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Everything posted by aneeryrlue

  1. File Name: Duel Room Final File Submitter: aneeryrlue File Submitted: 16 Jun 2015 File Category: Mods KOTOR DUEL ROOM 1.0 FINAL RELASE ======================================================= Aneeryrlue ARK07 =============== News; -Help Dialogue at Arenabox -New funkcion at Arenabox, you can go back to Ebon Hawk -Detailed Informations at Duelbox from Enemies before you spawn they -Items rebalanced -If you copy exptable.2da its like triples the time for level up, cause so easy to level up with this mod. K1 Duel Room is a fun mod, a new chooseable gameplay at end of Endar Spire at the pod. Or on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4 Now you can join back to storyline and back. Description: ======================================================= It's a training room, a whole new module where is around ~130 chooseable duelers. You can fight for XP and Credits, and you can buy at shops items, you can become a real great dueler. Prove yourself and beat enemies. Speak with duelbox and spawn an enemy. WARNING: There are a lot of very hard enemy so play carefully, save often, the enemies are strongest from Up to Down in dialogue. How to get there: ======================================================= Simple start a new game, at Endar Spire's end speak with Pod and you can choose other way Or if you left from Taris on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4 How to get back: If you are at Duel Room go to Arenabox then you can use a New Funkcion go back to Ebon Hawk. NOTE: Don't use this funkcion if you got to DuelRoom from Endar Spire! Installation: ======================================================= Extract ZiP file: Copy goroom.mod to C:..SwKOTOR\Modules\ Copy files from Override Folder to C:..SwKOTOR\Override\ Uninstallation: ======================================================= Delete C:...SwKOTOR\Modules\goroom.mod Delete files from C:...SwKOTOR\Override\ folder --------------- exptable.2da end_pod.dlg k_htmd_dialog.dlg goroom4.ncs ------------------ Compatibility: ======================================================= This Mod is full compatible with K1R and with Other Mods, with every mods if you haven't end_pod.dlg in your override folder. This Mod Builded up to KOTOR Arena V1.1 by Talchia's Module. Includes InSidious Extreme Combat Robes and Jedi General Robes. Includes Rece Elemental Robes Premission pleased. So much thanks for Fair Strides, helped out in scripting and much more. Click here to download this file
  2. aneeryrlue

    Duel Room Final

    Version 1.0 Relased


    KOTOR DUEL ROOM 1.0 FINAL RELASE ======================================================= Aneeryrlue ARK07 =============== News; -Help Dialogue at Arenabox -New funkcion at Arenabox, you can go back to Ebon Hawk -Detailed Informations at Duelbox from Enemies before you spawn they -Items rebalanced -If you copy exptable.2da its like triples the time for level up, cause so easy to level up with this mod. K1 Duel Room is a fun mod, a new chooseable gameplay at end of Endar Spire at the pod. Or on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4 Now you can join back to storyline and back. Description: ======================================================= It's a training room, a whole new module where is around ~130 chooseable duelers. You can fight for XP and Credits, and you can buy at shops items, you can become a real great dueler. Prove yourself and beat enemies. Speak with duelbox and spawn an enemy. WARNING: There are a lot of very hard enemy so play carefully, save often, the enemies are strongest from Up to Down in dialogue. How to get there: ======================================================= Simple start a new game, at Endar Spire's end speak with Pod and you can choose other way Or if you left from Taris on Ebon Hawk speak with T3-M4 How to get back: If you are at Duel Room go to Arenabox then you can use a New Funkcion go back to Ebon Hawk. NOTE: Don't use this funkcion if you got to DuelRoom from Endar Spire! Installation: ======================================================= Extract ZiP file: Copy goroom.mod to C:..SwKOTOR\Modules\ Copy files from Override Folder to C:..SwKOTOR\Override\ Uninstallation: ======================================================= Delete C:...SwKOTOR\Modules\goroom.mod Delete files from C:...SwKOTOR\Override\ folder --------------- exptable.2da end_pod.dlg k_htmd_dialog.dlg goroom4.ncs ------------------ Compatibility: ======================================================= This Mod is full compatible with K1R and with Other Mods, with every mods if you haven't end_pod.dlg in your override folder. This Mod Builded up to KOTOR Arena V1.1 by Talchia's Module. Includes InSidious Extreme Combat Robes and Jedi General Robes. Includes Rece Elemental Robes Premission pleased. So much thanks for Fair Strides, helped out in scripting and much more.
  3. At all I agree with this. Explained answer
  4. I just now checked this, I dont see pictures of it, I will check when I reach home
  5. Okay, if I remember right it was worked for me in k2, but in k1 I can't write working attribute script. void main(){ AdjustCreatureAttributes(GetFirstPC()), ABILITY_STRENGTH, 1); } please help me, I need a script in k1 for modify attributes.
  6. Hi all, having trouble with and lucasforums, I want to get K-GFF tk102 tools could someone help me in that?
  7. aneeryrlue


    It's me.. again. I wanna ask you something So, I need a script if an NPC has died PC gets some xp. (repeatable). (and.. is it possible without dialogue file?) I tried this: void main(){ if SWMG_OnDeath(GetObjectByTag(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "sithsoldiertag3")); {GiveXPToCreature(GetFirstPC();, 325); } }
  8. aneeryrlue


    I simply got a an error named Decompiling: failure. Script is works, and I can decompile scripts but not this one, but I have to know what in that absolutely cause I'm working on a big mod. Could you try to decompile for me maybe?
  9. I would like to ask like same. In TSL, how can I make with OnSpawn script that my npc walk? I need a sample script or something
  10. aneeryrlue


    Yeah, I tried. It's failed decompiling
  11. Sorry I wrote wrong, I wanted to type, "his permission" not "your". Anyway, for now I have heard nothing from him so . . . for now, I wait.
  12. I already tried this way, but I haven't answers already right now
  13. I already tried to get the first permission, and it's both to your first question-like reply. I have all of the KOTOR tools. I just can't de-compile that script, because I got a message like this: failure (with DeNCS) And no worries that I don't know what I'm doing, Without Stoffe's permission, I will release nothing to the public.. But by the way if you could contact with him you sure I glad to hear that. About from scripts, I so-so can handle them, but often I have to see a base script for sample or something like that, I can write myself just simple scripts, but I'm working on it Anyway, thanks for the reply. Stoffe: I'd love to get your permission - it would be awesome!
  14. aneeryrlue


    Hello there, I am asking for anybody who is could help me. I have a problem - I can't decompile scripts and I have no way to do that, but I am working on a very big mod and I just want to ask someone to decompile for me a .ncs file. PM me for information. Thanks for listening! -aneeryrlue
  15. Hello, I'm a new registered member here, I working one of stoffe's mods named "Combat Simulation Arena Mod v4." I already started working out how I can make a very, very complicated and big Arena mod a few weeks ago. . After a lot of work on this, I got confused in scripting, and I just trying to trick out how could I do it my new great ideas, but possible I have to find for that an epic scripter person, So anyone who are at home in scripts, and could help me, I'd be glad to hear it because I need some help. I've already made choose-able opponents, 5-6 shops, byable party members, getting lightside/darkside points, getting credits, spending credits, training personal stats for credits and some.. I already want to make this "arena mod project" very great and big, with quests and even more, My whole idea is, its all will about fighting for credits, and xp, to beat harder and harder opponents, and gain better items/stuffs etc. I would it to be a whole playable mod from storyline, I want to cut over both from each other Thanks for stoffe for basics, and its all based on kotor 1 cantina, and stoffe's cs arena 4 mod. TLDR: If you could help me with scripts, please PM me.. -aneeryrlue