Gray Jedi Adept

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Everything posted by Gray Jedi Adept

  2. A previous post in this thread stated that Snoke is just a flake of Kyle Katarn's skin that turned evil and gain sentience. Therefore.... Fact: A flake of Kyle Katarn's skin bridged the minds of Kylo Ren and Rey and gave them access to Force Skype. Fact: It really didn't matter that Snoke was killed by Kylo Ren, being that his true identity was flake of skin that belonged to Kyle Katarn. Fact: Leia did not save herself in the vacuum of space. Kyle Katarn Force-Shielded her and gave her a Force-Nudge back to her ship.
  3. Awesome. Great job again and I look forward to the Star Forge one as well.
  4. I always found it jarring that it was the same model for every soldier, especially if I was playing as mullet man! Thanks so much for this mod. Will this also be applicable to the captured Jedi on the Star Forge at the end of the game in the future?
  5. Maybe I should just start recording now, haha. Even just for fun. If this ends up getting worked on by modders, the recordings will already be underway.
  6. That is correct. I probably mentioned it in the Revenge of Revan VO Thread. I’ve had experience and training with acting, I still do projects on occasion, nothing too major, but I enjoy doing it and hope to pursue it more heavily in time.
  7. If anyone takes on this mod, I will totally record all of the male PC lines. I don’t care how long it takes. I would love to explore Revan’s journey from being a no name soldier to realizing who he is and then to be able to alternate between light side and dark side responses would be amazing.
  8. Awesome! Still sad that Kotor II is not given the same love.
  9. I got so into this video that I was hoping Revan would walk up to her at some point to imply that "fateful" discussion they would eventually have before the Mandalorian Wars. Fantastic! Thanks for this mod!
  10. Personally, I'd like to see Bao-Dur's shield breaker animation implemented into deactivating the force fields in TSLRCM. I was just playing through the military base and after that initial moment where he uses it, you can't use it with the "bash."
  11. If TSLRCM can be done, this can be done too damn it! Don't give up!
  12. I've always loved KotOR. This is the trailer for a passion project set during KotOR era and I thought I'd share it with you guys! Enjoy! Any questions/comments feel free to share!
  13. 1. I don't like how whenever you encounter Sion and he starts to approach you with that menacing slow walk, the moment he starts speaking, his walk speed increases and it looks like he's waddling. Is this a bug? Does anyone else have this issue? 2. When you encounter Atris and she has the Exile's lightsaber before the battle sequence, she ignites it as she begins speaking and there's a slight pause before she twirls it at a very fast speed. Would it be possible to have her ignite it when she says "Let us end this!"? I feel it makes more sense.
  14. I really like the Revan canon head. Would you by chance ever revisit this mod and give him a full on beard? I tried so many other mods that had the beards included, but I was never satisfied. This one would be badass. Great work VP!
  15. Listen to Yoda's speech in Empire. The biggest point he makes that just says "no to midichlorians" for me is simply "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter (touching Luke's arm). You must feel the Force around you." That alone to me makes me believe that the Force is mystical and not biological. I, personally do not agree with the midichlorians. I always viewed the Force as something you had to concentrate on to draw from or feel through training and understanding, not the amount you have in your body like a power up handicap or level etc. But, that's just me. To each their own.
  16. Another thing to point out. I also realized that when I play as male and the masters talk about your companions, the cutscene where you hear their thoughts runs normal, but as female the cutscene doesn't play. Has anyone else encountered this as well?
  17. I don't know what the issue is, I have faith that it'll be all ironed out very soon though, all of the modders here work very hard to perfect TSL and it doesn't end here, whether I have to remove a certain mod or it turns out to be a bug.
  18. I do not have a Visas or nihilus.utc in my override, but I do have N_darthniha.tga, N_darthniha.txi, N_darthnihh.tga, and N_darthnihh.txi as I had previously downloaded a skin mod for nihilus. Other than that, no. It's this mod by Darth Sapiens.
  19. Hey Darth Hayze, not sure if this has to do with the Extended Enclave, but I noticed that since I've downloaded it, I went back and played the duel with Nihilus and when he dies, it doesn't go to his death cutscene. It just cuts to black and says that I have gained the Force Enlightenment power. Did you encounter a bug like this? I also can't get out of the blank screen once this happens.
  20. I can understand that. It's just a nit-picky thing, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Great work! Looking forward to anything you may do with the GenoHaradan!
  21. This is fantastic! Thank you for this add-on. Very enriching! I just have one issue. After Kreia drains the masters of their Force and they're on all fours, I noticed that each of their left robe sleeve is twitchy. Might be worth looking into. Other than that I love it!
  22. Okay, thank you Logan and Sith Holocron! I'll keep in touch and send you over some samples the next available moment that I can.
  23. Hey Logan, First off, let me say how awesome it is that you're taking a crack at your own version of KotOR III. I'm a die hard KotOR fan and Revan is my favorite character, so I'm excited to see more of how your story unfolds. Are you by chance taking anymore VO submissions? If so I would be interested in contributing. More ambitiously on my part, does any of the VO parts include Revan? If so, I'd like to take a crack at that. If you wish for me to send any samples, I'd be happy to do so so that you could get an idea of what I have to offer. My name is Artie Scarano, I'm 25 years old and I'm an actor from the US. Keep up the great work! -Gray Jedi Adept