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Found 12 results

  1. jc2

    Train The Disciple

    Version 1.0.0


    Train the Disciple By jc2 Atton can be trained to use the force forms and lightsaber techniques that the PC learns on his/her journey, however, the Disciple cannot. At a loss for why this would not be, jc2 has undertaken an effort to rebalance this issue. Keeping in mind the sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, which set out in 2017, nearly 2 years prior to address the same issue for the Handmaiden, jc2 has come full circle. Therefore, it is the entire effort of this mod to allow the PC to train the Disciple in all 7 of the lightsaber forms, four force forms, and three force techniques. Lightsaber techniques: Ataru Form -Juyo Form - Shii Cho Form - Soresu Form - Makashi Form - Niman Form - Shien Form Force forms: Force Potency Form- Force Mastery Form -Force Focus Form - Force Affinity Force techniques: Breath Control - Beast Trick -- Force Sight The PC must have learned these techniques in order to train the Disciple on them. Incompatibilities: None so far. Compatible with Party Swap & any mod that edits disciple.dlg, because Train the Disciple does not edit disciple.dlg in any way. Files used: jc2_coms.uti, deadmerc_cont.utp (Dantooine corpses within Enclave next to Statue), jc2_disciple.dlg, spells.2da & globalcat.2da (correctly patched with tslpatcher). Installation: Run Tslpatcher See Readme for further details and information, before installing. Credits: Sith Holocron for VO splicing Deadlystream for hosting & Tyvokka for hosting deadlystream! ZYBL2 for quick explanation of lips files stoffe for the tslpatcher Jesus the Christ Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of its nature. I hope you enjoy!
  2. Hi I am new here I have a request or suggestion for a Recruitment Mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic which is the Revan one, I have a new character I suggested His name will be Corporal First Class Dak Benkins a Republic Soldier from the Endar Spire Why Dak Benkins Because wouldnt' it be nice if a recruitment mod could be made of one sole surviving Republic Soldier from the Endar Spire well I have the idea to it. for more details of his history, Born on the planet of Corellia to House Benkins, he studied at the School of Starship Engineering and was good friends with Aidus Denlin (whom was a Republic Soldier and Corporal First Class aboard the Endar Spire whom also was killed), and also a Rodian named Arod "Arrow" Renning, and a Chadra-Fan male named Vyrr Wezz, he graduated in 3958 BBY and both Benkins and Denlin went to serve in the Republic in 2nd Battalion Alpha, (so only one character as follows can be created) Dak however survived (not as my fandom goes but if it's addapted then yeah), He survived the longest and after when Trask Ulgo was killed we meet up with Dak Benkins in the corridors and he joins your party possibly in Juhani's party list spot, He does have more to his history that is, and he has the regular Republic Soldier face and also he would be the same guy from KOTOR II The Sith Lords at Telos IV at Citadel Station with a unknown Onderon Royalist Guard if you remember that, But just a fair reminder we want him to be voiced by someone maybe either me or somebody else, And yes will have it that he would follow us to the very end and be seen at the end after Revan rewarded Cross of Glory that is, So what do you think of my recruitable mod idea Character Republic Solider Corporal First Class Dak Benkins mod. He wears the Republic Armor like all the other troops in the game. He has the rank of Corporal First Class He would have a history of his childhood life origins when he lived on Corellia, with friends like Aidus Denlin, Arod "Arrow" Renning, and Vyrr Wezz, His girlfriend will be seen on Manaan Sith Lieutenant Ellabelle Blenlin, which will be an odd thing for a Republic and Sith trooper both sides both being in a romantic relationship while on Manaan, Two pics seen here Junior Lieutenant Ellabelle Blenlin is to be the only Sith Officer with freckles and also ponytail hair unlike the remaining female Sith Officers in the game, she will be Dak Benkins' girlfriend she is on good terms with the Republic and is undercover with the Sith, Junior Lieutenant Gareth Carplin is also friends with Ellabelle and only best friend second only to Dak he is on good terms with the Republic undercover, keeping a low profile, Both Ellabelle and Gareth are not to be recruitables at all but just allies of Dak Benkins of both different sides Republic and Sith, (Note) Even though I had also wrote characters Captain Hugo Gurragann and Private J'aahn Lancoln they might have to be absent because not every character is recruitable in the first KOTOR game, That's the biggest issue yet about recruitable characters if introduced then they might have to remain as throw-away characters if they survived Endar Spire and also remain at the hideout on Taris and also means remain aboard the Ebon Hawk the rest of the way not as playables, Also they're will be a few sidequests on Manaan only for his arc stories like many of Revan's party members, his arc stories include at the Sith Cantina where Duan and Viglo are, we meet Sith Officer's Junior