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2 pointsSo, I've wanted to implement this idea for a while now, but only just recently actually started to do it. A module builder of sorts, that creates semi-unique areas by letting the user piece together areas that already exist in game to create their own layouts. This will allow everyone, including those without the slightest modding experience do design a layout of an area and export it to the game in a matter minutes. There is still a lot of work to be done but the basics of placing rooms, snapping them together and exporting the corresponding MDL/MDX/LYT is implemented. Here is an example of the program in its current state in action: Ultimately the goal would be to have most existing interior areas in both KotOR and TSL to be implemented into this. A list of areas include: Sith Base Black Vulkar and Hidden Bek bases Undercity Sewers Devik's Estate Sandral Estate/Khoonda Dantooine Academy and its Sublevels Korriban Academy/Tombs Endar Spire/Harbinger Leviathan Peragus Telos Residential Area Telos Military Base Telos Academy Nar Shadaa Iziz Palace Trayus Academy Hrakert Station And of course there is always the possibly of custom user-made content. The main issue is that settings up the rooms for use does take time, so depending on interest I might not do all of them. Currently I have been using the Sith Base as you can see from the screenshots above. The biggest issue is none of the rooms in the game follow a specific size convention, so in most cases, if you try set up a module that has a circuit, It probably won't align properly. Features that I plan on implementing include: Exporting with doors. Have each door frame have a door and doors which don't go anywhere should be unselectable. Exporting a minimap. This would include settings up the appropriate values in an .ifo file so there is zero setup required. Export as a MOD file, so no setup required to get them to run in game. Export textures/lightmaps with a custom prefix to allow user's to easily retexture areas that won't interfere with other existing modules. Export any area as K1 or TSL models. Allow the user to set up rooms to transitions to other modules. Some kind of intuitive and simple UI that allows players to configure the VIS file. More as I go a long. This development of course has not gone smoothly, here is a list of frustrations I noted down if you an be bothered to read them: Both the MDL and WOK files contain the walkmesh data, which seems redundant. The MDL walkmesh handles grass and camera-blocking whereas the WOK walkmesh handles actual movement and pathfinding. AFIAK both share identical geometry. I imagine this is because of certain precomputed values stored in it that change when the model shifts? The WOK ignores the position of the room in the LYT. Changing the coordinates in the LYT will shift the MDL but not the WOK. So this means the vertices in the WOK need to be manually shifted. Because of this, bounding boxes on the AABB need to be moved and face normals need to be updated. Some values which im not even sure what they are may need to be changed as well (place distances/most significant plane)? The LYT lacks any rotation property for room entries. The orientation property in the node header for MDLs doesn't do anything, even when controllers aren't present, so I'm not sure why this exists. Maybe a remnant from NWN format or the console version? The root node in MDL doesn't come with any controllers at all, I should probably check if MDLEdit is capable of this if the ascii file is modified correctly. My work around to this is to child a dummy node onto the root and have that node parent everything else. I use this node to rotate the entire model. Rooms either come with a full doorframe, or none at all, meaning I have to edit each room to have half-doorframes to make them universally compatible with all the other rooms of the same door type. More of an inconvenience than anything else really. In order two connect rooms, the geometric edge on both rooms as to 'point' to the other room's index in the LYT file. This means I have to use a combination of KAurora and MDLEdit to figure out the index of the edge that my program has to edit on export. Its an very tiresome task. There is some bug in KotORBlender that if I export an MDL then delete one of the objects, then export it again an error occurs because the object is missing. Sigh. Of course its missing, I deleted it. A quick work around is just to copy all the model into a new .blend file and export that instead. This tool is not intended to be a full fledged module editor but mainly for building an area which can be edited using some other tool. That said it will be incorporated with my All-in-one toolset (WIP) but I will most release a stand alone as well. I'm also open to name suggestions if anyone. I do also want to try create a terrain editor as well. This hypothetical tool (exteriors) would compliment the one I just talked about (interiors). I'd imagine it would have some kind of "cliffs" ability that would mimic the walls that shape modules the same of what you see on the surfaces Dantooine/Dxun/Telos. You would further be able to detail the landscape with objects such as trees/rocks. It would be technical challenge, but I'm definitely going to take a stab at it. For now, that about covers it all.
