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Everything posted by Rinku

  1. As seen in my previous post...I already loved the score, but I didn't pick up on some of the things Giacchino hid inside. Take a listen to Rebel Force Radio's Oxygen podcast - they do a great dissection of the score (imo).
    1. xander2077


      that is not surprising. continuity?

    2. Rinku


      It's not surprising, but it is cool that Giacchino worked in that theme. I didn't recognize it when I saw the movie, or even when I first listened to the score.

    3. HK-47


      Opinion: I thought the music for that one part was great. Maybe an altered Imperial March (maybe slowed) with those vocals added would have been epic. Like when Vader started throwing stuff at Luke on Bespin.

  2. Thanks for this! A great tweak to increase immersion
  3. Excited to see the in-game shots!!!
  4. Watched the movie last night (came out in China 2 days ago). Thoughts: Everything up to the final battle reeked of reshoots....Scariff onwards was enjoyable - though those stormtroopers sure do have a bad KDR haha. There was some weird, out of left field, sexual tension in the Jyn/Cassin scenes following the transmission of the plans. The CGI Tarkin and Leia were obvious; but demonstrates that Disney has an interest in growing the possibilities of CGI facial structures. While utilizing real-life costumed characters with full prosthetics is preferable, this indicates that there will soon be equally immersive CGI experiences and characters. The Hammerhead pushing a Star Destroyer, which subsequently sliced up another Star Destroyer had me laughing (#MakeTheOldRepublicGreatAgain) The Vader we saw is the Vader we deserve (and now I want a movie that is just 2 hours of Vader wrecking everyone). I agree. The whole assasination mission felt wedged into the movie. Also, it seems that with the reshoot, Jyn Erso lost whatever character development they planned and became a Mary Sue (same goes with her father) - thus making her future speeches feel out of character. I entirely disagree. I felt that Michael Giacchino did a great job incorperating enough elements to give the movie a Star Wars vibe, while also distinguishing the movie as its own story (and the first stand-alone, live-action movie by Disney). Especially considering he had four and a half weeks to compose the score.
  5. The countdown to Rogue One (in China) begins!!! Officially purchased tickets :D ….Also a neat fan-film:

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I won't be seeing until the 20th most likely. Hope it's good!

  6. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your Life Day like Uncle Itchy would :P

  7. It was rumored that Rouge One wouldn't make its way to the middle kingdom until mid-january....Glad to find out the date is actually January 6th

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. InSidious


      The Rouge Jedi were a famous order of Force-wielding makeup artists.

    3. Rinku


      Curses! Subway status updating is not smart haha

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. @redrob41 Wow that looks superb. I love it!! @Quanon I think the scruff could use some thickening/mascara haha. Anticipating the next update
  9. This will be a delightful override addition. Thanks for always providing quality mods
  10. Looking good, excited to see your work with Carth! I know you're going for the original looks, but for future consideration it would be interesting if you took inspiration from the concept art for his outfit.
  11. I know I'm late on the uptake, but I really liked this. Agreed. I think it would be interesting to see a "prequel" film that takes a similar tone. Random thought: I wonder if it could be achieved through an extensive edit and combination of the prequel movies and any fan movies that fall in the prequel era....
  12. I'm sure many of you have seen this....but to be safe, please watch the Star Wars Holiday Special in all its glory: http://www.polygon.com/2015/8/13/9147327/star-wars-holiday-special

    1. milestails


      I've tried and failed.

    2. Rinku


      Haha understandable, this is one of those things that is so bad you either can't stand it or love the awfulness

  13. Very nice! Thanks for the effort of making such great skins
  14. Love this, this is an auto permaoverride. Thanks for the quality mods SS
  15. Definite permaoveride material! This realy improves the experience aboard the ebon hawk.
  16. Very nice updates, love the work you've done with Canderous!
  17. Quick guide to choosing which type of meditation may be best for you: http://tinyurl.com/jafyat7

    1. jc2


      Breathing meditations have worked the best for me. What about you Rinku, which of the four appeals to you the most?

    2. Rinku


      I generally go with a Body Scan meditation, but will occasionally switch to an Observing-Thought meditation.

  18. Awesome! Will download, looking forward to any updates you might make.
  19. Ewan Mcgregor is interested in doing some Obi-wan movies and here's a fan-made trailer. What would you guys think about this? I would be interested to see what story would be crafted.
  20. This is super exciting news, excited to see what you guys release
  21. Deepest sympathies. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.
  22. Read the whole entry. No idea if you’re looking for responses/advice…First off, you’ve done a ton of work and for that, thank you. I too hold self-control and self-awareness in high regard, and put great pride into tasks at hand. I like to think that I have always been this way, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been able to improve my lifestyle. If I understood everything correctly, it sounds like you are going through a burn-out. When that happened to me, I spent lots of time on self-reflection, and got into meditation. For me meditation is about developing a non-judgmental, moment-to-moment, awareness (not reaching some out of body experience or whatever some people say). This helped reduce my feelings of stress, burn-out, anxiety, etc. It might work for you…or it might not, everyone gets through tough times differently. Basically, my point here is taking time to discover what relaxes you (and keeps you relaxed) helps tremendously with recovering from burn-out/preventing future burn-out. This may sound silly, but how much water do you drink everyday? One of the things I noticed while going through my burn-out was increasing my water intake drastically improved my overall mood (despite the fact that I was drinking the recommended amount of water for my body weight). I made some other dietary adjustments, let me know if you’re interested in hearing what worked. In terms of talking to strangers: Guy or girl I try to have the other person do a majority of the talking, even if I start the conversation. It’s a lot easier to stay engaged, actively listen, and get involved/meaningfully contribute when you can. Note: I’ve been out of the dating scene for a long time, so my input here may not hold well…idk. When my girlfriend and I first started getting to know each other I was kind, considerate, and caring - but not “excessively” (I feel this often happens, without recognition of it occurring). By this I mean I wasn’t more kind/considerate/caring than what would be acceptable for how long we knew each other. For instance, if something happened where she was sad/complaining and I could help: my thought process was, “Would she help me if the sides were reversed?” If I was sure she wouldn’t, I would just say something along the lines of “Man that sucks, sorry that happened :/“ If I was unsure, “Sorry that happened :/ Let me know if I can help!” If I knew she would help, “Sorry that happened, *offer help* ” Not sure if that makes sense. Basically, as we got to know each other I gradually increased levels (I also figured out we were both interested in dating). Hope this helps. Don't like sounding like I'm trying to switch the focus of the post, if you need anything feel free to send a PM