Lieutenant Ellabelle Blenlin and Gareth Carplin whom exchange they're true colours that they're on good terms with the Republic and dont' like the Sith they're are undercover like a fulcrum agent but they're isn't a word in KOTOR called it they're just undercover for Roland Wann as double agents giving vital information to him, Dak learns that not all Sith are bad and can't all be bad at least a few, Dak and Ellabelle would go out on date and also take her to the Vistor's Hotel in Ahto City from their they talk and later before he leaves she gives him a communicator to keep in allied contact with her and also promises to take her out on a second date again sometime when the war has ended, Dak's second quest is he meets his old friends from Corellia, both the Rodian Arod "Arrow" Renning and the Chadra-Fan Vyrr Wezz, where "Arrow" is just the Captain of the New Controller, the Ebon Hawk's sister ship of the Dynamic-Class Freighter fleet, and Vyrr is the Co-Pilot of the New Controller, we only have four crewmembers with them, Navigator Nikto Salsose Vec, Gunner Mandalorian Neo-Crusader War Veteran Rokis Zuhl from Clan Zuhl an old comrade in arms with Canderous Ordo during the Mandalorian Wars, Gunner/Ships Cook Trandoshan Tshossork Augri, and Ships Medical Officer Human Female Lea Stryder are only to appear from New Controller the others are just mentioned only and Kel Dor Tol Ban, Cerean Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil, Ugnaught Montru, will not be introduces as nor Kel Dor, Cerean, Ugnaught are in KOTOR engine sadly unless created by one of the modders be a total nightmare, the humans ex-Jedi Knight Beltok Koren, and crewmembers female Yasmyn Starr, and Male Silus Riou, and Rodian Female Hii Zsa, and Twi'lek male Fawzijoz are just mentioned only, since KOTOR only has the avaliable species the Rodian, Chadra-Fan, Nikto, Trandoshan, avaliable for New Controller's crew roster, in this mission they have to kill a courrpt Duros Bounty Hunter at the Visitors Hotel named Room Moks, he and several of his thugs have stolen goods from shops in Manaan which the crew plans to buy, also Moks' wants revenge for his college's death Davik Kang on Taris, Dak, Revan you control as, and only one party member your choice of pick assists you to help "Arrow"s crew stop Moks on Manaan, they face him down and literally kill Moks at the Visitor's Hotel, after that "Arrow"s crew take the goods and "Arrow" says fairwell to Dak before going and promises him to join them again on another mission when the war ends, That is a bigger problem in the making, So we might have to just have the standalone Dak Benkins for all the rest of the Game, Also we will need a voice actor for Dak Benkins, maybe me but since I cannot post gmail account here rather it's best that I'd be messaged privately to do it and I'd need the script written of Dak Benkins's dialogue needs to be well written, and if our party member like Carth, or Bastila, or Mission, or Zaalbar, or T3-M4, or Canderous Ordo, or Juhani, or HK-47 or Jolee Bindo replies at Dak just to remember you will have to try sentice audio mix and either join words together like I seen them do it in some funny YTP videos on Youtube or of course elsewhere it can be done like some of the KOTOR machinima creators did short dailogue too, the idea will involve if we can find a way to pernounce Dak Benkins, we ought to find how to get it spelled and pernouce D.A.K for Dak and then will find a way to pernouce B.E.N.K.I.N.S for Benkins if we can combine words together thus in KOTOR it's not hard and believe me that I actually joined Bao-Dur's words together and spelled this is how I did Bao-Dur's lines to spell Caleb Deming, How to spell Deming on sentence mixing. First choose word of Dantooine or Data take Da of ta use Da for 'D' Temperate or Letting take em from Temperate use for Dem and take ing or you can use readings take the other meaning of ing then we spell and you have the word 'Deming' Another hint how to spell Caleb which I did for Bao-Dur We take the word 'Cant' shorten to Ca take Ca of nt, Let we take le we shorten of t use le Obsolete we shorten off Ob remove solete use Ob then we spell teh word and you have 'Caleb' So we spell 'Caleb Deming' That's isn't hard when you can sentence mix on movie makers for audio attempts. so they're you have it. So also try to attempt to maybe look into sentence mixing Dak Benkins for me or us fans with either Carth, Bastila, Mission, Canderous, HK-47, Juhani, and possibly that of course Jolee, or some characters will sentence mix to make good dailouge so why not give that a try it's not hard once you sentence mix for a mod. or for a machinima. Also I hope you might like my suggestion I have in mind, also since I am new for the time being I might post out four mod request ideas in the topic that could be suggested upon for future mod ideas for anyone who is willing to do them, this is my penulitmate idea for KOTOR mod creators as it's number one on the mod request list, I will leave out four ideas on the list if anyone likes the ideas