2 pointsI avoided dealing with this issue entirely by using the credited version of TSLRCM 1.8.5 on moddb.com, it seems that the installer automatically assumes you have lucasarts folder or creates one and puts the TSLRCM modded files there. https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/tslrcm-183 Ignore the link title claiming its 183, it is 1.8.5. This version allows you to choose the installation folder and fixes your problem. @LogicalPanda
1 pointAs you might know, fog is not working or at least not working properly in Aspyr's 2016 Steam patch for KotOR 2: TSL. An official fix for this issue doesn't seem to be in sight but luckily HappyFunTimes101 wrote a fix himself. To show the issue with the 2016 patch, here's a comparison between the Steam and the GOG version: As you can see, the fog is really screwed up in the latest Steam version while all other versions (4CD, DVD, gog, Steam legacy) look the same as the "gog picture". In other areas, the issue is not as visible when the fog is completely missing in the Steam version, but if you compare the two versions it's easy to see. And finally, here's what it looks like with HappyFunTImes101's fix applied: One more comparison, taken from the Ravager where the fog is not present at all in the Steam version: Additionally HappyFunTimes101 provides a completely new speed blur effect to get rid of that headache causing blur in the vanilla game while keeping some visual effect: It's a little hard to see on a still frame but if you compare the last two pictures, you can see that the edges of the screen are warped while running with Force Speed active. I really like that new effect, but it's optional when installing the fog fix, so it's up to you to decide whether you want it or not. Which brings me to the important part: How to install the fix First of all, here's the Read-Me. But I'll provide easier to follow instructions, originally taken from a reddit post by TonyKaku but slightly edited: Go here and download the contents of the Release folder. Copy them in your main KotOR 2 directory. If you don't want the changed speed effect, go to KotOR 2 directory \ shaders_override and delete fp_speedblur.txt. Start the game You should now have two folders called shaders_original and shadow_override in your KOTOR folder. Go into the shaders_original folder and open the first file with a program like Notepad++ locate the line that says "MOV result.color, r0" (second to last line usually) right above that line paste the content of the quote under "Fog Issue" that starts with PARAM p =.... Your file should look like this. Repeat this step for every text file in the folder that has the MOV result.color, r0 line (these are all files starting with fp). That can take some time and there might be ways to automate the process but explaining it might take so long that you're probably just better off doing the whole thing manually. After you pasted this into every file that has the MOV result.color, r0 line near the end, copy all text files into the shader_override folder. Launch the game, the fog should now be fixed This fix is definitely a big step forward for the usability of the Steam patch, which I always avoided due to issues like these. It's up to you to decide if it's easier to fix the fog in the Steam version or to get widescreen support in a different version but it's definitely a good thing to have this patch available. Maybe this fix can even be expanded to include the missing saber hilt textures (if that's even a shader issue). A big thanks to TonyKaku for posting this on the kotor reddit or I wouldn't have found it. To the moderators: I wasn't sure if that qualifies as a tutorial, so I posted it in the general section. If it is, please just move it or maybe just pin it so that the information doesn't get lost. Thank you Edit: I tried to apply the speed effect change to the older TSL version and to K1, but it's not as easy as I hoped it would be. The shader identified as the speed shader in shader_ident.txt just doesn't exist in these versions of K1/TSL so it can't be overwritten that way either. I assume it would be possible by editing the OpenGL32.dll file but I just don't know how to do that.
1 point
Version 1.0.0
DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our driven mandalorian, Mandalore. This texture is now 2048x2048, A.I. and manually-upscaled and incorporating downloaded textures. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. INSTALLATION Click the "Start Patching" button down below. UNINSTALLATION Move the files from the newly created "backup" folder to the KotORII "override" folder. THANKS Thanks to GIMP, wildtextures.com, Blender, KotORTool, KotORBlender, mdlops, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Special thanks to Red11BY for his Character Overhaul pack (https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1060?tab=files). Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page. -
1 pointUnhandled exception: Cannot create file "C:\Users\Myname\Downloads\KoTOR\K1R_1.2\manm26aa_tmp\arrest_player_01.utw". Access is denied (0) Seems this kind of problem is common. Anyone can tell me anything I can do to solve this problem and install the mod? I use Steam version KoTOR, Win 10.
1 pointThis will be very useful in module building in the future. While I can guess this won't let me place placeables or NPCs inside the module by simply dragging and dropping them where I want but would it be possible to use this tool to reskin the rooms/modules to be unique (Reskinning a new module with the Ahto City room/module to use the textures of the rusty Taris sewer whilst leaving Ahto and Taris alone)
1 pointThanks @jc2! Worked perfectly. I vaguely remember finding my old SWkotor II disc and trying to install TSLRCM a few years back, and then deleting it. There was probably still some old files or something confusing the installer.
1 pointIn TSL certain party members can talk to each other on the Ebon Hawk. Some of these scenes can be important to the plot, funny, beneficial to some party members and so on. In K1 we don't have this, the closest thing K1 has to that is whenever you're outside the Ebon Hawk and party members begin to randomly talk to each other halting the progress of the game in the process. My request is a mod that moves those conversations from outside the Ebon Hawk to onboard the Ebon Hawk, this will be good as it will not stop the player from doing something else on a planet and it will show some conversations that aren't really seen for example if you don't bring Jolee with you all the time you may not get to see his conversation with different party members. A mod like this will show those conversations we don't really get to see. And if someone does make this a mod perhaps make it more than just talking, for example with the Carth/Canderous war conversation Carth may be typing in the security room of the Ebon Hawk and Canderous walks in and begins the conversation "Hey Carth, you've served in the Mandalorian Wars" etc. These types of cutscenes make it look like the party is doing stuff on the Ebon Hawk and not just standing around.
