
Official K1R Progress Thread

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By the way, are you going to fix the male scoundrel's DS underwear texture? Whoever has passed it through, must have been drunk... at least that is the impression when you look it in-game.

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By the way, are you going to fix the male scoundrel's DS underwear texture? Whoever has passed it through, must have been drunk... at least that is the impression when you look it in-game.


Can you PM me a screenshot, LiliArch? As it is, I don't know if the request is a bug/glitch or just personal preference. Also, are you looking at it with a clean install(no mods)? And can you send me your appearance.2da and tell me which line it is/send a savedgame with the issue texture?

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Well, I first noticed it while playing with some mod (I usually play as soldier when I want to play DS), but back then I just thought that it has some odd design in it. Later I checked the texture packs with Kotor Tool and noticed that the texture actually doesn't match the mapping of the model. It's "pmbasd" or something like that, if you want to try to check before I can get pictures (might take a couple of days). Or perhaps it's a Kotor Collection issue...

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This is an awesome project! Looking forward to all the expansions and of course the Hutt planet. If I may make a suggestion with the expansions, I would suggest including them in a separate folder along with the main mod, clearly labeled so people don't confuse the two. A readme file could explain what the expansion folder is for, and anyone who wants to install the additional ones could do so if they wish (either all of them, one of them, or just a couple of them).


Oh and please, for the love of god and all that is holy please make sure Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge, remains compatible with the main restoration mod, the Hutt planet, and all the expansion mods! Brotherhood of Shadow is just far too amazing of a mod that I could not imagine ever playing KOTOR 1 again without it. If I had to I think I would cry, it is just THAT good.

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To support SH's comment, Sleheyron (or the "Hutt Planet") has had no official announcement of whether it's being developed or not; least of all by the K1R team. 


If they happen to announce something, you'll likely see it here or on LF. 


An announcement of compatibility will be from whoever is developing the planet whenever they are; the K1R team has no control over that.

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disbeliever said he was still working on Sleheyron. Maybe someday... but yup, that thread isn't about this possible mod.

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Sleheyron's gonna be a pretty tough mod to turn out for whoever decides to tackle it. I would know because I worked on it for years and I don't have anything to show for it anymore.

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Sons of Deadly Stream and Lucasforums, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same desire that i have! A day will come when the K1R project comes out, when we forsake our families, and play Kotor all our free time; but it is not this day! This day we wait! By all that you hold dear on this good Forum, I bid you can wait until release, Men of the Kotor community!


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Finally logged back in, stupid tablet...


Okay. Sorry for all of the delays, guys. ZM90's desktop monitor crapped out on him and he had to borrow a friend's TV to transfer files to his laptop.


LDR's been busy with a normal High School Summer with his friend's and his own projects to avoid burnout.


Fallen Guardian should be back from his trip soon if he isn't already.


I have been busy. The pazaak tourney is about 85% complete, without adding in the alien VO, which ZM90 has volunteered to do. I am using a tablet right now and can't give any pictures, but I will talk to ZM90 tonight.



In addition to our Real-Life troubles, we also experienced recent issues with tools and user-error. :) Amongst them are the following:


- ERFEdit does not support + symbols in filenames (unlike KT's module packer), so the Taris Duelists' dialogue wasn't getting the right scripts checked...

- Script typos on my end because of not noticing the function calls.

- KotOR doesn't like playing Pazaak with blank dialogue in between...


However, I have identified the causes of most of the bugs for Taris and know that they are simple fixes. Once the Pazaak Tourney is done, I can start on those.

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The natives are restless, ZM90. Throw them a bone.

Bone to be thrown by Fair Strides tonight... :D







Okay, just kidding! :P However, you can thank Sith Specter for the picture...:)


Pazaak Tourney Screenshots, including the never-before-seen Holo-Roster, an idea I thought up myself when we decided to re-use the Manaan Ahto East module and I saw the open space...:
















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:D Thanks!


ZM90 helped on the initial layout and the dialogue for the Top Five and the Organizer, and then I went through and did re-writes based on the concepts of ZM's work. He originally intended for him and me to co-opt the workload, but then realized that with me doing the scripting and proofreading, I'd know more about the technical details and he might break something if he tried to work on it.


So, he decided to give me full creative license on the project; however, I have been consulting him quite often about it, and have him filling in the dlgs with Alien VO, with the exception of the Mandalorians. Them we have gotten VOs from Zhaboka on. Which reminds me, I need to contact SH about possibly trying to add "helmet/armor" filters to the VO, so it sounds like it's from the Mandos' armor...

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It really does. Nice work, you guys! :D

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Them we have gotten VOs from Zhaboka on. Which reminds me, I need to contact SH about possibly trying to add "helmet/armor" filters to the VO, so it sounds like it's from the Mandos' armor...


Pretty sure I submitted my VOs with helmet filters already applied...

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