  3. Recruitable Corporal 1st Class Dak Benkins - Soldier of the Endar Spire (A Request Recruitable Mod for KOTOR I). Since I have not talked about Dak Benkins for years above end I have been talking about the potential of introducing Dak Benkins to KOTOR I, he would have a Revan Head like this guy with fair skin and dark hair but the pc head could get his eyes browned or you can keep it blue upto you, Corporal 1st Class Dak Benkins is a Republic Soldier a Corellian from Coronet City who would join you as the player of Revan PC on the run to Carth Onasi like the idea of Revan's Choice - Endar Spire Mod you are joined by Regin so like how Regin joins you the idea would be Corporal 1st Class Dak Benkins joins up with you in the corridor he is the sole survivor of 2nd Battalion Alpha after he tried to save his comrade friend from his childhood Corporal 1st Class Aidus Denlin, He joins in the Playable Recruitment Mod in the role of Juhani's place replacing Juhani, The character would travel with you to Carth Onasi at the escape pod and alongside Revan accompanies you on Taris and with the choice of Mission Vao, Zaalbar, or the choice of Bastila or T3-M4 and can join for Davik Kang's estate alongside Canderous Ordo, Side Quests they are 2 for the story on Manaan he, Revan and whatever party member is with you will assist Benkins alongside his Smuggler Friends who he knew from his childhood from Corellia, Arod 'Arrow' Renning the Male Rodian and Captain of the Ebon Hawk's sister ship New Controller and the Chandra-Fan Male First Mate Vyrr Wezz, with him are few crew members of New Controller they are the Male Nikto Navigator named Salsose Vec, the Muscles Gunner the Human Male Mandalorian Neo-Crusader War Veteran Rokis Zuhl from Clan Zuhl a old comrade in arms and friend of Canderous Ordo during the Mandalorian Wars, the Ships Cook and Gunner Male Trandoshan named Tshossork Augri, and the Human Female Ships Medical Officer named Lea Stryder, Dak's Mission would be to kill a corrupt GenoHaradan Bounty Hunter at the Visitors Hotel named Room Moks he and several thugs have stolen goods from shops on Manaan and kept some hostages preventing New Controller's crew from buying supplies, Moks' wants revenge for the death of his college Davik Kang from the Exchange on Taris, Revan who you control Dak has to also stick for the mission and one party member you got the choice of Bastila, Carth, Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee, Canderous, T3-M4 or HK-47 to assist 'Arrow's crew to stop Moks on Manaan they face him down and literally kill Moks at the Visitor's Hotel, A music for the mission of the objective is from a Lucio Fulci Horror Film City of the Living Dead with the them playing halfway Lucio Fulci City Of The Living Dead(1980)Theme - YouTube but at the scene of 0:40 verse going like it's chilled action, to 1:51 verse only. After eliminating Room Moks the Male Duros Bounty Hunter and his thugs the Visitor's Hotel is Liberated and 'Arrow's Crew takes the goods and 'Arrow' bids Dak farewell and the gang and he hopes to see him again after the war ends, 2nd Side Quest on Manaan for Dak is when he goes to sees a Junior Sith Officer named Ellabelle Blenlin a Junior Lieutenant from the Sith Empire at the Sith Cantina where Duan and Viglo are, Dak meets Blenlin and her friend Junior Lieutenant Gareth Carplin whom they exchange their true colors and they're on good terms with the republic add don't like the Sith' that well since they're like a fulcrum agent or Sith Splinter Cell who give Roland Wann vital information, Romance between Ellabelle and Dak occurs and he takes her on a date and after wards she promises a second date for him again when the war has ended since Dak has to do his own stuff, Leviathan Capture well apparently that will just be like Juhani going invisiable so that part can remain how she slipped undetected, (or have a scene where he is in the cell but convinces a Sith Guard to give up and defect fight the right cource since he is following the SIth Properganda the wrong side) Since Dak is not among the three prisoners with Revan, Carth and Bastila well Dak is a lucky man and a great guy who can slip past anything, he would rescue the others and he join Canderous and the rest to the Ebon Hawk, They're isn't much we can mention for Rakata Prime but he wishes Revan luck before the big battle that's about it, and he will appear at the Cross of Glory Ceremony as well with Admiral Forn Dodonna. So the Mod Should be a good creation and if your looking for a voice actor I can voice Dak Benkins for you since I am always avaliable remember to contact my details through Discord or Gmail to do it if I want to send Audio Files through as I like to voice the character in KOTOR Mod Iteself, Also The Mod will be a free for all uses whoever not likes to use Juhani it's entirely upto them and weather your into soldiers of the republic or jedi of the republic but those who don't wish to use jedi and smugglers or whatever whoever is a military fan your welcome to create Recruitable Corporal Dak Benkins for use since I have always liked the idea of a unknown Republic Soldier suriviving Endar Spire. Dak Benkins is equipped with a Baragwin Assault Rifle and two blaster pistols and a long sword. Regular Soldier Clothing for Revan and Republic Armor included or smugglers clothing maybe a Atton Rand outfit or upto you. Currently Dak Benkins is going to be a character for a Turkish KOTOR Machinima creator in the future who plans to do KOTOR I in future years as I am the users Writer for the story itself a long on going story. Thank you all and yes this is an update for Dak Benkins and possible future activition feel free to create the character when the time comes. Regards The Owner Colby James.
