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Found 8 results

  1. N-DReW25

    K1 Loot Overhaul

    Version 0.2.0 Beta


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. View File K1 Loot Overhaul A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/03/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack Modder's Resource for: KoTOR. I DID NOT CREATE THIS. SpaceAlex did. It was intended to be both a cosmetic NPC upgrade, a loot upgrade that added new items for Knights of the Old Republic, and more. Sadly, it was never finished, but plenty of work was completed by the time the project was cancelled as these screenshots display. Since SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack was not hosted on the website, I decided to host it myself and provide an easy link to all the assets so someone can either finish it or use bits and pieces of it in their own mods. Personally, I would like the entire mod to be finished as SpaceAlex intended with the NPC Modification Pack Bonus Content, Party Member Reskins, Player Character Clothing and Head Reskins, and Miscellaneous items implemented as optional add-ons. Also, there is a fix for invisible heads for some reason, here: . Please download this too if you're using it as a mod or just using it for editing. Lastly, do not use this with K1 Restoration because it will cause cosmetic glitches such as Outcast Children looking like Mandalorians. NOTE: I just realized that I took out a few pieces of the file so it would work. I took out anything related to Darth Bandon and Calo Nord, as these additions cause game-breaking bugs. Credits: -The Deadlystream Website Team for creating this website. -SpaceAlex for creating all these assets -All the great modders and users in this community -Fred Tetra for his KOTOR Tool which makes this possible -The original creator of TSL Patcher, which makes mod installation so much easier -BioWare for creating the Odyssey Engine and this awesome game. -milestails and Fallen Guardian for providing the files themselves:!121&cid=AF290B5E544EBB56
  4. Hey guys! I'm brand new to modding. As in "first day of pre-school" new. I downloaded some modding tools from here and started playing around with them, primarily KotOR Tool. I've even made some tiny mods for TSL that actually work in the game. Where I'm seeking help is with quests that end with rewards or loot. For example - on Dantooine, when you alter the will of the dead salvager and turn it in to Zherron, you're rewarded some random items. How would I go about modifying what items a quest like that rewards the player? Is it a scripting issue? Is there a specific file I need to track down? I'd appreciate any advice or even a link if this has been covered somewhere else on the forum. Thanks!
  5. Version 1.0


    Thank you to all who have taken the time to view my content. I give permission to use my mods in any future projects with the appropriate credit. This mod was built and tested using TSLRCM 1.8.3, M4-78 EP 1.1, and LiliArch's Savegame Pack LSMGWE 1.0. Changes This mod will add Darth Malak's Armor to be found on the Chewed Twi'lek Corpse inside the Sith Academy on Korriban near the Sealed Door.
  6. View File Modder's Resource: SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack Modder's Resource for: KoTOR. I DID NOT CREATE THIS. SpaceAlex did. It was intended to be both a cosmetic NPC upgrade, a loot upgrade that added new items for Knights of the Old Republic, and more. Sadly, it was never finished, but plenty of work was completed by the time the project was cancelled as these screenshots display. Since SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack was not hosted on the website, I decided to host it myself and provide an easy link to all the assets so someone can either finish it or use bits and pieces of it in their own mods. Personally, I would like the entire mod to be finished as SpaceAlex intended with the NPC Modification Pack Bonus Content, Party Member Reskins, Player Character Clothing and Head Reskins, and Miscellaneous items implemented as optional add-ons. Also, there is a fix for invisible heads for some reason, here: . Please download this too if you're using it as a mod or just using it for editing. Lastly, do not use this with K1 Restoration because it will cause cosmetic glitches such as Outcast Children looking like Mandalorians. NOTE: I just realized that I took out a few pieces of the file so it would work. I took out anything related to Darth Bandon and Calo Nord, as these additions cause game-breaking bugs. Credits: -The Deadlystream Website Team for creating this website. -SpaceAlex for creating all these assets -All the great modders and users in this community -Fred Tetra for his KOTOR Tool which makes this possible -The original creator of TSL Patcher, which makes mod installation so much easier -BioWare for creating the Odyssey Engine and this awesome game. -milestails and Fallen Guardian for providing the files themselves:!121&cid=AF290B5E544EBB56 Submitter JasonRyder Submitted 07/01/2018 Category Modder's Resources  
  7. jc2

    Not Another Ad....

    REVANATOR'S Improved Korriban Tomb Loot Mod Ever wonder why the Sith on Korriban were spoken of as near mythical in their prowess of combat and control over the dark side of the force? Well now you will know. No. . Now you will experience some of their Hate. Some of their Power! And the force shall set you free. Also each item has lost it's dark side restriction, because you are, afterall, Revan, who has walked both the light and the dark side of the force. Tulak Horde imbued his dark side aura unto his mask, the stats now reflect a Sith Master with Revantor's mod. Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets that slew countless Sith contestors can now be held in the hands of the any force user. Naga Sadow's Posion Blade carves the dark side of the force into the veins of it's enemies, crippling their physical body with stats that actually make an impact in the game. Ajunta Pall's Blade competes against even the most powerful lightsaber as it once did during the ancient Sith times. Lastly, the two swords in Ajunta Pall's tomb are revealed to be powerful sith blades used by lesser Sith to give plausiblity to the riddle and to the craftsmanship of the Ancient Sith. This is the download link! Go and Check this mod out! This also combines well with the mod, "Upgradeable Sith Lightsaber" on Deadlystream, by GhostlyBreadbin. His mod allows you to upgrade the "Sith Lightsaber" you find to complete the Sith trial where you fight Yuthura Ban and/or Uthar.
  8. View File Darth Malak's Armor - Sith Academy Thank you to all who have taken the time to view my content. I give permission to use my mods in any future projects with the appropriate credit. This mod was built and tested using TSLRCM 1.8.3, M4-78 EP 1.1, and LiliArch's Savegame Pack LSMGWE 1.0. Changes This mod will add Darth Malak's Armor to be found on the Chewed Twi'lek Corpse inside the Sith Academy on Korriban near the Sealed Door. Submitter MVacc224 Submitted 10/05/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes