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Version 1.0.0
This mod changes the number of troops that spawn on the Star Forge. More specifically in Deck 2 and the Command Center. Options range from Half to x10. Star Forge Horde Half - For people who are playing the game for the first time. Star Forge Horde x2 - Jedi Knight difficulty. Star Forge Horde x3 - Jedi Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x4 - Jedi Grand Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x5 - Chosen One difficulty. Star Forge Horde x10 - You are insane. -
View File Star Forge Horde Spawn Intensity Changer This mod changes the number of troops that spawn on the Star Forge. More specifically in Deck 2 and the Command Center. Options range from Half to x10. Star Forge Horde Half - For people who are playing the game for the first time. Star Forge Horde x2 - Jedi Knight difficulty. Star Forge Horde x3 - Jedi Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x4 - Jedi Grand Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x5 - Chosen One difficulty. Star Forge Horde x10 - You are insane. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/14/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- spawn
- star forge
- (and 6 more)
View File Quanons Star Forge and Endar Spire Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the Star Forge and Endar Spire sections of the game. Except the skies see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: => Submitter Quanon Submitted 07/25/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- endar spire
- pack
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.0.0
This mod will add upscaled textures for the Star Forge and Endar Spire sections of the game. Except the skies see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: =>
- 2
- endar spire
- pack
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///// 01. Background ///// Hey folks, I wanted to learn about reskinning, modding, etc. I noticed this last time that the star maps could use some tender love and care, so I thought I'd give them a shot. Here's an example of one as well as its skin as a reminder: ///// 02. Prep ///// After locating all of the model files, I wanted to first know where everything fell on the model, so I made a grid and applied it as the star map skin: Resulting in the following: I then took screen caps of various angles, locations, etc. ///// 03. Planning ///// I knew I wanted the textures to be a much higher quality as well as much more realistic. I perused through various metal textures, corroded, rusted, etc to find one I liked at still fit into the time period. I found old, abandoned trains to be a great source of inspiration/textures. Regarding the runes on the model, I wanted them to stand out much more and thought were a very cool feature that could be integrated. I made them a bit more front-and-center and added a glow via CM_Bright. ///// 4. Work Thus Far ///// Okay, enough stalling, here's what I have so far: ///// 05. Challenges ///// Lining up the indentations was very difficult and they honestly don't line up on every side. I just got them as even as I could considering the sides and hoped for the best. As you can see in the above screen caps, there's discolored between the body and the feet, though this isn't the same for every location. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. Lining up the circle piece is pretty tough, as the surrounding areas' texture is also about 40% larger so it's just a matter of finding that balance. ///// 06. Next Steps ///// Figure out what the hell to do with that base. I'm not even sure I like what's there originally. Maybe leave it blank? Or does it need something, I dunno. General seam clean-up. Retexture the sphere in the middle as well as a couple other pieces once the map opens. ///// 07. Future Plans ///// In thinking about a version 2, I'd like to actually edit the model files. I think some edges could be softened, but mostly I'd like to adjust the mapping to avoid so many repeated areas of the texture. I'd also like to adjust the lighting in a couple of places. Would I go as far as to customize it for every zone you find a map? I dunno, that's a big endeavor. ///// 08. Final Remarks ///// Well there you go. Thanks for reading through this wall of text. Feel free to leave any constructive criticisms or advice. I'm open to any and all!
- 180 replies
- 8
- star map
- work in progress
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SWEET MOTHER OF BUNNIES I got it working!! So it seems the issue is that - for whatever reason - while the Female versions of the mdl/mdx worked, it was looking for the Male texture which didn't match. So I renamed the Female texture to PMBJ02.tga and it works! (I'm assuming the Male texture would have to be used for male MCs). Man oh man lol. I'd still like a little advice on how to make it a regular option for a future game (without replacing an existing colour, I know how to do that). Success! ^-^ LadyTevish ------- Original request: Hi! I absolutely love downloading mods for my game, and I've even started tweaking a few things myself. But I seem to have hit a snag. I downloaded the gold robes from @Kainzorus Prime's K1 Jedi Robes Replacement Pack (as Don Kain) hoping I could rename the files and use that as my Star Forge robes (See picture). It's close but it's not quite right. What am I missing? I was also wondering how one would add these robes as an option for the rest of the game while not replacing any existing jedi coloured outfits. I've downloaded a few mods with new items (such as Yuthura's Gift in the Yuthura Ban recruitment mod) but I'm not sure how to go about it myself. Thanks! PS: though these robes are not an option for a player in the base game, any chance they might have an icon I could use? ^-^ This is what I get (left)
- star forge robes
- star forge
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I created this thread to bring mods for kotor 1 and kotor 2 from other sites, some of these mods will work on android and i will update every day Mod note: file attachment removed.
Now, don't get me wrong, I like the last few levels of the game just fine. But after over TWENTY times (pathetic I know) it can get just a tad repetitive. So I figured why not a mod that HEAVILY changes the last couple levels in the game? Because I couldn't mod if my life depended on it, that's why. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of new areas, new dialogue (maybe even a new ending?) So here's just a list of things that I would do myself, but can't because I'm not a modder. Warning: Spoiliops Ahead Unknown World Changes -Add Hammerhead Wreck Entrance (around corner by Black Rakatan Tribe) -Add Hammerhead Wreck Interior (basically a darker Endar Spire w/ UW Skyboxes) -Add 1 of 2 Hyperdrive Parts in Hammerhead (second being by Freighter Wreck) -Add Sith outside Temple -Add dialogue option w/ Bastila where Revan explains how he's done with the Light and Dark Side and how Bastila can follow him/her as well. Bastila calls Revan weak, swears allegiance to Malak and flees. -(Lightside Only) Add a part where Revan & his/her Party are captured by the Black Rakata and have a team of party members try to rescue him/her (something like the Goto captures Exile part in KOTOR 2) -Change "Invisible Mandalorian" Quest to where they'll only spawn if you talk to Garn -Change opening fight w/ Rakata by rusted engine -Change Rancor health to make them a bit stronger -Remove Duros survivors -Remove Rancors by Elder Tribe -Remove Plasma Vents Star Forge Changes -Add Health to Bastila in Command Center -Add Health to Star Forge Battle Droids -Add Battle Droids in Deck 2 -Change Malak killing Jedi scene as to where he's on the other side of the room and have a cutscene of Revan running after Malak while he kills the Jedi in the same fashion he does. They talk across the room and Malak activates the generators. While Revan is fighting, he casually walks out. -Change Droid Generator part to where Revan can't disable them in the room and have him fight the droids for a while until it cuts to the party outside the Ebon Hawk w/ the Jedi waiting for Revan. Revan contacts T3 and tells him he and 2 party members of choice have to get to a Computer Console to shut down the factory. The player's party fights their way through an army of droids to the armor generating console and has to shut down the factory with 50 spikes (dropped via the droids). -Change Malak meeting Revan scene in Factory where Malak is on top of the middle ramp looking down at Revan. They talk, Malak twirls his saber and he jumps at Revan. -Change Malak's Health, Strength, Wisdom and Dexterity to make him an actual challenge. -Change Malak fight where instead of having to get rid of the captive Jedi, Revan has to drain Malak's health bar multiple times and each time he does, a cutscene engages. The first is where Malak talks about how Revan continues to amaze him, calls him a fool and talks about how the Star Forge is alive. Instead of saying, "not when I can draw upon the power of all these Jedi" he just says "You cannot beat me Revan. Not here on the Star Forge". So a bit of voice splicing is required. He twirls his lightsaber and they fight again. The second time Revan drains Malak's health, Revan Force Pushes Malak and slashes his metal jaw off. Malak is enraged tells Revan he's tired of this game, uses Force Lightning and tells Revan that he has surpassed them and accomplished what they never could. He talks about how Revan is nothing and how he stand alone and They fight one more time. Malak falls, gives his dying speech and dies. Misc. Changes -If Revan told Bastila that there's no light or dark for him/her anymore, Bastila walks up to Revan in the Factory and Revan talks about how Malak was right about him/her standing alone. The screen fades to black, Revan remembers how Jolee told him that they have the choice as to where they'll take their destiny, Revan and Bastila run out the door and the Star Forge explodes. Instead of cutting to the Celebration on the Unknown World, it cuts to a brand new BIK Movie of Revan (hood and mask) and Bastila in a ship, they look at each other and jump to Hyperspace. Roll credits. Now, I'm not expecting anyone to bow to my whim and make this real. I was just babbling about how I would've liked to have Kotor end. Not everything in here was original, as I had seen some of this in a fan film a couple years back. If anyone actually DOES try to make this happen, that would blow my mind. Still, as a wise hermit told me, you have the choice of which way to take your destiny.