1 pointHere's another one: Manaan underwater The biggest change compared to V1 is that there is no longer a ceiling where my texture doesn't work at all. So you can use the free camera all you want and it will look good. I also changed the blending of the lightrays as well as their animation so they work better now. The rotation is now slower than in vanilla, there's less color banding than in V1 and the blue background has a very subtle animation as well. The latter is hard to see on the texture, harder to see ingame and probably impossible to see with Youtube compression. But it's there and makes the background less static. Please let me know what you think. If any changes are necessary I have to make them this week before my After Effects trial license expires. I also rendered some more lightning textures for Telos to test this idea with some more variation. I'm honestly undecided on whether or not I like it, so please let me know what you think.
1 pointAs I mentioned last time, I was going to tweak the Tatooine skybox some more even though I had considered it almost done quite some time ago. The reason for that was that I had never been able to really match the skybox lighting and sand color to the ingame terrain. I had come closer with V2 than in my initial release but I wasn't really happy with it yet, so it had been on my agenda to go back and fix that. You can see that in the following image. As you can see the shadow parts of the dunes are way too dark so they don't blend with the foreground terrain at all. So I set out to fix that and now, approximately a hundred iterations later I finally arrived at a result I'm happy with. The lighting in the game is very cheaty with several different light sources creating that yellow-orange-ish light, making it impossible to replicate that with two suns and a uniform sandcolor as I had it in the skybox. I considered changing the ingame lighting for a while but that didn't turn out any good so in the end I just cheated myself. I added a third sun that lights only the ground and recolored individual parts of the sand dunes to get the correct colors in every direction. It took a lot of iterations but now I'm really happy with the result. While doing so I also realised that the skybox terrain didn't match the ingame one either. You can kinda see that on the screenshot above although it was more obvious in other places that the skybox dunes were just too small. So I widened those as well. That cause issues with the overcomplicated and unflexible way the terrain was set up. This was after all the very first terrain I ever created in Terragen and hasn't really changed much since then. So I basically rebuilt the terrain. You don't see that in the end result but it's working much better now. But I guess that's enough talk from me and you want to see some screenshots. So here you go: It's the same perspective as before but the terrain and skybox blend much better. And just for fun, here's another screenshot: That's another skybox checked off and thus almost finishing K1. Only Manaan underwater and a few fixes here and there remain.
1 pointTry to set "m_bIsBackgroundGeometry" to 1 in this nodes: trimesh Top, trimesh Side04, trimesh Side02, trimesh Side01, trimesh Side03. And then compile. Should help with visible fire, smoke and npc's in the distance
1 pointAnd another one is done! It may not be the best render but here is Dxun: The vegetation is very uniform and the mountains don't really look that great on a render like that but they work great when seen in the game. At some point I also had low clouds/haze in the valleys which looked pretty cool in a render such as that one but they didn't match the game look at all and took forever to render so I took them out again. Anyway, here are some screenshots of what it looks like ingame: I have one weird problem with my skybox model however: These fire and smoke emitters in the distance are from another part of the level (crashed ship) and are usually not visible from the landing zone. However when I use my skybox model, they suddenly show up and I have no idea why. They are not part of this model and the skybox has the same size as the vanilla one so it's not like they were previously hidden behind the skybox geometry or something like that. I have not edited the vis file either. If anyone has any idea what might cause this, please let me know. I'll attach the ascii and compiled model to this post. 401dxnk.zip Having finished the Dxun skybox leaves me with only one skybox to make: The secondary Dxun one. Apart from that I still want to experiment with the lightning and maybe cloud movement for Telos and I want to improve the Manaan underwater skybox model. And then there are some skyboxes that I still want to tweak a little (mainly Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine). Maybe some more will show up when I go through the levels again to check for any mistakes before starting the final renders. But I'm slowing reaching the finish line
1 point
1 pointIf I may chime in about the flag. I don't think it's actually the design that's the issue but the fabric texture. A hanging flag would never fold that way as it looks more like a slightly crumpled bedsheet or something but definetly not like something hanging on a wall. And the logo isn't following the folds either so that looks pasted on and thus further increases the unrealistic look. Many of your other screenshots look amazing though. I especially like Onderon. Great job on that one.
1 pointThat would be a bit of work, but I like the idea. I might take a look at it when I have the chance.
0 pointsNo placing of placeables or NPCs just simply creating area files for it BUT don't worry ill be developing something separate designed for editing modules with options to modify every aspect of it (placeables/doors/nps/dialog/cameras/ect) with 3D + 2D views included.
0 pointsHmm... I can’t wait to hear what strange shenanigans happen as a result of this. In other words... that’s just weird. Hopefully nothing breaks because I never once used the CameraID field for anything.