Comprises about 17 different components:




      All that remains is the D-ring and the clamp bolt, but I think I will use actual metal parts for those. There's also something that sits inside the emitter, but I'm not 100% on the specifics of that - need to do some more research. I might also need to make some sort of insert that sits inside the clamp, to make it a bit more solid. This seems to be something people do when making props from real or replica parts.

      Edit: Revised a few edges with some fillets. Updated pics.

    4. Show next comments  336 more
  15. Ah, you have to edit your profile and click the enable status updates button in order to be able to post status updates......
  16. Yeah I'd think the Telos thing would be minor. I was thinking purely on the station. One or two Wookiee NPCs with dialogue, then a few non-interactive flavour NPCs dotted around the place, "talking" to Ithorians, etc. That would be a nice way to ease yourself into things, shouldn't prove too challenging. The Red Eclipse thing, I'd suggest you could put a new level transition in one of the empty rooms that TSLRCM opens up. Maybe make it hidden, with either a guard you have to fight (LS) or talk to (DS) to reveal/access it. You could go for the old standby of a door hidden behind a cupboard or something. Then that would go to some other module, yeah. It wouldn't need to be anything too elaborate, probably just one or two rooms to start off with (you could always expand it later). The easiest option would probably be to just reuse part of the existing landing pad module, like Tien's shop or the swoop area. Add some different props, maybe change the lighting or textures, whatever is fairly simple. I'm not sure if that would actually require two modules - you should be able to script whether they are hostile or not. But if that was necessary, you'd still only need the one set of level models. As far as actual hunts, I'm not entirely sure how that would work, as that sort of thing is way outside my ballpark. I guess dot some new NPCs around planets and then have the usual fight -> talk thing, where once they are down to 1hp or whatever you go into dialogue and through that put a shock collar on them. Kind of like what they have done in recent Fallouts. Tell them to report to a Trando named XYZ at the spaceport or their collar will incapacitate them/blow up. It wouldn't necessarily need to be all Wookiee targets, could be Twi'leks for dancers, etc. Edit: Oh, yeah I forgot the RE bases/outposts on other planets bit. I guess that would require an additional 2nd module at least, possibly even a unique one per-planet if you wanted to get fancy. Although how many other places could they realistically appear? Korriban is out, as is Dxun. Onderon seems unlikely given the blockade. Dantooine is mostly poor farmers.
  17. Thanks, I think that could probably work. I'll test it out in-game when I get the chance. You think you could do a version in reverse for the retraction?
  18. It would make sense that the Ithorians would scout Kkashyyyk for deadly wildlife as part of their restoration scheme, so you could work them into Telos based on that. Even if they didn't take anything, they would at least encounter the Wookiees and maybe encourage some to come help. If you wanted to go the slave route, something involving the Trandoshans is an obvious choice, given they are the Wookiee's next door neighbours and long time mortal enemies. You could maybe extend the Red Eclipse quest. Perhaps in the LS version you could raid a base to free their captives, including Wookiees. That might provide clues to other RE cells you could shut down on other planets. In the DS you could visit there and maybe access a shop, get some bounty quests to capture more slaves for them elsewhere.
  19. Yeah looks to be mono PCM 16bit 22050Hz 352kbps.
  20. Knock yourself out. I'm not really sure what the sound should be, but some sort of metallic clunk or snik that a piece of metal being extended and retracted would make I guess. The most important thing would be that it is not too obnoxious, seeing as you will hear it every combat.
  21. Rise, rise! So with the advent of functional model compilers, I can finally get around to releasing this thing. I just did a fresh compile with MDLEdit and it seems like the animations work properly now, although I have only done a very brief test. I might need to tweak the textures a bit, the envmap effect is looking a bit flat, but otherwise the main thing I need are sound effects for the blade extending and retracting. As as placeholder I was just using lightsaber sounds, but obviously that's not ideal. Has anyone got any ideas on existing sounds (in both games) that I could repurpose, or something from some free/open source sound library? I guess it doesn't strictly need SFX, but I figured it would be a nice extra. To be honest I can't even remember if the TOR version has VFX, it has been so long.
  22. I'm not sure Wookiees on Nar Shaddaa would be a good idea. The convo with Mira indicates that Wookiees are generally unknown and that Hanharr is something of a unique specimen (as a species, not just that he is a psycho). The player can even indicate they have never heard of the species. Maybe you could have a couple on Citadel Station, helping the Ithorians out. That would be doubly beneficial, as you could easily splice in references to them in the Ithorian dialogue without worrying about VO. Anywhere else though strikes me as similarly out of place as Nar Shaddaa.
  23. Did that just change in the last 12-24 hours? I could have sworn there was a "what's on your mind" field directly under the status bar on the side panel after the initial site update, but that no longer appears to be there. I can't see an option anywhere to set a new status. And replying seems to requires clicking through a bunch of pages. This seems like a step backwards, and the previous version wasn't exactly stellar to begin with. Edit - So it looks like the "what's on your mind" thing randomly comes and goes? Weird. When it is there, it seems like it just leads to a content overview, not a place to actually add a new status update. On a different note, there's no option to use anything but a WYSIWYG editor? Where's the option for a plain text editor with raw BBCode? Does this version of IPB altogether lack general board settings?