  4. View File Train The Disciple Train the Disciple By jc2 Atton can be trained to use the force forms and lightsaber techniques that the PC learns on his/her journey, however, the Disciple cannot. At a loss for why this would not be, jc2 has undertaken an effort to rebalance this issue. Keeping in mind the sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, which set out in 2017, nearly 2 years prior to address the same issue for the Handmaiden, jc2 has come full circle. Therefore, it is the entire effort of this mod to allow the PC to train the Disciple in all 7 of the lightsaber forms, four force forms, and three force techniques. Lightsaber techniques: Ataru Form -Juyo Form - Shii Cho Form - Soresu Form - Makashi Form - Niman Form - Shien Form Force forms: Force Potency Form- Force Mastery Form -Force Focus Form - Force Affinity Force techniques: Breath Control - Beast Trick -- Force Sight The PC must have learned these techniques in order to train the Disciple on them. Incompatibilities: None so far. Compatible with Party Swap & any mod that edits disciple.dlg, because Train the Disciple does not edit disciple.dlg in any way. Files used: jc2_coms.uti, deadmerc_cont.utp (Dantooine corpses within Enclave next to Statue), jc2_disciple.dlg, spells.2da & globalcat.2da (correctly patched with tslpatcher). Installation: Run Tslpatcher See Readme for further details and information, before installing. Credits: Sith Holocron for VO splicing Deadlystream for hosting & Tyvokka for hosting deadlystream! ZYBL2 for quick explanation of lips files stoffe for the tslpatcher Jesus the Christ Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of its nature. I hope you enjoy! Submitter jc2 Submitted 08/31/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. I took a crack at trying to make Deadeye Duncan a party member, but it turns out it's a lot harder then it seems. This is a request/help hybrid, not just one or the other. I don't think I'm able to make him a full-fledged party member, I don't care about voice-acting, or repeating phrases or whatnot. I just want him to actually follow me and be able to speak to him in any location in the game, I don't even care if he just repeats his dialogue the whole time. I used Darth333's Spawning Armband to first spawn him in my party, then added a dialogue option that allowed him to play pazaak, problem is, once my party leaves the cantina he stops following me and won't speak to me anymore. He'll join me in combat, he gets revived if he dies, his stats seem about what you'd expect from Duncan. I am absolutely no good at hex editing, I discovered kotor tool yesterday. If I could figure out how to make triggers I feel this would be easier. If I am unable to make him a party member, I'd ask, if at all possible, if someone else could make him a party member? This seemed a lot easier at first and I figured 1 .dlg file what follow him through-out the game, but it seems I need to script him so he'll have this responses anywhere in the game. If I need to actually make a super long script in tons of areas through-out the game, then I'd give up already, because the only way I made the first dialogue option was through kotor tool, and the only way I recruited him was with this mod: If it's easier then I'm making it out to be, please help, if there's some magic script I can put into my override folder that will allow all his conversations to work anywhere in the game AND have him follow me through-out the game, that would be great. Please and thanks. PS... Mods this was a lot of writing, so if this is in the wrong place, please move the topic instead of deleting it, thanks.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 09/10/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn our Cathar Jedi friend, Juhani into a nice Siberian Tigress motif, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Juhani. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well, unless you have some that change Juhani's appearance. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Juhani into a Siberian Tiger themed character. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered. Her Clothes also have a little additional skin/fur showing, I hated the blue parts, I thought it looked better this way. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new cold weather Juhani! ;^)
