Gray Jedi Adept

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Everything posted by Gray Jedi Adept

  1. Barring animation and lag, in this version I like the interaction between Nihilus and Sion. The way Nihilus growls at the discovery that Traya is still alive, the way Sion still tries to get up and confront him again before leaving. It looks like a variation of Dark Warrior's and it says Sith Holocron did it too.
  2. I just fixed it up and played through. Fantastic mod man! Thanks for restoring Dustil. I was bummed when I found out he was scrapped originally. This contributes to yet another piece to making KotOR II whole again.
  3. Okay, thank you Fallen Guardian. I did install it twice because it said that it didn't install properly the first time, but it probably did and I messed it up when I reinstalled it. I'll uninstall it and reinstall it and try again. Thank you.
  4. Awesome mod! I have a problem though. There's a bug after I defeat Kreia's vision. I can't go through the door after that. As it opens, it still appears closed and then says "locked" after I try again. Is that part of the Dustil Quest? Or do I have a mod install issue?
  5. Modified second has my vote! Great work Hassat!
  6. I have that same thing with the Sith Troopers too. Do they sound like dying beasts because they are Nihilus's soldiers and they were just supposed to be as decomposed and ghoulish like him?
  7. Yeah, I'm getting the same issue. It seems like as long as you go anywhere but the home page, you're okay for now.
  8. I agree, all should have filters. It's not that any of them didn't, it's that some seemed very mild in comparison, they just have to be amplified more.
  9. I definitely did install TSLRCM into the root folder, but I do have KOTOR2Logo.tga in the override folder and nowhere else. The reason why I have the logo in the top center instead of the top right is because it was a skin change for the loading screens, but that came way after the fact so it's definitely not the issue.
  10. Hey Everyone! I'm new here, this will be my first post. First off, let me congratulate the team for an awesome job well done on the TSLRCM and M4-78EP. I just recently completed TSL with both of these fine additions. Thank you for making my KotOR II experience more complete! Now to some bug issues. 1. I did see on here a couple of weeks ago that someone was having a protocol droid glitch where they seem spastic and jittery while engaging in conversation with them. I'm having the same issue, any news on this? 2. There are spots in the game where dialog skips at the speed of light automatically and I completely miss what occurs, though this is random and I definitely can revisit where it happens from a previous save and actually hear the dialog just fine. 3. The Sith Lords Title Box that appears in the Main Menu upon starting as well as loading screens appears just fine pre-downloading TSLRCM. However, as soon as I added the mod, the title box has become just a vibrant blank white block. Can anyone help me with this? Picture examples are attached. Thanks! Looking forward to future posts! -Gray Jedi Adept