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About This File



This mod replaces the vanilla and/or the installed Republic Soldier texture with the new shade-specularity tweaked version.


# Background #

The way I see it; the vanilla and/or already present Republic Soldier texture lacks some shading and reflection particularly on its trim, so I thought adding ones would somehow enhance its appearance.


# About this Mod #

Inside this mod are 6 options of new shade and specularity tweaked Republic Soldier texture in TPC format:

  • [Main] New Shade for Male NPC Republic Soldier
  • [Option-1] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female *
  • [Option-2] Vanilla Version Model - Female NPC Republic Soldier
  • [Option-3] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female *
  • [Option-4] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female *
  • [Option-5] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female NPC Republic Soldier *

* Option 1, 3, 4 and 5 requires JCarter426/JC's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" to be installed first.


# Final Remarks #

There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod.


Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do!


Installation: I suggest you to manually removes any TGA/DDS and TXI instances of the relevant files [if there're any] from the 'Override' folder. And then - run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe], and hit the [Install Mod ->] button!

Uninstallation: remove the installed files from the 'Override' folder or replaces them with the files stored in the 'Backup' folder [if generated]

Compatibility: this option will be compatible with JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" as long as this mod was installed after the said mod has. With any mods that is using the same name for the assets and/or potentially overwrite this mod, no compatibility is guaranteed

Redistribution: if you want to redistribute the mod - just go with it. Though less likely I will provide supports to any other place than DeadlyStream. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to credit BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. :cheers:


  • The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod
  • BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played
  • DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of
  • JCarter426 for "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" release; as without his mod - most of these contents would not have been possible
  • Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor, and especially for making me revisit this mod for an update
  • Salk for the input to include additional before-after screenshots
  • Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool
  • ndix UR for tga2tpc
  • DrMcCoy for xoreos-tools' "xoreostex2tga"
  • stoffe for the magnificent TSLPatcher, and Fair Strides for later improves it
  • Notepad++team for Notepad++
  • All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! :respect:
  • All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream
  • All the inspiring modders either active or inactive
  • DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work
  • DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site


What's New in Version 1.1.1


  • Reconfigure the installer
  • Recompose mod contents
  • Like 8
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User Feedback

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awesome idea gonna try this ASAP. So, I might install  Main and Optional-1  options together right? 

it seems  Optional-1  file needs to replace my already existing Override's PFBBL01 texture, correct?

so the Male option alone adds some visible shading and reflection right, or just color changes/edits?

thanks on advance great release  ;)



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1 hour ago, GNihilus2 said:

it seems  Optional-1  file needs to replace my already existing Override's PFBBL01 texture, correct?

In both cases, male and female, remove the BBL textures and N_RepSold_F01 and replace with the shaded versions. The textures included in my mod are simply copies of N_RepSold01 renamed to match the other file names to avoid 2DA editing. So replacing them with anything based on the same Republic texture works.

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Many thanks, @JCarter426 for assisting me with a comprehensive answer and by providing the necessary model from the mod, which made it possible for the [Optional-1] and [Optional-2] to be featured [got to update the credits section soon though! 😁].

Yes, JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" is mandatory for the [Optional-1] and [Optional-2] installation.

And thanks @GNihilus2, hoping you like how it looks on your end. :cheers:

Edited by ebmar

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13 hours ago, JCarter426 said:

In both cases, male and female, remove the BBL textures and N_RepSold_F01 and replace with the shaded versions. The textures included in my mod are simply copies of N_RepSold01 renamed to match the other file names to avoid 2DA editing. So replacing them with anything based on the same Republic texture works.

thx for quick answer, that should do it yep. ;)

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Nice to see you back in the modding scene! This looks pretty good! And it's great that you have a compatability patch for JC's Republic Soldier fix. You two are some of my favorite modders. 

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19 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Nice to see you back in the modding scene! This looks pretty good!

Many thanks for the kind words! Very much appreciated. :cheers:


And it's great that you have a compatability patch for JC's Republic Soldier fix.

Thanks! One of my motivation is to always looks for compatibility of mine with any mods that was already served here on DeadlyStream and/or anywhere. Even more with an essential mods/fixes as one like JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1", that in fact- I also had it installed in my playthrough. I am also glad that you appreciate it!


You two are some of my favorite modders.

High praise from you there, JasonRyder; appreciate it very much! :cheers:

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glad you liked the review ebmar ;) 

so there is a shinny tweak to the helmet aswell, great, good good. yeah i agree the brightness in the chest is clearly more noticeable than on the helmets.

You bet Republic deserve this improvements ..... poor republic with all those power-thirsty sith and mandalorians all over the place    LoL    ;) 

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I loved this one ebmar though, in my game they didn't seem as red as they should be, also does it affect Trask? Because his armor seemed blue oO

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7 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

I loved this one ebmar...

Thanks, much appreciated. :cheers:

7 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

...though, in my game they didn't seem as red as they should be...

That one is deliberate by design as there are two variants of male textures inside. One is the version which seem as red as it should like the vanilla, and the other one is more of dark oranges bright oranges. I'd gather that you're using the latter.

7 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

...does it affect Trask?

It should affect Trask and all Republic Soldier NPCs/that are wearing ones, such as -


those that are on Manaan.

7 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

Because his armor seemed blue...

This mod shouldn't do anything that makes his armor blue, because nothing's blue that came with the mod. I'm pretty convinced that you have Yavin IV mod installed on your end. Well, there's no mod around that changes Republic Soldier's armour to blue other than the said mod as far as I can recall, hahah.

P.S. And if it does, you may want to remove any instance of N_RepSold01.tga from the Override, and not the TPC version [the latter format should be what's included with this mod] - see if it works.

Edited by ebmar

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Yeah, I do or did have the Yavin IV mod, did a clean install, so I just need to remove the N_RepSold01.tga to make both compatible? Because I had wanted to re-add that one, as well as Ord Mantell. I didn't know that, that one did that grrr *eye twitch* blue armor indeed! As for dark red lol, I'm nutty that way and prefer the dark red to ugh the awful orange which so clashes *steals Carth's Jacket then dyes it red and black* ;)

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13 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

Yeah, I do or did have the Yavin IV mod...

Hmm. :cheers:

13 hours ago, NikaAlexandrov said:

...so I just need to remove the N_RepSold01.tga to make both compatible?

Been a long while since the last time I use that mod so I'm not sure how far it changes things. Hmm, perhaps you can look into the appearance.2da and see row 378 which is Trask's; does its texa and texb columns appointed to N_RepSold? If yes, then it's OK to remove the TGA and leave only the TPC version [which came from this mod], but if not - then some workaround is waiting ahead, and I need your report on the said value.

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Oi to the vey, to quote Lieutenant Grenn why does the republic do anything, right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing ;) Lol guessing I'll need the kotor toolset for this won't I? What steps do I need to take?

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9 hours ago, StellarExile said:

Does this mod include specularity for the eyes? Because I think I'm noticing some shine there.

Yeah, I was on a habit applying envmap to the sclera part so there it goes with this one as well.

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This mod doesn't seem to be compatible with N-Drew's Commandos of the Old Republic mod. Tried a playthrough with both, but I encountered a game-breaking bug where Bandon doesn't ignite his lightsaber and Trask doesn't run through the door to confront him. The only way I found to fix this was to not install both mods together. 

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