  7. View File Redhawke's Caucasian Mission Author : RedHawke 08/30/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao into a nice Caucasian skin tone, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Mission Vao. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Mission Vao into a Caucasian Twilek. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered, Missions head tails skins are located in her clothes texture and not her head... so be careful giving her clothes from another mod it will mess up her head tails... Bioware did some wierd things with the textures. Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on. The standard black under shirt was so plain, I thought it looked better. Version 1.1: Lowered Missions Navel on the Clothes Texture. New In Version 1.2: Altered The Clothes Texture and Gave Mission some Cut-Off Shorts or "Daisy Dukes" for those that remember the 80's. The original 1.1 Mission clothes texture is in a subfolder so you can use whichever one you want. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Mission Vao! ;^) Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  8. View File Redhawke's Make Carth Jedi Author : RedHawke 09/17/04 V1.0 ============================================================================ This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when you first talk to Gar and his wife Rilka (Where he says "Greetings Freind!"), Vor Zarann a Quarren Jedi will appear near the wandering Duros named Kni, Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Carth with you he won't have much to say, until you add Carth in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Carth Onasi a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, there is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Vor Zarann, Carth is going to become a Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Carth before talking to Vor Zarann as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Carth levels up then talk to Vor Zarann. Adds a new item to the game... Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes... they are upgradeable, have custom textures, and are given to Carth by Vor Zarann. Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_carth_robe - Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes (Upgradeable, Custom Texture) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And lastly, Enjoy! Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  9. View File Redhawke Siberian Juhani Skin Author : RedHawke 09/10/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn our Cathar Jedi friend, Juhani into a nice Siberian Tigress motif, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Juhani. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well, unless you have some that change Juhani's appearance. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Juhani into a Siberian Tiger themed character. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered. Her Clothes also have a little additional skin/fur showing, I hated the blue parts, I thought it looked better this way. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new cold weather Juhani! ;^) Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 09/17/04 V1.0 ============================================================================ This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when you first talk to Gar and his wife Rilka (Where he says "Greetings Freind!"), Vor Zarann a Quarren Jedi will appear near the wandering Duros named Kni, Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Carth with you he won't have much to say, until you add Carth in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Carth Onasi a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, there is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Vor Zarann, Carth is going to become a Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Carth before talking to Vor Zarann as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Carth levels up then talk to Vor Zarann. Adds a new item to the game... Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes... they are upgradeable, have custom textures, and are given to Carth by Vor Zarann. Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_carth_robe - Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes (Upgradeable, Custom Texture) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And lastly, Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 08/30/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao into a nice Caucasian skin tone, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Mission Vao. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Mission Vao into a Caucasian Twilek. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered, Missions head tails skins are located in her clothes texture and not her head... so be careful giving her clothes from another mod it will mess up her head tails... Bioware did some wierd things with the textures. Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on. The standard black under shirt was so plain, I thought it looked better. Version 1.1: Lowered Missions Navel on the Clothes Texture. New In Version 1.2: Altered The Clothes Texture and Gave Mission some Cut-Off Shorts or "Daisy Dukes" for those that remember the 80's. The original 1.1 Mission clothes texture is in a subfolder so you can use whichever one you want. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Mission Vao! ;^)
  12. Hello dear forum members! I have a dream :to use other partymember on the ebon hawk to use workbench, or elswhere in the game where is my partyleader's skill needed.I know it was wanished from the internet ,and no one can find it ,but if anyone have time and will be kind to help me in this matter i will be very happy.Please make my dream come true.Thanks and looking forward to the replies.Have a nice day everyone!